const request = require("request"); const config = require("../config.json"); const Discord = require("discord.js"); let dateOptions = { weekday: "short", year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric", hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", timeZone: config.timezone }; function titleCase(title) { if (title.length > 0) { return title.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + title.slice(1); } return; } function getLocationInfo(callsign, message) { request.get( `${callsign}&what=loc&apikey=${ config.aprs_token }&format=json`, function(error, res, body) { if (error) { console.log(error); return; } let data = JSON.parse(body); if (data.found === 0) { "Sorry, I couldn't find that. Please check the call sign and try again." ); return; } else { let lat = data.entries[0].lat; let lng = data.entries[0].lng; let altitude = data.entries[0].altitude /*? `${data.entries[0].altitude}m (${Math.round( data.entries[0].altitude * 3.28084 )}ft)` : "Not available";*/ ? `${data.entries[0].altitude}m` : "0.00m"; let speed = data.entries[0].speed ? `${data.entries[0].speed} km/h` : "0"; let course = data.entries[0].course ? `${data.entries[0].course}` : "0"; let comment = data.entries[0].comment ? `${data.entries[0].comment}` : "No comment"; let status = data.entries[0].status ? `${data.entries[0].status}` : "No status"; let path = data.entries[0].path ? `${data.entries[0].path}` : "No path"; if (data.entries[0].status_lasttime) { let status_last = new Date(parseInt(data.entries[0].status_lasttime, 10) * 1000); var laststat = status_last.toLocaleString("en-US", dateOptions); //status += `\nSent on: ${laststat}`; } let coords = `${lat},${lng}`; let timeUpdated = new Date(data.entries[0].time * 1000); let miniMapUrl = `${coords}&zoom=17&size=600x300&maptype=terrain&markers=color:red|${coords}&key=${config.gmaps_token}`; let title = `APRS Information for ${callsign.toUpperCase()}`; let locationEmbed = new Discord.RichEmbed() .setColor(config.embed_color) .setTitle(title) .setAuthor("APRS Bot") //.setThumbnail("") .addField("Coordinates", coords.replace(",", ", ")) .addField("Last seen", timeUpdated.toLocaleString("en-US", dateOptions)); if (speed != "0") { locationEmbed.addField("Speed", speed); } if (course !== "0") { let cc = parseInt (course, 10); let dir = "parse error"; switch(true) { case (cc === 0): case (cc === 365): dir = "Heading north"; break; case (cc === 90): dir = "Heading east"; break; case (cc === 180): dir = "Heading south"; break; case (cc === 270): dir = "Heading west"; break; case (cc < 90): dir = "Heading north-east"; break; case (cc < 180): dir = "Heading south-east"; break; case (cc < 270): dir = "Heading south-west"; break; case (cc < 365): dir = "Heading north-west"; break; default: dir = "parse error"; } dir += ` (${cc} °)`; locationEmbed.addField("Direction", dir); } if (altitude !== "0.00m") { locationEmbed.addField("Altitude", altitude); } if (comment !== "No comment") { locationEmbed.addField("Comment", comment); } if (status !== "No status") { locationEmbed.addField(`Status (${laststat})`, status); } if (path !== "No path") { locationEmbed.addField("Path", path); } /*locationEmbed.addField( "Google Maps", `${coords}` )*/ locationEmbed.addField( "", `!mt=roadmap&z=11&call=a%2F${callsign.toUpperCase()}&timerange=3600&tail=3600` ) .setImage(miniMapUrl) //.addField("Path", .setTimestamp() .setFooter("Data sourced from");{ embed: locationEmbed }); return; } } ); } module.exports = getLocationInfo;