@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
* Ferienwohnung Management
* File: main.cpp
* Author: Dominic Reich <dominic@tmsn.at>
* Created on 20. Februar 2016, 16:11
* Last modified: Samstag, 20.02.2016 20:02
* This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT license
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include "version.h"
using namespace std;
* Einige Definitionen
#define MAX_LIST 5
//#ifndef _WIN32
#define HEADER "\033[1;34mDie Schwarze Liste\033[0m\n"
#define LINES "\033[1;34m-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m"
#define INFOLINE "\033[1;34mSchwarze Liste (C) 2016 Dominic Reich\033[0m\n"
// #define HEADER "Die Schwarze Liste\n"
// #define LINES "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
// #define INFOLINE "Schwarze Liste (C) 2016 Dominic Reich\n"
* Function prototypes
void ClearScreen();
char GetChoice( unsigned int &x );
void NewEntry( unsigned int &x, const char *Filename, const char *Counter );
void ListGuests( unsigned int &x, const char *Filename );
void PrintInfo();
void PressKeyToContinue();
void SearchGuests( unsigned int &x, const char *Filename );
void PrintSingleGuest( unsigned int &x, unsigned int Id, string Name, string Strasse, string Plz, string Ort, string Telefon, string Email, string Kommentar, bool Active );
//inline bool FileExists( const string& name );
void SetTitle( string sTitle );
string SetBoldText( string Text );
void ToggleEntry( const char *Filename, const char *Counter );
* Main
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
char cAuswahl;
const char * cFilename = "daten.txt";
const char * cCounter = "counter.txt";
unsigned int iGesamt = 0;
unsigned int * pGesamt;
pGesamt = &iGesamt;
SetTitle( "Ferienwohnung Reich : Blacklist" );
ifstream Counter( cCounter, ios::in );
if( !Counter.is_open() ){
cout << "Konnte Datei " << cCounter << " nicht oeffnen!" << endl;
Counter >> *pGesamt;
cAuswahl = GetChoice( *pGesamt );
switch( cAuswahl ) {
case 'n':
case 'N': {
cout << "\nBitte geben Sie die Daten des Gastes ein.\n" << endl;
NewEntry( *pGesamt, cFilename, cCounter );
case 's':
case 'S': {
SearchGuests( *pGesamt, cFilename );
case 'l':
case 'L': {
ListGuests( *pGesamt, cFilename );
case 'a':
case 'A': {
ToggleEntry( cFilename, cCounter );
case 'i':
case 'I': {
case 'q':
case 'Q': {
/* This is exit */
default: {
} while ( cAuswahl != 'q' && cAuswahl != 'Q' );
return 0;
* ClearScreen
void ClearScreen() {
#ifndef _WIN32
cout << "\033[2J\033[1;1H";
system( "cls" );
* GetChoice
char GetChoice( unsigned int &x ) {
int bis;
char Choice;
unsigned int * px = &x;
if( *px < MAX_LIST ) {
bis = *px;
} else {
bis = MAX_LIST;
cout << HEADER;
cout << LINES << endl;
cout << " [ n ] Neuen Gast hinzufuegen\n";
cout << " [ s ] Nach Gast suchen\n";
cout << " [ l ] Die letzten " << bis << " Gaeste zeigen\n";
cout << " [ a ] Einen Datensatz (in)aktiv setzen\n";
cout << " [ i ] Info (About)\n";
cout << " [ q ] Programm beenden\n" << endl;
cout << "Auswahl: ";
cin >> Choice;
return Choice;
* NewEntry
void NewEntry( unsigned int &x, const char *Filename, const char *Counter ) {
int pos = 0;
ofstream DataFile( Filename, ios::out | ios::app );
if( !DataFile.is_open() ) {
cout << "Konnte die Datei " << Filename << " nicht oeffnen." << endl;
string Name, Strasse, Plz, Ort, Telefon, Email, Kommentar;
cout << "Vor- und Nachname: ";
getline( cin, Name );
cout << "Straße inkl. Hausnr.: ";
getline( cin, Strasse );
cout << "PLZ: ";
getline( cin, Plz );
cout << "Ort: ";
getline( cin, Ort );
cout << "Telefon: ";
getline( cin, Telefon );
cout << "Email: ";
getline( cin, Email );
cout << "Kommentar: ";
getline( cin, Kommentar );
if( Telefon.empty() ) Telefon = "-";
if( Email.empty() ) Email = "-";
if( Kommentar.empty() ) Kommentar = "-";
while( ( pos = Name.find(' ')) != string::npos ) Name[pos] = '*';
while( ( pos = Strasse.find(' ')) != string::npos ) Strasse[pos] = '*';
while( ( pos = Ort.find(' ')) != string::npos ) Ort[pos] = '*';
while( ( pos = Telefon.find(' ')) != string::npos ) Telefon[pos] = '*';
while( ( pos = Email.find(' ')) != string::npos ) Email[pos] = '*';
while( ( pos = Kommentar.find(' ')) != string::npos ) Kommentar[pos] = '*';
unsigned int * px = &x;
DataFile << *px << "\t" << Name << "\t" << Strasse << "\t" << Plz << "\t";
DataFile << Ort << "\t" << Telefon << "\t" << Email << "\t" << Kommentar;
DataFile << "\t1" << endl;
ofstream CounterFile( Counter, ios::out );
if( !CounterFile.is_open() ) {
cout << "Konnte die Datei " << Counter << " nicht oeffnen." << endl;
CounterFile << *px;
* ListGuests
void ListGuests( unsigned int &x, const char *Filename ) {
unsigned int * px = &x;
int bis;
if( *px < MAX_LIST ) {
bis = 0;
} else {
bis = *px - MAX_LIST;
ifstream DataFile( Filename, ios::in );
if( !DataFile.is_open() ) {
cout << "Konnte die Datei " << Filename << " nicht oeffnen." << endl;
unsigned int Id;
string Name, Strasse, Plz, Ort, Telefon, Email, Kommentar;
bool Active;
cout << "Es werden die letzten " << *px - bis << " Eintraege angezeigt.\n" << endl;
cout << LINES << endl;
DataFile.seekg( ios::beg );
for( int i = 0; i < bis; i++ ) {
DataFile.ignore( numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
while( DataFile >> Id >> Name >> Strasse >> Plz >> Ort >> Telefon >> Email >> Kommentar >> Active ) {
PrintSingleGuest( *px, Id, Name, Strasse, Plz, Ort, Telefon, Email, Kommentar, Active );
* PrintInfo
void PrintInfo() {
cout << INFOLINE << LINES << endl;
#ifndef _WIN32
cout << "\033[1;32m";
cout << "\n Dominic Reich Kontakt: dominic@mm.st\n";
cout << " Seite 37 http://tmsn.at\n 6433 Oetz\n";
cout << " AUSTRIA Version: " << Version::FULLVERSION_STRING << Version::STATUS_SHORT;
cout << " (" << Version::STATUS << ")\n\n";
cout << " https://github.com/freefallcid/\n\n";
#ifndef _WIN32
cout << "\033[0m";
cout << "Dieses Programm ist lizenziert unter der MIT Lizenz.\n";
string line;
ifstream LicenseFile( LICENSE_FILE );
if( !LicenseFile.is_open() ) {
cout << endl;
cout << " Die MIT Lizenz kann unter http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT \n nachgelesen werden.\n\n";
} else {
cout << endl;
while( getline( LicenseFile, line )) {
cout << line << endl;
cout << "Weiter mit <ENTER>";
* PressKeyToContinue
void PressKeyToContinue() {
cout << "\nWeiter mit <ENTER>";
* SearchGuests
void SearchGuests( unsigned int &x, const char *Filename ) {
unsigned int * px = &x;
ifstream DataFile( Filename, ios::in );
if( !DataFile.is_open() ) {
cout << "Konnte die Datei " << Filename << "nicht oeffnen." << endl;
unsigned int Id;
string Name, Strasse, Plz, Ort, Telefon, Email, Kommentar;
bool Active;
int pos = 0;
string s = "";
string f = "";
//DataFile.seekg(0, DataFile.beg);
cout << "\nSuchbegriff: ";
getline( cin, s );
while( ( pos = s.find(' ')) != string::npos ) s[pos] = '*';
//#ifndef _WIN32
cout << "\033[1;34mSuchergebnisse fuer '\033[1;32m" << s << "\033[1;34m':\033[0m\n" << endl;
// cout << "Suchergebnisse fuer '" << s << "':\n" << endl;
cout << LINES << endl;
while( DataFile >> Id >> Name >> Strasse >> Plz >> Ort >> Telefon >> Email >> Kommentar >> Active ) {
f = Name + " " + Strasse + " " + Plz + " " + Ort + " " + Telefon + " " + Email + " " + Kommentar;
size_t found = f.find( s );
if( found != string::npos ) {
PrintSingleGuest( *px, Id, Name, Strasse, Plz, Ort, Telefon, Email, Kommentar, Active );
cout << "\nWeiter mit <ENTER>";
* PrintSingleGuest
void PrintSingleGuest( unsigned int &x, unsigned int Id, string Name, string Strasse, string Plz, string Ort, string Telefon, string Email, string Kommentar, bool Active ) {
unsigned int * px = &x;
int pos = 0;
string sAktiv = "";
if( Active == true ) {
sAktiv = "AKTIV";
} else {
sAktiv = "INAKTIV";
while( ( pos = Name.find('*')) != string::npos ) Name[pos] = ' ';
while( ( pos = Strasse.find('*')) != string::npos ) Strasse[pos] = ' ';
while( ( pos = Ort.find('*')) != string::npos ) Ort[pos] = ' ';
while( ( pos = Telefon.find('*')) != string::npos ) Telefon[pos] = ' ';
while( ( pos = Email.find('*')) != string::npos ) Email[pos] = ' ';
while( ( pos = Kommentar.find('*')) != string::npos ) Kommentar[pos] = ' ';
cout << SetBoldText( Name ) << ", " << Strasse << ", " << Plz << " " << Ort << "\n";
cout << "Email: " << SetBoldText( Email ) << "\tTelefon: " << Telefon;
cout << "\nKommentar: " << Kommentar;
cout << "\nDatensatz: " << SetBoldText( to_string( Id )) << "/";
cout << *px << "\t(" << sAktiv << ")" << endl;
//cout << "Datensatz: " << Id << "/" << *px << " (Aktiv: " << Active << ")" << endl;
cout << LINES << endl;
* FileExists
//inline bool FileExists( const string &name ) {
// struct stat buffer;
// return ( stat ( name.c_str(), &buffer ) == 0 );
* SetTitle
void SetTitle( string sTitle ) {
#ifndef _WIN32
char esc_start[] = { 0x1b, ']', '0', ';', 0 };
char esc_end[] = { 0x07, 0 };
cout << esc_start << sTitle.c_str() << esc_end;
// system( sTitle.c_str() );
* SetBoldText
string SetBoldText( string Text ) {
#ifndef _WIN32
return "\033[1;37m" + Text + "\033[0m";
return Text;
* ToggleEntry
void ToggleEntry( const char *Filename, const char *Counter ) {
// int pos = 0;
// cin.ignore();
// ofstream DataFile( Filename, ios::out | ios::app );
// if( !DataFile.is_open() ) {
// cout << "Konnte die Datei " << Filename << " nicht oeffnen." << endl;
// exit(1);
// }
// string Name, Strasse, Plz, Ort, Telefon, Email, Kommentar;
// DataFile.close();
cout << "Sorry, diese Funktion ist noch in Arbeit." << endl;