Using new Arduino IDE and ATTinyCore board module he need to search var
various vars not in cpu submenu but in chip. Changed the makefile in
order to search chip or cpu using regular expression.
$ARCHITECTURE is probably safe as that's usually called $ARCH.
Fixes issue #386.
Need to decide if this is going to upset too many user's who have already
started using $VENDOR - and who uses tcsh? ;-)
With this fix the `TARGET` variable is set correctly when the project directory
(or its path) contains spaces. So in this case:
/Users/Joe/Dropbox (Personal)/example project
`TARGET` will be set to `example_project` instead of `Dropbox example project`
(like it was before this fix).
Needed to fix the new wiring_pulse.S in IDE 1.6.5 which
also has a wiring_pulse.c source file.
Mostly rebased @peplin's PR #266, so should allow us
to support newer chipKIT builds too.
For instance in the Sparkfun 1.6 core, we have:
So we end up matching all 3 instead of just the last one.
Adding the = means we're looking for so
not catching the .0 or .1 version.
existing builds.
E.g. mega1280 and mega2560 previously *both* created a "build-mega" directory,
now they'll create build-mega-mega2560 and build-mega-mega1280
Only applies to 1.5+ of course, and only when BOARD_SUB is used. 1.0 will still
create build-mega2560 and build-mega1280 directories (just BOARD_TAG)
arduino-tiny and damellis' attiny85 cores don't use a vendor, but they
do use the avr architecture (subdirectory) in their 1.5/1.6 branches.
arduino-tiny builds and is auto-detected now, still needs some
work to support sub-cpu's and clocks.
damellis doesn't compile, but that's not our makefile it seems.
This is support for
The arduino-tiny project provides a boards.txt file and a whole
separate Arduino core modified to work with attinies. will now switch to that core if it finds a
'build.core' parameter in boards.txt and a folder in
$(ALTERNATE_CORE_PATH)/cores by that name.
Include files are searched for in the include search path made up
from, among other places, the -I switches given to the gcc compiler.
The . (dot) used for the current directory is not in the search
path when the IDE builds the project and does not seem to be needed
in any reasonable case. Maybe it was included because someone thought
it meant to "search in the same directory as the file being compiled",
but I cannot tell because the switch was already included in the first
commit in this repo. In any case, the current file directory is already
searched by gcc before the search path is consulted, in any case, so
this switch is not needed to cause this behavior.
Including the "-I." switch causes compiles to fail when libraries
include a header which is coincidentally named the same as one of the
user headers. For example, if the user has a Udp.h file in his sketch
folder, the compile will fail if it includes the EthernetUdp.h file.
A simple example is the examples/WebServer code. It fails if you do
touch examples/WebServer/Udp.h
make -C examples/WebServer
But it builds ok from the IDE which does not include "." in the
search path.
Similarly, HelloWorld fails for the same reason if you do this:
touch examples/HelloWorld/Print.h
make -C examples/HelloWorld
Remove the -I. switch from the CPPFLAGS directive altogether to
prevent this include filename confusion and to more closely model
the behavior of the IDE. Fixes#303.
It may also work to move the -I. to the end of the search path,
but this still would compile differently from the IDE and so it
is considered not to be a useful feature to retain in any case.
I did not add a test case here because it's not clear to me how it
should be added. Should I modify HelloWorld as described above,
or should I add examples/TestSearchPath/ with the same files
explicitly for this test? It would be clearer for me if there
was an explicit "tests" directory independent from "examples".
Subject to change during the beta phase, as its already different
than 1.5.6, also may change when packaged for Debian (usually symlinked)
Fixes issue #301
Double-quoting was added in 7618da7 to allow for spaces in paths,
that was a bad idea as:
1. most GNU Make functions can't handle spaces
2. it breaks variable expansion on Linux/OSX e.g. ~/sketchbook
3. Windows doesn't like double-quotes - see d5c7ed1
So basically, don't put spaces in your paths, as most Make functions
can't handle them, even if escaped, and its a bit dangerous when
shelling out to grep etc.
Single-quoting is no better either.
Changed RESET_CMD structure under Cygwin
Changed behaviour of get_monitor_port under Windows
DEVICE_PATH always becomes/dev/ttyS[0-9] on Windows
MONITOR_PORT always becomes com[0-9] on Windows
We currently pass the -D (do not erase) option to avrdude
unconditionally in order to work around an Arduino Mega bootloader bug.
However, this has the side-effect of breaking the ispload target for all
non-XMEGA chips, since a write operation on these chips essentially ANDs
the new program with the existing memory contents. If the memory is not
first erased to contain only 0xff, the resulting image is garbage. This
patch makes it so we pass -D when we're using the Arduino bootloader but
don't pass it when we're using ISP directly.
- Add support for 1.5.x library layout.
- Allow using Arduino 1.5.x platform specific system libraries.
Arduino 1.5.x has additional directories for platform (vendor/architecture)
specific libraries - look there when searching for libraries.