Currently TXing
Mode Callsign Target Source Dur (s)
Last Heard List of today's callsigns.
Time (UTC) Mode Callsign Target Source Dur (s) Loss BER QSO
Local Heard List of today
Time (UTC) Mode Callsign Target Source Dur (s) BER
Currently in QSO
Callsign Added at
Messages in Queue: 0
Time (UTC) Slot RIC Message
System Info
  • Temperature: °C
  • Frequency: MHz
  • Usage: %
  • Last Minute:
  • Last 5 Minutes:
  • Last 15 Minutes:
  • Total: MB
  • Used: MB
  • Free: MB
  • Usage: %
  • Total: GB
  • Used: GB
  • Free: GB
  • Usage: %
About the Dashboard

This Dashboard uses websockets-technology to transfer data from host to client. It actually uses the logfile of the MMDVMHost by G4KLX to get the entries into the different tables.

If you have any ideas or issues feel free to leave a comment/issue in github.