# Useful files to keep on your Raspberry Pi Use these files as examples and modify them to fit your needs. Place the executable files in `/usr/local/sbin` and save `index.txt` as `/root/index.html`. ## index.txt This file contains the website that is shown when you stop the dashboard. It gets copied into the webroot of your webserver -- make sure your webserver reads `index.html` files **before** `index.php` files. ## dashboard Executable file. Make sure to `chmod +x` this file. Start or stop the dashboard with this command. This toggles the systemd service - php7.3-fpm.service Usage: ``` /usr/local/sbin/dashboard {on|off} ``` ## hotspot Executable file. Make sure to `chmod +x` this file. Start or stop your hotspot. This toggles the systemd services - mmdvmhost.timer - mmdvmhost.service Additionally it starts or stops the dashboard command mentioned above. Usage: ``` /usr/local/sbin/hotspot {on|off} ``` ### Start and stop the hotspot via Cron Place these lines in your `/etc/crontab` to automatically start and/or stop your hotspot. ``` 30 6 * * 1-5 root /usr/local/sbin/hotspot off 0 18 * * 1-5 root /usr/local/sbin/hotspot on ``` That might stop the hotspot at 6:30 and start it again at 18:00, Monday to Friday. ## shrinklog Executable file. Make sure to `chmod +x` this file. This command shrinks the MMDVMHost log file to a limited number of important lines. The code of this was primarily taken from [Pi-Star][shrinklog] and modified. [shrinklog]: https://github.com/AndyTaylorTweet/Pi-Star_Binaries_sbin/blob/master/pistar-hourly.cron Usage: ``` /usr/local/sbin/shrinklog ```