# Cheatsheet Repository 📚 This repository contains various cybersecurity related cheat sheets for reference. ## Contents 🗂 - [Aircrack-ng](Aircrack-ng.md) - Cheatsheet for using Aircrack-ng to audit wireless networks. 📡 - [Bettercap](bettercap-cheatsheet.md) - Commands for network reconnaissance, sniffing, ARP spoofing, MITM attacks with Bettercap. 🕵️ - [GPG](GPG_Cheatsheet.md) - Commands for GPG encryption, decryption, key management, and more. 🔐 - [Hashcat](hashcat_cheatsheet.md) - Useful Hashcat commands and examples for password cracking. 🔑 - [John the Ripper](JtR_cheatsheet.md) - John the Ripper cheatsheet for dictionary attacks, brute forcing, tips and tricks. 💉 - [Nmap](nmap-cheatsheet.md) - Cheatsheet for Nmap scanning and scripting. 🖥️ - [Reformat USB](Reformat_USB.md) - Steps for reformatting a USB drive on Linux and Windows. 💽 - [WiFi Handshake](Wi-Fi_handshake_capture_cheatsheet.md) - Capturing and cracking WiFi handshakes. 🤝 These cheat sheets contain commonly used commands and syntax for pentesting tools. They can be used as a quick reference when conducting security assessments and wireless network audits. The goal is to have a centralized repository to refer to during engagements. Feel free to contribute any additional cheat sheets! 😃