const config = require("./config.json"); const Discord = require("discord.js"); const client = new Discord.Client(); const getLocationInfo = require("./modules/getLocationInfo"); const getWeather = require("./modules/getWeather"); client.on("error", e => { console.error(e); return; }); client.on("ready", () => { client .generateInvite([ "SEND_MESSAGES", "READ_MESSAGES", "EMBED_LINKS", "ATTACH_FILES" ]) .then(link => { console.log(link); }); console.log( `APRS Bot firing up with ${client.users.size} users, in ${ client.channels.size } channels of ${client.guilds.size} guilds.` ); //return client.user.setActivity("", { type: "Watching" }); }); client.on("message", message => { if ( return; //if (message.content.indexOf(config.prefix) !== 0) return; const args = message.content //.slice(config.prefix.length) .trim() .split(/ +/g); //const command = args.shift(); /*if (command === "loc") { let callsign = args.join("").toLowerCase(); getLocationInfo(callsign, message); return; }*/ const command = args.shift(); if (command === "weather" || command === "wx") { let callsign = args.join("").toLowerCase(); getWeather(callsign, message); return; } else if (command === "hilfe" || command === "help") { //"**Currently available commands**:\n`?loc callsign` to retrieve location information.\n`?wx callsign` to retrieve weather data." "**Usage:**\n`help` to print this help\n`aprs_callsign` to retrieve info about *aprs_callsign*" ); return; } else if (command === "info") { "Hello, my name is Ron. I show the _last heard station information_ about the station that you type into the channel. Just send the callsign that you want the information about and I will see what I can do for you. If you want more information about a weather station type `wx` or `weather` before the callsign.\n\n_For example_\n**`wx OE7XEI-13`** will show the latest weather information from `OE7XEI-13`, which is a weather station from OE7AAI.\nType **`help`** or **`hilfe`** to get more information about the used commands…" ); } else { //let callsign = args.join("").toLowerCase(); let callsign = command.toLowerCase(); getLocationInfo(callsign, message); return; } }); client.login(config.token);