/* * main.cpp * * The MIT License (MIT) {{{ * * Copyright (c) 2015 Dominic Reich * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. }}} * */ /* * SOME SPECIAL NOTES FOR THIS PROGRAM * 1. When compiling, use -lboost_system in 'link-libraries' * 2. When compiling for other hosts, use -static in 'linker-options' * * */ #include #include #include // get the current user-id #include // ip-address check #include // ip-address check #include //#include // sorting the vector #include // sort in vector #include // get duplicates in vector #include // remove duplicates in vectora #include // find ip in file (string compare) #include "version.h" // Code::Blocks AutoVersioning /** \brief Some definitions * \param DEFAULT_FILENAME Sets the default filename for the blacklist file * \param IPTABLES iptables' default location * * \info We might change this later so we can include those defines * \info at compile time like: * \info ./configure --iptables=[new-location] --default-file=[new-location] * */ #define DEFAULT_FILENAME "/etc/blacklist-ip" #define TMP_FILENAME "/tmp/blacklist" #define IPTABLES "/sbin/iptables" using namespace std; inline bool checkRoot(); inline bool fileExists(const string &name); inline bool checkIptables(); void printHelp(bool printAll); ////inline bool checkBlacklistFile(const char *filename); //const char *setFilename(char *tmpName); inline bool listFile(const char *filename); inline bool checkFile(const char *filename); //inline bool compare(string a, string b); int loadIptables(const char *filename); int flushIptables(); int listIptables(); int addIpToIptables(string ip); int checkIp(string ip); inline bool addIpToFile(const char *filename, string ip); inline bool removeIpFromFile(const char *filename, string ip); inline bool countIpAdresses(const char *filename); inline bool findIpInFile(const char *filename, string ip); /** \brief main function (startup function) * * \param argc int * \param argv char** * \return int * */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(checkIptables() == false) return 1; if(argc < 2 || argc > 3) { printHelp(false); return 0; } string Choice = argv[1]; int cmd = 0; const char *Filename = DEFAULT_FILENAME; /// add ip-address to file (check for root) if(Choice == "-a") { if(checkRoot() == false) return 1; if(argc != 3) return 1; cmd = addIpToFile(Filename, argv[2]); if(cmd == false) return 1; /// remove ip-address from file (check for root) } else if(Choice == "-d") { if(checkRoot() == false) return 1; if(argc != 3) return 1; cmd = removeIpFromFile(Filename, argv[2]); if(cmd == false) return 1; /// list ip-addresses from file on screen (no root required) } else if(Choice == "-l") { if(!listFile(Filename)) return 1; /// find an ip-address in file } else if(Choice == "-f") { if(argc != 3) return 1; cmd = checkIp(argv[2]); if(cmd != 0) return 1; if(!findIpInFile(Filename, argv[2])) return 1; /// show how many ips are stored in file } else if(Choice == "-C") { if(!countIpAdresses(Filename)) return 1; /// sort and check file for duplicates (check for root) } else if(Choice == "-c") { if(checkRoot() == false) return 1; if(!checkFile(Filename)) return 1; /// reload iptables chain BLACKLIST (check for root) /// (check file, flush iptables chain, re-load ips from file to chain) } else if(Choice == "-r") { if(checkRoot() == false) return 1; // flush chain cmd = flushIptables(); if(cmd != 0) return 1; // check file if(!checkFile(Filename)) return 1; // re-load ips cmd = loadIptables(Filename); if(cmd != 0) return 1; /// print iptables content to screen (check for root, iptables needs root) } else if(Choice == "-L") { if(checkRoot() == false) return 1; cmd = listIptables(); if(cmd != 0) return 1; /// flush iptables (check for root, iptables needs root) } else if(Choice == "-F") { if(checkRoot() == false) return 1; cmd = flushIptables(); if(cmd != 0) return 1; /// print help screen (no root required) } else if(Choice == "-h") { printHelp(true); } else { printHelp(false); } /// exit program with exit code 0 return 0; } /** \brief checks for superuser * * \return bool * */ inline bool checkRoot() { if(getuid() != 0) { cout << "you must be root for this operation" << endl; return false; } return true; } /** \brief checks for iptables installation * * \return bool * */ inline bool checkIptables() { if(!fileExists(IPTABLES)) { cout << "could not find " << IPTABLES << endl; return false; } return true; } /** \brief checks if a file exists * Source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/12774387 * * \param name const string& * \return bool * */ inline bool fileExists(const string &name) { struct stat buffer; return (stat (name.c_str(), &buffer) == 0); } /** \brief prints a help text on screen (short or long) * * \param printAll bool * \return void * */ void printHelp(bool printAll) { cout << "blacklist " << AutoVersion::FULLVERSION_STRING << ", "; cout << AutoVersion::STATUS << endl; cout << "Copyright (c) 2015 by Dominic Reich\n" << endl; cout << "Usage: blacklist [options] " << endl; if(printAll == true) { cout << "The blacklist file is located at: " << DEFAULT_FILENAME << endl; cout << "Options: -a add ip-address (to file)" << endl; cout << " -d delete ip-address (from file)" << endl; cout << " -l list ip-addresses (from file)" << endl; cout << " -f find ip-address in file" << endl; cout << " -c check file (sort and remove dulicates)" << endl; cout << " -r reload (check file, flush iptables, load ips from file)" << endl; cout << " -C count ip-addresses (from file)" << endl; cout << " -L list ip-addresses (from iptables)" << endl; cout << " -F flush (iptables)" << endl; } } /** \brief checks file for duplicates and sorts it * * \param filename const char* * \return bool * */ inline bool checkFile(const char *filename) { fstream File; File.open(filename, ios::in); if(!File.is_open()) { return false; } string line = ""; vector ips; while(getline(File, line)) { ips.push_back(line.c_str()); } boost::erase(ips, boost::unique(boost::sort(ips))); File.close(); File.open(filename, ios::out | ios::trunc); if(!File.is_open()) { return false; } for(size_t i = 0; i < ips.size(); i++) { File << ips[i] << endl; } File.close(); return true; } /** \brief prints content of file to screen * * \param filename const char* * \return bool * */ inline bool listFile(const char *filename) { ifstream inFile(filename); if(!inFile.is_open()) { //cout << "could not open file " << filename << endl; return false; } string line = ""; while(getline(inFile, line)) { cout << line << endl; } inFile.close(); return true; } /** \brief sets iptables chain BLACKLIST up with ips from file * * \param filename const char* * \return int * */ int loadIptables(const char *filename) { ifstream File(filename); if(!File.is_open()) { //cout << "could not open file " << filename << endl; return 1; } int cmd = 0; string line = ""; while(getline(File, line)) { cmd = addIpToIptables(line); if(cmd != 0) { return cmd; } } File.close(); return 0; } /** \brief flushes iptables chain BLACKLIST * * \return int * */ int flushIptables() { string cmd_iptables = IPTABLES; int cmd = 0; cmd = system((cmd_iptables+" -F BLACKLIST").c_str()); return cmd; } /** \brief prints iptables content to screen * * \return int * */ int listIptables() { string cmd_iptables = IPTABLES; int cmd = 0; cmd = system((cmd_iptables+" -L BLACKLIST -vn").c_str()); return cmd; } /** \brief adds ip to iptables chain BLACKLIST * * \param ip string * \return int * */ int addIpToIptables(string ip) { string cmd_iptables = IPTABLES; int cmd = 0; cmd = checkIp(ip); if(cmd != 0) { return cmd; } // for now we don't add a destination rule as we normally won't send // something if the host is unable to talk to us //cmd = system((cmd_iptables+" -A BLACKLIST -d "+ip+"/32 -j DROP").c_str()); //if(cmd != 0) //{ // return cmd; //} // original line //cmd = system((cmd_iptables+" -A BLACKLIST -s "+ip+"/32 -j DROP").c_str()); cmd = system((cmd_iptables+" -A BLACKLIST -s "+ip+" -j DROP").c_str()); if(cmd != 0) { return cmd; } return 0; } /** \brief checks for a valid ip-address * * \param ip string * \return int * */ int checkIp(string ip) { boost::system::error_code ec; boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(ip, ec); if(ec) { cout << ec.message() << endl; return ec.value(); } return 0; } /** \brief adds ip-address to file * * \param filename const char* * \param ip string * \return bool * */ inline bool addIpToFile(const char *filename, string ip) { int cmd = 0; cmd = checkIp(ip); if(cmd != 0) { return false; } ofstream File(filename, ios::app); if(!File.is_open()) { return false; } File << ip << endl; File.close(); // disable auto-check for now //checkFile(Filename); return true; } /** \brief removes ip-address from file * * \param filename const char* * \param ip string * \return bool * */ inline bool removeIpFromFile(const char *filename, string ip) { int cmd = 0; cmd = checkIp(ip); if(cmd != 0) { return false; } if(!findIpInFile(filename, ip)) { return false; } const char *tmpFile = TMP_FILENAME; ifstream inFile(filename); if(!inFile.is_open()) { return false; } ofstream outFile(tmpFile, ios::out); if(!outFile.is_open()) { return false; } string line = ""; while(getline(inFile, line)) { if(boost::iequals(ip, line) == false) { outFile << line << endl; } } inFile.close(); outFile.close(); ifstream a(tmpFile); if(!a.is_open()) { return false; } ofstream b(filename, ios::out); if(!b.is_open()) { return false; } b << a.rdbuf(); a.close(); b.close(); remove(tmpFile); // TODO: Read file, load every line into an array // search ip in that array and remove that array element // write array elements into file (without appending, just create new one) return true; } /** \brief Counts ip-addresses in file * * \param filename const char* * \return bool * */ inline bool countIpAdresses(const char *filename) { int Count = 0; ifstream File(filename); if(!File.is_open()) { //cout << "could not open file " << filename << endl; return false; } string line = ""; while(getline(File, line)) { Count++; } File.close(); //cout << "There are currently " << Count << "IP Adresses blacklisted." << endl; // as when we want to use that number to calculate something, only print the count cout << Count << endl; return true; } /** \brief Finds an ip-address in file * * \param filename const char* * \param ip string * \return bool * */ inline bool findIpInFile(const char *filename, string ip) { ifstream File(filename); if(!File.is_open()) { return false; } string line = ""; while(getline(File, line)) { if(boost::iequals(ip, line) == true) { //cout << ip << " found in " << filename << "!" << endl; return true; } } File.close(); return false; } /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0 et :*/