return { -- You can also add new plugins here as well: -- Add plugins, the lazy syntax -- "andweeb/presence.nvim", -- { -- "ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim", -- event = "BufRead", -- config = function() -- require("lsp_signature").setup() -- end, -- }, { "folke/todo-comments.nvim", dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }, -- config = function() -- require("todo-comments").setup {} -- end, opts = {}, event = "User AstroFile", cmd = { "TodoQuickFix" }, keys = { { "T", "TodoTelescope", desc = "Open TODOs in Telescope" }, }, }, { "loctvl842/monokai-pro.nvim", config = function() require("monokai-pro").setup { filter = "spectrum", -- classic | octagon | pro | machine | ristretto | spectrum } end }, { "kylechui/nvim-surround", version = "*", -- Use for stability; omit to use `main` branch for the latest features event = "VeryLazy", config = function() require("nvim-surround").setup({ -- Configuration here, or leave empty to use defaults }) end }, -- { -- "Rasukarusan/nvim-select-multi-line", -- -- version = "*", -- Use for stability; omit to use `main` branch for the latest features -- event = "VeryLazy", -- config = function() -- require("nvim-select-multi-line").setup({ -- -- Configuration here, or leave empty to use defaults -- }) -- end -- }, -- { -- "loctvl842/monokai-pro.nvim", -- config = function() -- require("monokai-pro-nvim").setup { -- filter = "spectrum", -- classic | octagon | pro | machine | ristretto | spectrum -- } -- end -- }, -- { -- "mg979/vim-visual-multi", -- event = "User AstroFile", -- -- lazy = false, -- -- keys = "gm", -- }, }