diff --git a/HISTORY.md b/HISTORY.md
index 6a8befc..469a835 100644
--- a/HISTORY.md
+++ b/HISTORY.md
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ I tried to give credit whenever possible. If I have missed anyone, kindly add it
 - New: Create `Makefile-example-mk`, a *real life* `Makefile` example, to be used as a reference. (https://github.com/tinyladi)
 - Tweak: Add `OBJDIR` to `arduino-mk-vars.md` (https://github.com/tinyladi)
 - Tweak: *Beautify* `arduino-mk-vars.md` with code blocks. (https://github.com/tinyladi)
+- Fix: AVR tools paths for chipKIT in Linux. (https://github.com/peplin)
 ### 1.3.1 (2014-02-04)
 - Fix: BUNDLED_AVR_TOOLS_DIR is now set properly when using only arduino-core and not the whole arduino package. (https://github.com/sej7278)
diff --git a/chipKIT.mk b/chipKIT.mk
index 1adfda2..19a4a4a 100644
--- a/chipKIT.mk
+++ b/chipKIT.mk
@@ -57,8 +57,13 @@ ifndef MPIDE_PREFERENCES_PATH
+# The same as in Arduino, the Linux distribution contains avrdude and #
+# avrdude.conf in a different location, but for chipKIT it's even slightly
+# different than the Linux paths for Arduino, so we have to "double override".
-    BUNDLED_AVR_TOOLS_DIR = $(call dir_if_exists,$(MPIDE_DIR)/hardware/tools)
+    AVRDUDE_DIR = $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/tools
+    AVRDUDE = $(AVRDUDE_DIR)/avrdude
+    AVRDUDE_CONF = $(AVRDUDE_DIR)/avrdude.conf
 PIC32_TOOLS_DIR = $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/pic32/compiler/pic32-tools