/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014,2016 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "APRSWriterThread.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "Log.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // #define DUMP_TX const unsigned int CALLSIGN_LENGTH = 8U; const unsigned int APRS_TIMEOUT = 10U; CAPRSWriterThread::CAPRSWriterThread(const std::string& callsign, const std::string& address, const std::string& hostname, unsigned int port) : CThread(), m_username(callsign), m_ssid(callsign), m_socket(hostname, port, address), m_queue(20U, "APRS Queue"), m_exit(false), m_connected(false), m_APRSReadCallback(NULL), m_filter(), m_clientName("YSFGateway") { assert(!callsign.empty()); assert(!hostname.empty()); assert(port > 0U); m_username.resize(CALLSIGN_LENGTH, ' '); m_username.erase(std::find_if(m_username.rbegin(), m_username.rend(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun(std::isspace))).base(), m_username.end()); std::transform(m_username.begin(), m_username.end(), m_username.begin(), ::toupper); m_ssid = m_ssid.substr(CALLSIGN_LENGTH - 1U, 1); } CAPRSWriterThread::CAPRSWriterThread(const std::string& callsign, const std::string& address, const std::string& hostname, unsigned int port, const std::string& filter, const std::string& clientName) : CThread(), m_username(callsign), m_ssid(callsign), m_socket(hostname, port, address), m_queue(20U, "APRS Queue"), m_exit(false), m_connected(false), m_APRSReadCallback(NULL), m_filter(filter), m_clientName(clientName) { assert(!callsign.empty()); assert(!hostname.empty()); assert(port > 0U); m_username.resize(CALLSIGN_LENGTH, ' '); m_username.erase(std::find_if(m_username.rbegin(), m_username.rend(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun(std::isspace))).base(), m_username.end()); std::transform(m_username.begin(), m_username.end(), m_username.begin(), ::toupper); m_ssid = m_ssid.substr(CALLSIGN_LENGTH - 1U, 1); } CAPRSWriterThread::~CAPRSWriterThread() { m_username.clear(); } bool CAPRSWriterThread::start() { run(); return true; } void CAPRSWriterThread::entry() { LogMessage("Starting the APRS Writer thread"); m_connected = connect(); try { while (!m_exit) { if (!m_connected) { m_connected = connect(); if (!m_connected){ LogError("Reconnect attempt to the APRS server has failed"); Sleep(10000UL); // 10 secs } } if (m_connected) { if (!m_queue.isEmpty()){ char* p; m_queue.getData(&p, 1U); LogMessage("APRS ==> %s", p); ::strcat(p, "\r\n"); bool ret = m_socket.write((unsigned char*)p, ::strlen(p)); if (!ret) { m_connected = false; m_socket.close(); LogError("Connection to the APRS thread has failed"); } delete[] p; } { std::string line; int length = m_socket.readLine(line, APRS_TIMEOUT); if (length < 0) { m_connected = false; m_socket.close(); LogError("Error when reading from the APRS server"); } if(length > 0 && line.at(0U) != '#'//check if we have something and if that something is an APRS frame && m_APRSReadCallback != NULL)//do we have someone wanting an APRS Frame? { //wxLogMessage(wxT("Received APRS Frame : ") + line); m_APRSReadCallback(std::string(line)); } } } } if (m_connected) m_socket.close(); while (!m_queue.isEmpty()) { char* p; m_queue.getData(&p, 1U); delete[] p; } } catch (std::exception& e) { LogError("Exception raised in the APRS Writer thread - \"%s\"", e.what()); } catch (...) { LogError("Unknown exception raised in the APRS Writer thread"); } LogMessage("Stopping the APRS Writer thread"); } void CAPRSWriterThread::setReadAPRSCallback(ReadAPRSFrameCallback cb) { m_APRSReadCallback = cb; } void CAPRSWriterThread::write(const char* data) { assert(data != NULL); if (!m_connected) return; unsigned int len = ::strlen(data); char* p = new char[len + 5U]; ::strcpy(p, data); m_queue.addData(&p, 1U); } bool CAPRSWriterThread::isConnected() const { return m_connected; } void CAPRSWriterThread::stop() { m_exit = true; wait(); } bool CAPRSWriterThread::connect() { unsigned int password = getAPRSPassword(m_username); bool ret = m_socket.open(); if (!ret) return false; //wait for lgin banner int length; std::string serverResponse; length = m_socket.readLine(serverResponse, APRS_TIMEOUT); if (length == 0) { LogError("No reply from the APRS server after %u seconds", APRS_TIMEOUT); m_socket.close(); return false; } LogMessage("Received login banner : %s", serverResponse.c_str()); std::string filter(m_filter); if (filter.length() > 0) filter.insert(0U, " filter "); char connectString[200U]; ::sprintf(connectString, "user %s-%s pass %u vers %s%s\n", m_username.c_str(), m_ssid.c_str(), password, (m_clientName.length() ? m_clientName : "YSFGateway").c_str(), filter.c_str()); ret = m_socket.writeLine(std::string(connectString)); if (!ret) { m_socket.close(); return false; } length = m_socket.readLine(serverResponse, APRS_TIMEOUT); if (length == 0) { LogError("No reply from the APRS server after %u seconds", APRS_TIMEOUT); m_socket.close(); return false; } if (length < 0) { LogError("Error when reading from the APRS server"); m_socket.close(); return false; } LogMessage("Response from APRS server: %s", serverResponse.c_str()); LogMessage("Connected to the APRS server"); return true; } unsigned int CAPRSWriterThread::getAPRSPassword(std::string callsign) const { unsigned int len = callsign.length(); uint16_t hash = 0x73E2U; for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < len; i += 2U) { hash ^= (char)callsign.at(i) << 8; if (i + 1 < len) hash ^= (char)callsign.at(i + 1); } return hash & 0x7FFFU; }