You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

327 lines
9.8 KiB

package fleprocess
Copyright © 2020 Jean-Marc Meessen, ON4KJM <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import (
//LoadFile FIXME
//returns nill if failure to process
func LoadFile(inputFilename string, isInterpolateTime bool) (filleFullLog []LogLine, isProcessedOK bool) {
file, err := os.Open(inputFilename)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed opening file: %s", err)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
var txtlines []string
for scanner.Scan() {
txtlines = append(txtlines, scanner.Text())
if error := scanner.Err(); error != nil {
regexpLineComment, _ := regexp.Compile("^[[:blank:]]*#")
regexpOnlySpaces, _ := regexp.Compile("^\\s+$")
regexpSingleMultiLineComment, _ := regexp.Compile("^[[:blank:]]*{.+}$")
regexpStartMultiLineComment, _ := regexp.Compile("^[[:blank:]]*{")
regexpEndMultiLineComment, _ := regexp.Compile("}$")
regexpHeaderMyCall, _ := regexp.Compile("(?i)^mycall ")
regexpHeaderOperator, _ := regexp.Compile("(?i)^operator ")
regexpHeaderMyWwff, _ := regexp.Compile("(?i)^mywwff ")
regexpHeaderMySota, _ := regexp.Compile("(?i)^mysota ")
regexpHeaderQslMsg, _ := regexp.Compile("(?i)^qslmsg ")
regexpHeaderNickname, _ := regexp.Compile("(?i)^nickname ")
regexpHeaderDate, _ := regexp.Compile("(?i)^date ")
headerMyCall := ""
headerOperator := ""
headerMyWWFF := ""
headerMySOTA := ""
headerQslMsg := ""
headerNickname := ""
headerDate := ""
lineCount := 0
wrkTimeBlock := InferTimeBlock{}
missingTimeBlockList := []InferTimeBlock{}
var isInMultiLine = false
var cleanedInput []string
var errorLog []string
var previousLogLine LogLine
fullLog := []LogLine{}
//Loop through all the stored lined
for _, eachline := range txtlines {
// ****
// ** Lets do some house keeping first by droping the unecessary lines
// ****
//Skip the line if it starts with "#"
if regexpLineComment.MatchString(eachline) {
//Skip if line is empty or blank
if (len(eachline) == 0) || (regexpOnlySpaces.MatchString(eachline)) {
// Process multi-line comments
if regexpStartMultiLineComment.MatchString(eachline) {
//Single-line "multi-line" coment
if regexpSingleMultiLineComment.MatchString(eachline) {
isInMultiLine = true
if isInMultiLine {
if regexpEndMultiLineComment.MatchString(eachline) {
isInMultiLine = false
// ****
// ** Process the Header block
// ****
//My Call
if regexpHeaderMyCall.MatchString(eachline) {
errorMsg := ""
myCallList := regexpHeaderMyCall.Split(eachline, -1)
if len(strings.TrimSpace(myCallList[1])) > 0 {
headerMyCall, errorMsg = ValidateCall(strings.TrimSpace(myCallList[1]))
cleanedInput = append(cleanedInput, fmt.Sprintf("My call: %s", headerMyCall))
if len(errorMsg) != 0 {
errorLog = append(errorLog, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid myCall at line %d: %s (%s)", lineCount, myCallList[1], errorMsg))
//If there is no data after the marker, we just skip the data.
if regexpHeaderOperator.MatchString(eachline) {
errorMsg := ""
myOperatorList := regexpHeaderOperator.Split(eachline, -1)
if len(strings.TrimSpace(myOperatorList[1])) > 0 {
headerOperator, errorMsg = ValidateCall(strings.TrimSpace(myOperatorList[1]))
cleanedInput = append(cleanedInput, fmt.Sprintf("Operator: %s", headerOperator))
if len(errorMsg) != 0 {
errorLog = append(errorLog, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Operator at line %d: %s (%s)", lineCount, myOperatorList[1], errorMsg))
//If there is no data after the marker, we just skip the data.
// My WWFF
if regexpHeaderMyWwff.MatchString(eachline) {
errorMsg := ""
myWwffList := regexpHeaderMyWwff.Split(eachline, -1)
if len(strings.TrimSpace(myWwffList[1])) > 0 {
headerMyWWFF, errorMsg = ValidateWwff(strings.TrimSpace(myWwffList[1]))
cleanedInput = append(cleanedInput, fmt.Sprintf("My WWFF: %s", headerMyWWFF))
if len(errorMsg) != 0 {
errorLog = append(errorLog, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid \"My WWFF\" at line %d: %s (%s)", lineCount, myWwffList[1], errorMsg))
//If there is no data after the marker, we just skip the data.
//My Sota
if regexpHeaderMySota.MatchString(eachline) {
errorMsg := ""
mySotaList := regexpHeaderMySota.Split(eachline, -1)
if len(strings.TrimSpace(mySotaList[1])) > 0 {
headerMySOTA, errorMsg = ValidateSota(strings.TrimSpace(mySotaList[1]))
cleanedInput = append(cleanedInput, fmt.Sprintf("My Sota: %s", headerMySOTA))
if len(errorMsg) != 0 {
errorLog = append(errorLog, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid \"My SOTA\" at line %d: %s (%s)", lineCount, mySotaList[1], errorMsg))
//If there is no data after the marker, we just skip the data.
//QSL Message
if regexpHeaderQslMsg.MatchString(eachline) {
myQslMsgList := regexpHeaderQslMsg.Split(eachline, -1)
if len(myQslMsgList[1]) > 0 {
headerQslMsg = myQslMsgList[1]
cleanedInput = append(cleanedInput, fmt.Sprintf("QSL Message: %s", headerQslMsg))
//If there is no data after the marker, we just skip the data.
if regexpHeaderNickname.MatchString(eachline) {
myNicknameList := regexpHeaderNickname.Split(eachline, -1)
if len(strings.TrimSpace(myNicknameList[1])) > 0 {
headerNickname = strings.TrimSpace(myNicknameList[1])
cleanedInput = append(cleanedInput, fmt.Sprintf("eQSL Nickmane: %s", headerNickname))
//If there is no data after the marker, we just skip the data.
// Date
if regexpHeaderDate.MatchString(eachline) {
errorMsg := ""
myDateList := regexpHeaderDate.Split(eachline, -1)
if len(myDateList[1]) > 0 {
headerDate, errorMsg = ValidateDate(myDateList[1])
if len(errorMsg) != 0 {
errorLog = append(errorLog, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Date at line %d: %s (%s)", lineCount, myDateList[1], errorMsg))
//If there is no data after the marker, we just skip the data.
// ****
// ** Process the data block
// ****
// Load the header values in the previousLogLine
previousLogLine.MyCall = headerMyCall
previousLogLine.Operator = headerOperator
previousLogLine.MyWWFF = headerMyWWFF
previousLogLine.MySOTA = headerMySOTA
previousLogLine.QSLmsg = headerQslMsg //previousLogLine.QslMsg is redundant
previousLogLine.Nickname = headerNickname
previousLogLine.Date = headerDate
//parse a line
logline, errorLine := ParseLine(eachline, previousLogLine)
//we have a valid line (contains a call)
if logline.Call != "" {
fullLog = append(fullLog, logline)
//store time inference data
if isInterpolateTime {
var isEndOfGap bool
if isEndOfGap, err = wrkTimeBlock.storeTimeGap(logline, len(fullLog)); err != nil {
log.Println("Fatal error: ", err)
//If we reached the end of the time gap, we make the necessary checks and make our gap calculation
if isEndOfGap {
if err := wrkTimeBlock.finalizeTimeGap(); err != nil {
//If an error occured it is a fatal error
log.Println("Fatal error: ", err)
//add it to the gap collection
missingTimeBlockList = append(missingTimeBlockList, wrkTimeBlock)
//create a new block
wrkTimeBlock = InferTimeBlock{}
//Store this record in the new block as a new gap might be following
//no error or endOfGap processing as it has already been successfully processed
wrkTimeBlock.storeTimeGap(logline, len(fullLog))
//Store append the accumulated soft parsing errors into the global parsing error log file
if errorLine != "" {
errorLog = append(errorLog, fmt.Sprintf("Parsing error at line %d: %s ", lineCount, errorLine))
//store the current logline so that it can be used as a model when parsing the next line
previousLogLine = logline
//We go back to the top to process the next loaded log line (Continue not necessary here)
//*** We have done processing the log file, so let's post process it
//if asked to infer the date, lets update the loaded logfile accordingly
if isInterpolateTime {
for _, timeBlock := range missingTimeBlockList {
for i := 0; i < timeBlock.noTimeCount; i++ {
position := timeBlock.logFilePosition + i
pLogLine := &fullLog[position]
// durationOffset := time.Second * time.Duration(timeBlock.deltatime*(i+1))
durationOffset := timeBlock.deltatime * time.Duration(i+1)
newTime := timeBlock.lastRecordedTime.Add(durationOffset)
updatedTimeString := newTime.Format("1504")
pLogLine.Time = updatedTimeString
//Display parsing errors, if any
if len(errorLog) != 0 {
fmt.Println("\nProcessing errors:")
for _, errorLogLine := range errorLog {
isProcessedOK = false
} else {
fmt.Println("\nSuccessfully parsed ", lineCount, " lines.")
isProcessedOK = true
return fullLog, isProcessedOK
//displayLogSimple will print to stdout a simplified dump of a full log
func displayLogSimple(fullLog []LogLine) {
firstLine := true
for _, filledLogLine := range fullLog {
if firstLine {
firstLine = false