You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package fleprocess
Copyright © 2020 Jean-Marc Meessen, ON4KJM <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import (
func TestValidateWwff(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
inputStr string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
wantRef string
wantErrorMsg string
"Good ref (simple)",
args{inputStr: "onff-0258"},
"ONFF-0258", "",
"Good ref (single digit country)",
args{inputStr: "fff-0258"},
"FFF-0258", "",
"Good ref (Numerical country)",
args{inputStr: "4xff-0258"},
"4XFF-0258", "",
"Bad ref (no country prefix)",
args{inputStr: "ff-0258"},
"*FF-0258", "[FF-0258] is an invalid WWFF reference",
"Bad ref (wrong separator)",
args{inputStr: "gff/0258"},
"*GFF/0258", "[GFF/0258] is an invalid WWFF reference",
"Bad ref (reference too short)",
args{inputStr: "onff-258"},
"*ONFF-258", "[ONFF-258] is an invalid WWFF reference",
"Bad ref (no country prefix)",
args{inputStr: "onff-02589"},
"*ONFF-02589", "[ONFF-02589] is an invalid WWFF reference",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
gotRef, gotErrorMsg := ValidateWwff(tt.args.inputStr)
if gotRef != tt.wantRef {
t.Errorf("ValidateWwff() gotRef = %v, want %v", gotRef, tt.wantRef)
if gotErrorMsg != tt.wantErrorMsg {
t.Errorf("ValidateWwff() gotErrorMsg = %v, want %v", gotErrorMsg, tt.wantErrorMsg)
func TestValidateSota(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
inputStr string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
wantRef string
wantErrorMsg string
"Good ref (simple)",
args{inputStr: "on/ON-001"},
"ON/ON-001", "",
"Good ref (single digit prefix)",
args{inputStr: "g/ON-001"},
"G/ON-001", "",
"Good ref (numerical prefix)",
args{inputStr: "4x/ON-001"},
"4X/ON-001", "",
"Good ref (american style)",
args{inputStr: "w4z/ON-001"},
"W4Z/ON-001", "",
"Bad ref (long prefix)",
args{inputStr: "xxxx/ON-001"},
"*XXXX/ON-001", "[XXXX/ON-001] is an invalid SOTA reference",
"Bad ref (missing slash)",
args{inputStr: "on ON-001"},
"*ON ON-001", "[ON ON-001] is an invalid SOTA reference",
"Bad ref (numerical region)",
args{inputStr: "on/9N-001"},
"*ON/9N-001", "[ON/9N-001] is an invalid SOTA reference",
"Bad ref (too long region)",
args{inputStr: "on/ONA-001"},
"*ON/ONA-001", "[ON/ONA-001] is an invalid SOTA reference",
"Bad ref (no dash)",
args{inputStr: "on/ON/001"},
"*ON/ON/001", "[ON/ON/001] is an invalid SOTA reference",
"Bad ref (number too short)",
args{inputStr: "on/ON-01"},
"*ON/ON-01", "[ON/ON-01] is an invalid SOTA reference",
"Bad ref (Number too long)",
args{inputStr: "on/ON-9001"},
"*ON/ON-9001", "[ON/ON-9001] is an invalid SOTA reference",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
gotRef, gotErrorMsg := ValidateSota(tt.args.inputStr)
if gotRef != tt.wantRef {
t.Errorf("ValidateSota() gotRef = %v, want %v", gotRef, tt.wantRef)
if gotErrorMsg != tt.wantErrorMsg {
t.Errorf("ValidateSota() gotErrorMsg = %v, want %v", gotErrorMsg, tt.wantErrorMsg)
func TestValidateCall(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
sign string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
wantCall string
wantErrorMsg string
"Good call (simple)",
args{sign: "on4kjm"},
"ON4KJM", "",
"Good call (suffix)",
args{sign: "on4kjm/p"},
"ON4KJM/P", "",
"Good call (prefix only)",
args{sign: "DL/on4KJm"},
"DL/ON4KJM", "",
"Good call (prefix and suffix)",
args{sign: "DL/on4KJm/p"},
"DL/ON4KJM/P", "",
"Good call (Numerical prefix)",
args{sign: "4x/on4KJm/p"},
"4X/ON4KJM/P", "",
"Good call (prefix and long suffix)",
args{sign: "DL/on4KJm/qrpp "},
"Valid prefix (issue #2)",
args{sign: "e7/z35m/p"},
"E7/Z35M/P", "",
"Valid E7 callsign (issue #2)",
args{sign: "e7xyz"},
"E7XYZ", "",
//*** Error cases *****
"Pure junk passed",
args{sign: "aaaaaa"},
"*AAAAAA", "[AAAAAA] is an invalid call",
"empty string",
args{sign: ""},
"*", "[] is an invalid call",
"string with spaces",
args{sign: " "},
"*", "[] is an invalid call",
"invalid prefix",
args{sign: "xyz4/on4kjm"},
"*XYZ4/ON4KJM", "[XYZ4] is an invalid prefix",
"Too many /",
args{sign: "F/on4kjm/p/x"},
"*F/ON4KJM/P/X", "[F/ON4KJM/P/X] is invalid: too many '/'",
"signe /",
args{sign: "/"},
"*/", "[] is an invalid call",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
gotCall, gotErrorMsg := ValidateCall(tt.args.sign)
if gotCall != tt.wantCall {
t.Errorf("ValidateCall() gotCall = %v, want %v", gotCall, tt.wantCall)
if gotErrorMsg != tt.wantErrorMsg {
t.Errorf("ValidateCall() gotErrorMsg = %v, want %v", gotErrorMsg, tt.wantErrorMsg)
func TestValidateDate(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
inputStr string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
wantRef string
wantErrorMsg string
"Good date (simple)",
args{inputStr: "2020-06-10"},
"2020-06-10", "",
// {
// "Good date (extrapolate, different delimiter)",
// args{ inputStr: "16-2-1", },
// "2020-06-10", "",
// },
"Bad date (simple)",
args{inputStr: "2020-13-10"},
"*2020-13-10", "parsing time \"2020-13-10\": month out of range",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
gotRef, gotErrorMsg := ValidateDate(tt.args.inputStr)
if gotRef != tt.wantRef {
t.Errorf("ValidateDate() gotRef = %v, want %v", gotRef, tt.wantRef)
if gotErrorMsg != tt.wantErrorMsg {
t.Errorf("ValidateDate() gotErrorMsg = %v, want %v", gotErrorMsg, tt.wantErrorMsg)
func TestIsBand(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
inputStr string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
wantResult bool
wantLowerLimit float64
wantUpperLimit float64
wantAltBandName string
"invalid band",
args{inputStr: "zzzz"},
false, 0, 0, "",
"valid band",
args{inputStr: "40m"},
true, 7.0, 7.3, "7MHz",
"valid band but uppercase",
args{inputStr: "40M"},
true, 7.0, 7.3, "7MHz",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
gotResult, gotLowerLimit, gotUpperLimit, gotAltBandName := IsBand(tt.args.inputStr)
if gotResult != tt.wantResult {
t.Errorf("IsBand() gotResult = %v, want %v", gotResult, tt.wantResult)
if gotLowerLimit != tt.wantLowerLimit {
t.Errorf("IsBand() gotLowerLimit = %v, want %v", gotLowerLimit, tt.wantLowerLimit)
if gotUpperLimit != tt.wantUpperLimit {
t.Errorf("IsBand() gotUpperLimit = %v, want %v", gotUpperLimit, tt.wantUpperLimit)
if gotAltBandName != tt.wantAltBandName {
t.Errorf("IsBand() gotAltBandName = %v, want %v", gotAltBandName, tt.wantAltBandName)