This is a very first development version of my new MMDVMDash using websockets-technology to get rid of high load on Raspberry Pi and others and keep those temperature down.
The Dashboard persists in detail in 3 components: two on the server (Hotspot/Repeater) side and on on the browser.
The two server sided components are the (which communicates via websocket with your browser and streams the logs to it for processing) and the webserver-component from python3 (which is serving the needed html and javascript infrastructure to your browser).
The client based component is the javascript processing the streamed log lines and filling the tables.
## Used Ports
By default following Ports are used for running the Dashboard:
* 8000 TCP: webservice
* 5678 TCP: Websocket
## Installation
You'll need to install several python3 modules. A concrete list will follow here later.
* clone this repository to your home-directory with `git clone --recurse-submodules -j8` to clone the repository with it's submodules
* create directory with `sudo mkdir /opt/MMDVMDash`
* change ownership to your user for example with `sudo chown -R pi /opt/MMDVMDash`
* modify */html/js/config.js* to fit your needs, here you can switch on/off tabs showing or enable debug for getting some output in javascript console. You should take a look into this file - here are different options you can configure.
If you have any trouble running the software most things depend on the logtailer-component. So it is a good idea to try starting the software on the console wih
`python3 ./` to see the output of the programme. A common error are missing python-libraries you should install with the commands mentioned above.
If you found any further missing library let me know! Just open an issue!
If there are problems with paths for logfiles you also could get some impressions with the output of the programme.