######################################################################## # # Support for Teensy 3.x boards # # https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/ # # You must install teensyduino for this Makefile to work: # # http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensyduino.html # # Copyright (C) 2014 Jeremy Shaw <jeremy@n-heptane.com> based on # work that is copyright Sudar, Nicholas Zambetti, David A. Mellis # & Hernando Barragan. # # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Adapted from Arduino 0011 Makefile by M J Oldfield # # Original Arduino adaptation by mellis, eighthave, oli.keller # # Refer to HISTORY.md file for complete history of changes # ######################################################################## ifndef ARDMK_DIR ARDMK_DIR := $(realpath $(dir $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))) endif # include Common.mk now we know where it is include $(ARDMK_DIR)/Common.mk VENDOR = teensy ARDUINO_CORE_PATH = $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/teensy/cores/teensy3 BOARDS_TXT = $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/$(VENDOR)/boards.txt ifndef F_CPU F_CPU=96000000 endif ifndef PARSE_TEENSY # result = $(call READ_BOARD_TXT, 'boardname', 'parameter') PARSE_TEENSY = $(shell grep -v "^\#" "$(BOARDS_TXT)" | grep $(1).$(2) | cut -d = -f 2,3 ) endif ARCHITECTURE = $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.architecture) AVR_TOOLS_DIR = $(call dir_if_exists,$(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/tools/$(ARCHITECTURE)) ######################################################################## # command names ifndef CC_NAME CC_NAME := $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.command.gcc) ifndef CC_NAME CC_NAME := arm-none-eabi-gcc else $(call show_config_variable,CC_NAME,[COMPUTED]) endif endif ifndef CXX_NAME CXX_NAME := $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.command.g++) ifndef CXX_NAME CXX_NAME := arm-none-eabi-g++ else $(call show_config_variable,CXX_NAME,[COMPUTED]) endif endif ifndef AS_NAME AS_NAME := $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.command.as) ifndef AS_NAME AS_NAME := arm-none-eabi-gcc-as else $(call show_config_variable,AS_NAME,[COMPUTED]) endif endif ifndef OBJCOPY_NAME OBJCOPY_NAME := $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.command.objcopy) ifndef OBJCOPY_NAME OBJCOPY_NAME := arm-none-eabi-objcopy else $(call show_config_variable,OBJCOPY_NAME,[COMPUTED]) endif endif ifndef OBJDUMP_NAME OBJDUMP_NAME := $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.command.objdump) ifndef OBJDUMP_NAME OBJDUMP_NAME := arm-none-eabi-objdump else $(call show_config_variable,OBJDUMP_NAME,[COMPUTED]) endif endif ifndef AR_NAME AR_NAME := $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.command.ar) ifndef AR_NAME AR_NAME := arm-none-eabi-ar else $(call show_config_variable,AR_NAME,[COMPUTED]) endif endif ifndef SIZE_NAME SIZE_NAME := $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.command.size) ifndef SIZE_NAME SIZE_NAME := arm-none-eabi-size else $(call show_config_variable,SIZE_NAME,[COMPUTED]) endif endif ifndef NM_NAME NM_NAME := $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.command.nm) ifndef NM_NAME NM_NAME := arm-none-eabi-gcc-nm else $(call show_config_variable,NM_NAME,[COMPUTED]) endif endif # processor stuff ifndef MCU MCU := $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.cpu) endif ifndef MCU_FLAG_NAME MCU_FLAG_NAME=mcpu endif ######################################################################## # FLAGS CPPFLAGS += -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH -DUSB_SERIAL CPPFLAGS += $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.option) CXXFLAGS += $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.cppoption) ifeq ("$(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.gnu0x)","true") CXXFLAGS_STD += -std=gnu++0x endif ifeq ("$(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.elide_constructors)", "true") CXXFLAGS += -felide-constructors endif LDFLAGS += $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.linkoption) $(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.additionalobject) ifneq ("$(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.linkscript)",) LDFLAGS += -T$(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/$(call PARSE_TEENSY,$(BOARD_TAG),build.linkscript) endif ######################################################################## # some fairly odd settings so that 'make upload' works # # may require additional patches for Windows support do_upload: override get_monitor_port="" AVRDUDE=@true RESET_CMD = nohup $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/tools/teensy_post_compile -board=$(BOARD_TAG) -tools=$(abspath $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/tools) -path=$(abspath $(OBJDIR)) -file=$(TARGET) > /dev/null ; $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/tools/teensy_reboot ######################################################################## # automatially include Arduino.mk for the user include $(ARDMK_DIR)/Arduino.mk