/* * Copyright (C) 2016 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "WiresX.h" #include "YSFPayload.h" #include "YSFFICH.h" #include "Sync.h" #include "CRC.h" #include "Log.h" #include #include const unsigned char DX_REQ[] = {0x5DU, 0x71U, 0x5FU}; const unsigned char CONN_REQ[] = {0x5DU, 0x23U, 0x5FU}; const unsigned char DISC_REQ[] = {0x5DU, 0x2AU, 0x5FU}; const unsigned char ALL_REQ[] = {0x5DU, 0x66U, 0x5FU}; const unsigned char DX_RESP[] = {0x5DU, 0x51U, 0x5FU, 0x26U}; const unsigned char CONN_RESP[] = {0x5DU, 0x41U, 0x5FU, 0x26U}; const unsigned char DISC_RESP[] = {0x5DU, 0x41U, 0x5FU, 0x26U}; const unsigned char ALL_RESP[] = {0x5DU, 0x46U, 0x5FU, 0x26U}; const unsigned char DEFAULT_FICH[] = {0x20U, 0x00U, 0x01U, 0x00U}; const unsigned char NET_HEADER[] = "YSFDGATEWAY ALL "; CWiresX::CWiresX(CNetwork* network, const std::string& hostsFile, unsigned int statusPort) : m_network(network), m_reflectors(hostsFile, statusPort), m_reflector(NULL), m_id(), m_name(), m_description(), m_txFrequency(0U), m_rxFrequency(0U), m_timer(1000U, 0U, 100U + 750U), m_seqNo(0U), m_csd1(NULL), m_status(WXSI_NONE) { assert(network != NULL); assert(statusPort > 0U); m_csd1 = new unsigned char[20U]; } CWiresX::~CWiresX() { delete[] m_csd1; } void CWiresX::setInfo(const std::string& name, const std::string& description, unsigned int txFrequency, unsigned int rxFrequency) { assert(txFrequency > 0U); assert(rxFrequency > 0U); m_name = name; m_description = description; m_txFrequency = txFrequency; m_rxFrequency = rxFrequency; unsigned int hash = 0U; for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < name.size(); i++) { hash += name.at(i); hash += (hash << 10); hash ^= (hash >> 6); } // Final avalanche hash += (hash << 3); hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash += (hash << 15); char id[10U]; ::sprintf(id, "%05u", hash % 100000U); LogInfo("The ID of this repeater is %s", id); m_id = std::string(id); } bool CWiresX::start() { return m_reflectors.load(); } WX_STATUS CWiresX::process(const unsigned char* data, unsigned char fi, unsigned char dt, unsigned char fn) { assert(data != NULL); if (dt != YSF_DT_DATA_FR_MODE) return WXS_NONE; CYSFPayload payload; if (fi == YSF_FI_HEADER) { payload.readDataFRModeData1(data, m_csd1); return WXS_NONE; } if (fi == YSF_FI_COMMUNICATIONS && fn == 0U) { if (::memcmp(m_csd1, " ", 20U) == 0) payload.readDataFRModeData1(data, m_csd1); return WXS_NONE; } if (fi == YSF_FI_TERMINATOR) { if (::memcmp(m_csd1, " ", 20U) == 0) payload.readDataFRModeData1(data, m_csd1); return WXS_NONE; } if (fi == YSF_FI_COMMUNICATIONS && fn == 1U) { unsigned char buffer[20U]; bool valid = payload.readDataFRModeData2(data, buffer); if (!valid) { ::memset(m_csd1, ' ', 20U); return WXS_NONE; } if (::memcmp(buffer + 1U, DX_REQ, 3U) == 0) { processDX(); return WXS_NONE; } else if (::memcmp(buffer + 1U, ALL_REQ, 3U) == 0) { processAll(); return WXS_NONE; } else if (::memcmp(buffer + 1U, CONN_REQ, 3U) == 0) { return processConnect(buffer + 5U); } else if (::memcmp(buffer + 1U, DISC_REQ, 3U) == 0) { processDisconnect(); return WXS_DISCONNECT; } else { ::memset(m_csd1, ' ', 20U); return WXS_NONE; } } return WXS_NONE; } CYSFReflector* CWiresX::getReflector() const { return m_reflector; } void CWiresX::processDX() { ::LogDebug("Received DX from %10.10s", m_csd1 + 10U); m_status = WXSI_DX; m_timer.start(); } void CWiresX::processAll() { m_status = WXSI_ALL; m_timer.start(); } WX_STATUS CWiresX::processConnect(const unsigned char* data) { ::LogDebug("Received Connect to %5.5s from %10.10s", data + 5U, m_csd1 + 10U); std::string id = std::string((char*)(data + 4U), 5U); m_reflector = m_reflectors.find(id); if (m_reflector == NULL) return WXS_NONE; m_status = WXSI_CONNECT; m_timer.start(); return WXS_CONNECT; } void CWiresX::processDisconnect() { ::LogDebug("Received Disconect from %10.10s", m_csd1 + 10U); m_status = WXSI_DISCONNECT; m_timer.start(); } void CWiresX::clock(unsigned int ms) { m_timer.clock(ms); if (m_timer.isRunning() && m_timer.hasExpired()) { LogDebug("Send reply"); switch (m_status) { case WXSI_DX: sendDXReply(); break; case WXSI_ALL: sendAllReply(); break; case WXSI_CONNECT: sendConnectReply(); break; case WXSI_DISCONNECT: sendDisconnectReply(); break; default: break; } m_status = WXSI_NONE; m_timer.stop(); } } void CWiresX::createReply(const unsigned char* data, unsigned int length) { assert(data != NULL); assert(length > 0U); unsigned char ft = calculateFT(length); unsigned char bt = length / 260U; // Write the header unsigned char buffer[200U]; ::memcpy(buffer, NET_HEADER, 34U); buffer[34U] = 0x00U; CSync::add(buffer + 35U); CYSFFICH fich; fich.load(DEFAULT_FICH); fich.setFI(YSF_FI_HEADER); fich.setBT(bt); fich.setFT(ft); fich.encode(buffer + 35U); CYSFPayload payload; payload.writeDataFRModeData1(m_csd1, buffer + 35U); // payload.writeDataFRModeData2(" ", buffer + 35U); m_network->write(buffer); fich.setFI(YSF_FI_COMMUNICATIONS); unsigned char fn = 0U; unsigned char bn = 0U; unsigned int offset = 0U; while (offset < length) { switch (fn) { case 0U: { unsigned int len = length - offset; ft = calculateFT(len); payload.writeDataFRModeData1(m_csd1, buffer + 35U); // payload.writeDataFRModeData2(" ", buffer + 35U); } break; case 1U: // payload.writeDataFRModeData1(" ", buffer + 35U); payload.writeDataFRModeData2(data + offset, buffer + 35U); offset += 20U; break; default: payload.writeDataFRModeData1(data + offset, buffer + 35U); offset += 20U; payload.writeDataFRModeData2(data + offset, buffer + 35U); offset += 20U; break; } fich.setFT(ft); fich.setFN(fn); fich.setBT(bt); fich.setBN(bn); fich.encode(buffer + 35U); m_network->write(buffer); fn++; if (fn >= 8U) { fn = 0U; bn++; } } // Write the trailer buffer[34U] = 0x01U; fich.setFI(YSF_FI_TERMINATOR); fich.setFN(fn); fich.setBN(bn); fich.encode(buffer + 35U); payload.writeDataFRModeData1(m_csd1, buffer + 35U); // payload.writeDataFRModeData2(" ", buffer + 35U); m_network->write(buffer); } unsigned char CWiresX::calculateFT(unsigned int length) const { if (length > 220U) return 7U; if (length > 180U) return 6U; if (length > 140U) return 5U; if (length > 100U) return 4U; if (length > 60U) return 3U; if (length > 20U) return 2U; return 1U; } void CWiresX::sendDXReply() { unsigned char data[150U]; ::memset(data, 0x00U, 150U); ::memset(data, ' ', 128U); data[0U] = m_seqNo; ::memcmp(data + 1U, DX_RESP, 4U); data[127U] = 0x03U; // End of data marker data[128U] = CCRC::addCRC(data, 128U); createReply(data, 140U); m_seqNo++; } void CWiresX::sendConnectReply() { } void CWiresX::sendDisconnectReply() { } void CWiresX::sendAllReply() { }