#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime import os.path import asyncio import logging import argparse import websockets import socketserver import configparser import os from collections import deque from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs from ansi2html import Ansi2HTMLConverter from os import popen import psutil import ssl import functools from http import HTTPStatus import subprocess import time import serial MIME_TYPES = { "html": "text/html", "js": "text/javascript", "css": "text/css" } current_dir = os.getcwd() config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(current_dir + '/logtailer.ini') mmdvmhost_config = configparser.ConfigParser() mmdvmhost_config.read(config['MMDVMHost']['MMDVM_ini']) dmrids = {} callsigns = {} # init logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) conv = Ansi2HTMLConverter(inline=True) def getMMDVMVersion(): mmdvm_version = "Actually not available" mmdvm_version = getMMDVMVersionFromLogfile() if mmdvm_version == "Actually not available": mmdvm_version = getMMDVMVersionFromModem() if mmdvm_version == "Actually not available": mmdvm_version = getMMDVMVersionFromCacheFile() logging.info('Detected Modem-Version={}'.format(mmdvm_version)) return mmdvm_version def getMMDVMVersionFromLogfile(): global config now = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc) year = str(now.year) month = str(now.month) if len(month) == 1: month = "0" + month day = str(now.day) if len(day) == 1: day = "0" + day file_path = "" if config['DEFAULT']['Filerotate'] == "True": file_path = config['MMDVMHost']['Logdir']+config['MMDVMHost']['Prefix']+"-"+year+"-"+month+"-"+day+".log" else: file_path = config['MMDVMHost']['Logdir']+config['MMDVMHost']['Prefix']+".log" logging.info('Search version in log') mmdvm_version = str(subprocess.Popen("grep -m 1 description " + file_path, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().decode("utf-8")) logging.info('Version from log: ' + mmdvm_version) if len(mmdvm_version) > 0: if mmdvm_version.index("description") > 0: mmdvm_version = mmdvm_version[mmdvm_version.index("description") + 13:] with open("/tmp/mmdvm-version", 'w') as out: out.write(mmdvm_version + '\n') return mmdvm_version else: return "Actually not available" def getMMDVMVersionFromModem(): global mmdvmhost_config try: port = mmdvmhost_config['Modem']['Port'] ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate = 115200) logging.info('Connected!'); time.sleep(1) logging.info('Querying version from modem') ser.write(bytearray.fromhex("E0 03 00")) ch = "" while ch != bytearray.fromhex("01"): ch = ser.read() mmdvm_version = "" ch = "" while ch != bytearray.fromhex("00"): ch = ser.read() mmdvm_version += ch.decode() ser.close() logging.info('Modem-Version={}'.format(mmdvm_version)) if len(mmdvm_version) < 5: mmdvm_version = "Actually not available" with open("/tmp/mmdvm-version", 'w') as out: out.write(mmdvm_version + '\n') return mmdvm_version except Exception as e: logging.info('Modem-Exception={}'.format(e)) return "Actually not available" pass def getMMDVMVersionFromCacheFile(): mmdvm_version = "Actually not available" if os.path.isfile("/tmp/mmdvm-version"): with open("/tmp/mmdvm-version") as fp: mmdvm_version = fp.readline() logging.info('Version from cache-file: ' + mmdvm_version) return mmdvm_version async def process_request(sever_root, path, request_headers): """Serves a file when doing a GET request with a valid path.""" logging.info(request_headers) if "Upgrade" in request_headers: return # Probably a WebSocket connection if path == '/': path = '/index.html' response_headers = [ ('Server', 'asyncio websocket server'), ('Connection', 'close'), ] # Derive full system path full_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(sever_root, "html/" + path[1:])) # Validate the path if os.path.commonpath((sever_root, full_path)) != sever_root or \ not os.path.exists(full_path) or not os.path.isfile(full_path): logging.info("HTTP GET {} 404 NOT FOUND".format(path)) return HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, [], b'404 NOT FOUND' # Guess file content type extension = full_path.split(".")[-1] mime_type = MIME_TYPES.get(extension, "application/octet-stream") response_headers.append(('Content-Type', mime_type)) # Read the whole file into memory and send it out body = open(full_path, 'rb').read() response_headers.append('Content-Length', str(len(body))) logging.info("HTTP GET {} 200 OK".format(path)) return HTTPStatus.OK, response_headers, body async def view_log(websocket, path): global config global dmrids logging.info('Connected, remote={}, path={}'.format(websocket.remote_address, path)) try: try: parse_result = urlparse(path) except Exception: raise ValueError('Fail to parse URL', format(path)) path = os.path.abspath(parse_result.path) now = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc) year = str(now.year) month = str(now.month) if len(month) == 1: month = "0" + month day = str(now.day) if len(day) == 1: day = "0" + day file_path = "" if path == "/MMDVM": if config['DEFAULT']['Filerotate'] == "True": file_path = config['MMDVMHost']['Logdir']+config['MMDVMHost']['Prefix']+"-"+year+"-"+month+"-"+day+".log" else: file_path = config['MMDVMHost']['Logdir']+config['MMDVMHost']['Prefix']+".log" elif path == "/DAPNET": if config['DEFAULT']['Filerotate'] == "True": file_path = config['DAPNETGateway']['Logdir']+config['DAPNETGateway']['Prefix']+"-"+year+"-"+month+"-"+day+".log" else: file_path = config['DAPNETGateway']['Logdir']+config['DAPNETGateway']['Prefix']+".log" if path == "/MMDVM" or path == "/DAPNET": logging.info(file_path) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): raise ValueError('File not found', format(file_path)) with open(file_path, newline = '\n', encoding="utf8", errors='ignore') as f: content = ''.join(deque(f, int(config['DEFAULT']['MaxLines']))) content = conv.convert(content, full=False) lines = content.split("\n") for line in lines: if line.find("received") > 0 or line.find("network watchdog") > 0: if line.find("from ") > 0 and line.find("to ") > 0: source = line[line.index("from ") + 5:line.index("to ")].strip() if source in dmrids: line = line.replace(source, dmrids[source]) if source in callsigns: newval = source + "$" + callsigns[source] + "$" line = line.replace(source, newval) if line.find("to ") > 0: if line.find("at ") > 0 and line.find("late entry") < 0: target = line[line.index("to ") + 3:line.rindex("at ")] if target in dmrids: line = line.replace(target, dmrids[target]) if target in callsigns: newval = target + "$" + callsigns[target] + "$" line = line.replace(target, newval) else: target = line[line.index("to") + 3:] if target.find(",") > 0: target = target[0:target.index(",")] if target in dmrids: line = line.replace(target, dmrids[target]) if target in callsigns: newval = target + "$" + callsigns[target] + "$" line = line.replace(target, newval) await websocket.send(line) while True: content = f.read() if content: content = conv.convert(content, full=False) lines = content.split("\n") for line in lines: if line.find("received") > 0 or line.find("network watchdog") > 0: if line.find("from ") > 0 and line.find("to ") > 0: source = line[line.index("from ") + 5:line.index("to ")].strip() if source in dmrids: line = line.replace(source, dmrids[source]) if source in callsigns: newval = source + "$" + callsigns[source] + "$" line = line.replace(source, newval) if line.find("to ") > 0: if line.find("at ") > 0 and line.find("late entry") < 0: target = line[line.index("to ") + 3:line.rindex("at ")] if target in dmrids: line = line.replace(target, dmrids[target]) if target in callsigns: newval = target + "$" + callsigns[target] + "$" line = line.replace(target, newval) else: target = line[line.index("to") + 3:] if target.find(",") > 0: target = target[0:target.index(",")] if target in dmrids: line = line.replace(target, dmrids[target]) if target in callsigns: newval = target + "$" + callsigns[target] + "$" line = line.replace(target, newval) await websocket.send(line) else: await asyncio.sleep(0.2) if path == "/SYSINFO": mmdvmhost_version = str(subprocess.Popen(config['MMDVMHost']['MMDVM_bin'] + " -v", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().decode("utf-8")) mmdvmhost_ctime = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(config['MMDVMHost']['MMDVM_bin'])) mmdvmhost_buildtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(mmdvmhost_ctime, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") mmdvm_version = getMMDVMVersion() callsign = mmdvmhost_config['General']['Callsign'] dmrid = mmdvmhost_config['General']['Id'] txqrg = mmdvmhost_config['Info']['TXFrequency'] rxqrg = mmdvmhost_config['Info']['RXFrequency'] await websocket.send("HOSTINFO: mmdvmhost_version:" + mmdvmhost_version + " mmdvmhost_ctime:" + mmdvmhost_ctime + " mmdvm_version:" + mmdvm_version + " callsign:" + callsign + " dmrid:" + dmrid + " txqrg:" + txqrg + " rxqrg:" + rxqrg) await asyncio.sleep(1) while True: cpu_temp = "" temps = psutil.sensors_temperatures() if not temps: cpu_temp = "N/A" for name, entries in temps.items(): for entry in entries: cpu_temp = str(entry.current) cpufrqs = psutil.cpu_freq() cpufrq = "N/A" if cpufrqs: cpufrq = str(cpufrqs.current) cpu_usage = str(psutil.cpu_percent()) cpu_load = os.getloadavg(); cpu_load1 = str(cpu_load[0]) cpu_load5 = str(cpu_load[1]) cpu_load15 = str(cpu_load[2]) ram = psutil.virtual_memory() ram_total = str(ram.total / 2**20) ram_used = str(ram.used / 2**20) ram_free = str(ram.free / 2**20) ram_percent_used = str(ram.percent) disk = psutil.disk_usage('/') disk_total = str(disk.total / 2**30) disk_used = str(disk.used / 2**30) disk_free = str(disk.free / 2**30) disk_percent_used = str(disk.percent) await websocket.send("SYSINFO: cputemp:" + cpu_temp + " cpufrg:" + cpufrq + " cpuusage:" + cpu_usage + " cpu_load1:" + cpu_load1 + " cpu_load5:" + cpu_load5 + " cpu_load15:" + cpu_load15 + " ram_total:" + ram_total + " ram_used:" + ram_used + " ram_free:" + ram_free + " ram_percent_used:" + ram_percent_used + " disk_total:" + disk_total + " disk_used:" + disk_used + " disk_free:" + disk_free + " disk_percent_used:" + disk_percent_used) await asyncio.sleep(10) if path == "/SERVICES": services_items = [x for x in config.items('ServiceMonitoring') if x[0] not in config.defaults()] while True: for key, value in services_items: logging.info('key: ' + key + " = " + value) if checkIfProcessRunning(value): logging.info('process ' + value + " is running") await websocket.send("SERVICESMONITOR: " + value + ":running") else: logging.info('process ' + value + " is stopped") await websocket.send("SERVICESMONITOR: " + value + ":stopped") await asyncio.sleep(30) except ValueError as e: try: await websocket.send('Logtailer-Errormessage: ValueError: {}'.format(e)) await websocket.close() except Exception: pass log_close(websocket, path, e) except Exception as e: try: await websocket.send('Logtailer-Errormessage: Error: {}'.format(e)) await websocket.close() except Exception: pass log_close(websocket, path, e) else: log_close(websocket, path) def checkIfProcessRunning(processName): ''' Check if there is any running process that contains the given name processName. ''' #Iterate over the all the running process for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: # Check if process name contains the given name string. if processName.lower() in proc.name().lower(): return True except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess): pass return False; def log_close(websocket, path, exception=None): message = 'Closed, remote={}, path={}'.format(websocket.remote_address, path) if exception is not None: message += ', exception={}'.format(exception) logging.info(message) def websocketserver(): if (config['DEFAULT']['Ssl'] == "True"): ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER) cert_pem = config['DEFAULT']['SslCert'] key_pem = config['DEFAULT']['SslKey'] ssl_context.load_cert_chain(cert_pem, key_pem) start_server = websockets.serve(view_log, config['DEFAULT']['Host'], config['DEFAULT']['Port'], ssl=ssl_context) else: start_server = websockets.serve(view_log, config['DEFAULT']['Host'], config['DEFAULT']['Port']) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(start_server) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever() def main(): dmr_id_lookup = config['MMDVMHost']['DMR_ID_Lookup'] dmr_id_lookupfile = config['MMDVMHost']['DMR_ID_LookupFile'] if dmr_id_lookup == "1": if not os.path.isfile(dmr_id_lookupfile): raise ValueError('File not found', format(dmr_id_lookupfile)) f = open(dmr_id_lookupfile, 'r') lines = f.readlines() separator = "\t" for line in lines: if line.find(" "): separator = " " if line.find(";"): separator = ";" if line.find(","): separator = "," if line.find("\t"): separator = "\t" tokens = line.split(separator) dmrids[tokens[0]] = tokens[1] + "$" + tokens[2].replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") + "$" callsigns[tokens[1]] = tokens[2].replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") logging.info("Loaded " + str(len(callsigns)) + " callsigns from " + dmr_id_lookupfile); logging.info("Starting Websocketserver") websocketserver() if __name__ == '__main__': main()