To start and execute the `<FLEcli command>` use : `docker run --rm -i --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v "$(pwd)":/FLEcli_data on4kjm/flecli <FLEcli command>`. If no command is specified, help is displayed.
This bash script (MAC OS or Linux) will do the trick:
CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g)
docker run --rm -t --user ${CURRENT_UID} -v "$(pwd)":/FLEcli_data on4kjm/flecli:latest "$@"
By creating an alias like here after, this command can be called from everywhere. `alias FLEcli="~/myDir/"`. To use it, type `FLEcli version` for example.
Note, this doesn't work with the SCRATCH image. You need to use the Alpine base image. Anyway, if you want to enter the container, you know what I am talking about.
*`docker run --rm -i -v "$(pwd)":/FLEcli_data --entrypoint /bin/sh on4kjm/flecli`