#!/usr/bin/env python """ Arduino-mk Makefile and project initialiser This script can be used in its basic form create a project specific Makefile for use with Arduino-mk. Addionally, it can be used to create a template Arduino source file and a traditional boilerplate project file structure. Example: * Run prompted within current working directory (requires Clint): `ardmk-init --cli` * Create Arduino Uno Makefile (useful within a library example): `ardmk-init -b uno` * Create boilerplate Arduino Uno project in current working directory of same name: `ardmk-init -b uno --project` * Create Arduino-mk nano Makefile in current working directory with template .ino: `ardmk-init -b nano -u atmega328 -tn my-project` See `armk-init --help` for CLI arguments """ from __future__ import print_function import os import argparse ## Global Vars VERSION = "1.2" ARD_TEMPLATE = "\n\ #include <Arduino.h>\n\ #include <Wire.h>\n\ \n\ \n\ void setup() {\n\ }\n\ \n\ void loop() {\n\ }\n\ " ## Command Parser PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='ardmk-init', description='Arduino Makefile and boilerplate project generator.\ For use with Ard-Makefile: https://github.com/sudar/Arduino-Makefile.\ Script created by John Whittington https://github.com/tuna-f1sh 2017\ \n\nVersion: ' + VERSION) PARSER.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="print file contents during creation") PARSER.add_argument('-d', '--directory', default=os.getcwd(), help='directory to run generator, default cwd') PARSER.add_argument('-b', '--board', default='uno', help='board tag') PARSER.add_argument('-u', '--micro', default='AUTO', help='microcontroller on board') PARSER.add_argument('-f', '--freq', default='AUTO', help='clock frequency') PARSER.add_argument('-p', '--port', default='AUTO', help='monitor port') PARSER.add_argument('-n', '--name', default=os.path.basename(os.getcwd()), help='project name') PARSER.add_argument('-s', '--sam', action='store_true', help='sam device, will include Sam.mk rather than Arduino.mk') PARSER.add_argument('--cli', action='store_true', help='run with user prompts (requires "Clint" module), rather than args') PARSER.add_argument('-P', '--project', action='store_true', help='create boilerplate project with src, lib and bin folder structure') PARSER.add_argument('-t', '--template', action='store_true', help='create bare minimum Arduino source file') PARSER.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s '+ VERSION) ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() try: from clint.textui import prompt, validators except ImportError: if ARGS.cli: print("Python module 'clint' is required for running prompted. Install the module or run with arguments only") quit() def generate_makefile(): """ Generate the Makefile content using prompts or parsed arguments """ # Header file_content = "# Generated by ard-make version " + VERSION + "\n\n" # Basic if ARGS.cli: print("Generating Arduino Ard-Makefile project in " + os.path.abspath(ARGS.directory)) btag = prompt.query('Board tag?', default='uno') if btag != 'uno': bsub = prompt.query('Board sub micro?', default='atmega328') f_cpu = prompt.query('Board frequency', default='16000000L') else: bsub = 'AUTO' f_cpu = 'AUTO' monitor_port = prompt.query('Arduino port?', default='AUTO') else: btag = ARGS.board bsub = ARGS.micro f_cpu = ARGS.freq monitor_port = ARGS.port file_content += check_define('BOARD_TAG', btag) file_content += check_define('BOARD_SUB', bsub) file_content += check_define('F_CPU', f_cpu) file_content += check_define('MONITOR_PORT', monitor_port) # Extended if ARGS.cli: if not prompt.yn('Extended options?', default='n'): if not prompt.yn('Define local folders?', default='n'): src_dir = prompt.query('Sources folder (Makefile will be created here)?', default='', validators=[]) userlibs = prompt.query('Library folder (will create if does not exist) - AUTO is Sketchbook directory?', default='AUTO', validators=[]) obj_dir = prompt.query('Output directory?', default='AUTO', validators=[]) else: src_dir = '' userlibs = 'AUTO' obj_dir = 'AUTO' boards_txt = prompt.query('Boards file?', default='AUTO') isp_prog = prompt.query('ISP programmer?', default='atmelice_isp') isp_port = prompt.query('ISP port?', default='AUTO') if not prompt.yn('Quiet make?', default='n'): file_content += "ARDUINO_QUIET = 1\n" file_content += check_define('ISP_PROG', isp_prog) file_content += check_define('ISP_PORT', isp_port) file_content += check_define('BOARDS_TXT', boards_txt) # Check andd create folders check_create_folder(src_dir) check_create_folder(userlibs) check_create_folder(obj_dir) # Makefile will be in src_dir so lib and bin must be relative if src_dir: userlibs = "../" + userlibs obj_dir = "../" + obj_dir file_content += check_define('USER_LIB_PATH', userlibs) file_content += check_define('OBJDIR', obj_dir) else: src_dir = '' if ARGS.template or not prompt.yn('Create template Arduino source?', default='n'): source_filename = prompt.query('Name of project?', default=os.path.basename(os.getcwd())) if src_dir: write_template(src_dir + "/" + source_filename) else: write_template(source_filename) file_content += check_define('TARGET', source_filename) else: if ARGS.project: src_dir = 'src' userlibs = 'lib' obj_dir = 'bin' else: src_dir = '' userlibs = 'AUTO' obj_dir = 'AUTO' # Check andd create folders check_create_folder(src_dir) check_create_folder(userlibs) check_create_folder(obj_dir) # Makefile will be in src_dir so lib and bin must be relative if src_dir: userlibs = "../" + userlibs obj_dir = "../" + obj_dir file_content += check_define('USER_LIB_PATH', userlibs) file_content += check_define('OBJDIR', obj_dir) if ARGS.project or ARGS.template: if src_dir: write_template(src_dir + "/" + ARGS.name) else: write_template(ARGS.name) file_content += check_define('TARGET', ARGS.name) if not "ARDMK_DIR" in os.environ: if not ARGS.cli: print("Warning: ARDMK_DIR environment variable not defined. \ Must be defined for Makefile to work") else: ardmk = prompt.query('Arduino Makefile path?', default='/usr/share/arduino', validators=[validators.PathValidator()]) ardmk = "ARDMK_DIR := " + ardmk + "\n" if ARGS.sam: file_content += "\ninclude $(ARDMK_DIR)/Sam.mk" else: file_content += "\ninclude $(ARDMK_DIR)/Arduino.mk" # Add forward slash if source directory exists if src_dir: write_to_makefile(file_content, (src_dir + "/")) else: write_to_makefile(file_content, "") return file_content def write_to_makefile(file_content, path): """ Write the Makefile file """ makefile = open(path + "Makefile", 'w') print("Writing Makefile...") if ARGS.verbose: print(file_content) makefile.write(file_content) makefile.close() def write_template(filename): """ Write template Arduino .ino source """ print("Writing " + os.path.abspath(filename) + ".ino...") if os.path.isfile(filename + '.ino'): if not ARGS.cli: print(filename + '.ino' + ' already exists! Stopping.') return print(filename + '.ino' + ' already exists! Overwrite?') if prompt.yn('Continue?', default='n'): return src = open((filename + ".ino"), 'w') if ARGS.verbose: print(ARD_TEMPLATE) src.write("/* Project: " + filename + " */\n" + ARD_TEMPLATE) src.close() def check_create_folder(folder): """ Check if folder exists and make it if it doesn't and hasn't been set to AUTO """ if folder and not folder == 'AUTO': if not os.path.exists(folder): print("Creating " + os.path.abspath(folder) + " folder") os.makedirs(folder) def check_define(define, user): """ Check whether user has set define and return Makefile formatted string if they have """ # Return is empty unless user has passed value string = "" # Set define only if not empty or set to AUTO if user and not user == 'AUTO': string = define + " = " + user + "\n" return string def check_args(): """ Check input args will work with Makefile """ # Micro should be defined for non uno boards if ARGS.board != 'uno' and ARGS.micro == 'AUTO': print('\n!!! Warning: --micro should be defined and not left AUTO for non-Uno boards\n') if __name__ == '__main__': # Create directory if not exist check_create_folder(ARGS.directory) # Check input args check_args() # Change to dir so all commands are run relative os.chdir(ARGS.directory) if os.path.isfile('Makefile'): if not ARGS.cli: print('Makefile in ' + os.path.abspath(ARGS.directory) + ' already exists! Please remove before generating. Stopping.') quit() # Confirm with user if not quiet mode print('Makefile in ' + os.path.abspath(ARGS.directory) + ' already exists! Overwrite?') if prompt.yn('Continue?', default='n'): quit() # Run it generate_makefile()