# # These are the allowed hosts for this node # # The format is
# # To get your own YSFReflector into this list, # please register it at: # https://register.ysfreflector.de # # It is also possible to export this file by # yourself via wget, curl or something else: # https://register.ysfreflector.de/export.php # # YSF500 / AU FUSION2 / VK-Reflector 2 aufusion2.ysfreflector.net 42000 # YSF001 / AU YSF001 / C4FM Reflector c4fm.duckdns.org 42000 # YSF003 / BE FUSIONBE2 / FusionBelgium ysf.on4top.be 42000 # YSF724 / BR Fusion-BRAZIL / DV Brazil ysf.dvbrazil.com.br 42000 # YSF005 / CA ve2mrcfusion / Fusion Quebec ysf.ve2mrc.com 42000 # YSF262 / DE Germany / YSF262 Germany ysf262.ysfreflector.de 42000 # YSF012 / DK DK-YSF012 / C4FM Reflector oz2ree.dk 42000 # YSF007 / ES BM-SPAIN / BM 2141 c4fm.spain-dmr.es 42000 # YSF020 / ES C4FM_CADIZ / SCSF-ED7ZAJ ed7zaj.ddns.net 42000 # YSF002 / ES YSF002-WIRES / C4FM Catalunya c4fm.ea3hkb.com 42000 # YSF004 / ES YSF004-EDT / C4FM Reflector c4fm.sustrai.org 42000 # YSF906 / ES YSF906 / C4FM-EA7RKV xrf906.radioclubveleta.es 42000 # YSF018 / FR FON-Gateway / Allmode-GW ysf-fon.f1tzo.com 42000 # YSF014 / FR YSF-France / Fusion-France m55.evxonline.net 42000 # YSF015 / GB UK_YFS_BM / UK_Reflector bm-dmr.uk 42000 # YSF010 / IT FUSION-ITALY / Italy YSFR c4fm-it.selfip.com 42000 # YSF222 / IT YRF003 CISAR / www.cisar.it xrf003.iw0red.it 42000 # YSF027 / IT YSF027 / Zone_1_Italy 42000 # YSF031 / NL NL Central / C4FM NL c4fm.pa7lim.nl 42000 # YSF444 / NL YSF444 / Dutch Refl. ysf444.pa3dfn.nl 42000 # YSF006 / NO YSF006 Norway / 24299+XLX404D ysf.hamlabs.no 42000 # YSF016 / PL YSF016-SR8UWD / WLODAWA sr8uwd.wiresx.pl 42000 # YSF009 / PT -FUSION-PRT- / Fusion-Portuga c4fm.from-ct.com 42000 # YSF011 / US Michigan-MI5 / Michigan MI5 c4fm-mi5.kb8zgl.net 42000 # YSF008 / US YSF008 USA / DVSwitch test ysfreflector.dvswitch.org 42000 # YSF017 / VE FUSION-SPAIN / fusion-spain ysf-latino.ddns.net 42000 # YSF000 / ZZ Parrot / Parrot 42000