keymap.set("n","<leader>ff","<cmd>Telescope find_files<cr>",{desc="Fuzzy find files in cwd"})-- find files within current working directory, respects .gitignore
keymap.set("n","<leader>fr","<cmd>Telescope oldfiles<cr>",{desc="Fuzzy find recent files"})-- find previously opened files
keymap.set("n","<leader>fs","<cmd>Telescope live_grep<cr>",{desc="Find string in cwd"})-- find string in current working directory as you type
keymap.set("n","<leader>fc","<cmd>Telescope grep_string<cr>",{desc="Find string under cursor in cwd"})-- find string under cursor in current working directory
keymap.set("n","<leader>fb","<cmd>Telescope buffers<cr>",{desc="Show open buffers"})-- list open buffers in current neovim instance
keymap.set("n","<leader>hf","<cmd>Telescope harpoon marks<cr>",{desc="Show harpoon marks"})-- show harpoon marks
keymap.set("n","<leader>gc","<cmd>Telescope git_commits<cr>",{desc="Show git commits"})-- list all git commits (use <cr> to checkout) ["gc" for git commits]
keymap.set("n","<leader>gfc","<cmd>Telescope git_bcommits<cr>",{desc="Show git commits for current buffer"})-- list git commits for current file/buffer (use <cr> to checkout) ["gfc" for git file commits]
keymap.set("n","<leader>gb","<cmd>Telescope git_branches<cr>",{desc="Show git branches"})-- list git branches (use <cr> to checkout) ["gb" for git branch]
keymap.set("n","<leader>gs","<cmd>Telescope git_status<cr>",{desc="Show current git changes per file"})-- list current changes per file with diff preview ["gs" for git status]