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27 lines
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# This code was taken from Pi-Star (and maybe modified a bit)
echo -n "Shrinking MMDVM log..."
# Shrink the MMDVMHost Log
MMDVMLogFiles=$(ls /var/log/mmdvm/MMDVM-*.log 2> /dev/null | wc -l)
if [[ "$MMDVMLogFiles" != "0" ]]; then
todayMMDVMLog=$(ls -1rt /var/log/mmdvm/MMDVM-*.log | tail -n1)
modemLine=$(grep "MMDVM protocol version" ${todayMMDVMLog} | tail -n 1)
if [ "$(head -n 1 ${todayMMDVMLog})" = "${modemLine}" ]; then
sed -i '1d' ${todayMMDVMLog}
echo -e "${modemLine}\n$(egrep -h "from|end|watchdog|lost|protocol" ${todayMMDVMLog} | sed '/(CSBK|overflow|mapping points|Downlink)/d' | tail -n 500)" > ${todayMMDVMLog}
#echo -e "${modemLine}\n$(egrep -h "from|end|watchdog|lost|protocol" ${todayMMDVMLog} | sed '/(CSBK|overflow|mapping points|Downlink)/d' | tail -n 1000)" > ${todayMMDVMLog}
echo -n " /var/log..."
# Clean up systemd logs
journalctl --rotate > /dev/null 2>&1
#journalctl --vacuum-time=24h
#journalctl --vacuum-size=5M
journalctl --vacuum-time=6h > /dev/null 2>&1
journalctl --vacuum-size=2M > /dev/null 2>&1
echo " OK"