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* func.php
* Dashboard for YSFGateway
2020-10-26 14:40:03 +01:00
* Manually compiled and configured MMDVMHost without DMRGateway
* connecting to IPSC2-OE-DMO Server (
function getUptime() {
$uptime = intval( `cat /proc/uptime | awk '{ print $1 }'` );
if( $uptime >= 60 ) {
// in minutes
$minutes = intval( $uptime / 60 );
$seconds = $uptime % 60;
if( $minutes >= 60 ) {
$hours = intval( $minutes / 60 );
$minutes = $minutes % 60;
if( $hours >= 24 ) {
$days = intval( $hours / 24 );
$hours = $hours % 24;
$out = "$days days $hours hours $minutes minutes and $seconds seconds";
} else {
// no days, only hours minutes and seconds
$out = "$hours hours $minutes minutes and $seconds seconds";
} else {
// mintes < 60 only minuts, hours
$out = "$minutes minutes and $seconds seconds";
} else {
// only seconds
$out = "$uptime seconds";
return $out;
function linkCallsign( $callsign ) {
$tmp = explode( "-", $callsign );
$call = trim( $tmp[0] );
$suffix = ( !empty( $tmp[1] ))
? "-$tmp[1]"
: "";
if( !empty( $suffix )) {
if( !is_numeric( $call )) {
$call = "<a href=\"$call\" target=\"_blank\">$call" . "</a>$suffix";
} elseif( strlen( $call ) === 7 ) {
$call = "<a href=\"$call\"" . " target=\"_blank\">$call</a>";
} elseif( strlen( $call ) === 4 ) {
//$call = "Reflector $call";
return $call;
function rssiCalc( $val ) {
if( $val > -53 ) $rssi = "S9+40dB";
else if( $val > -63 ) $rssi = "S9+30dB";
else if( $val > -73 ) $rssi = "S9+20dB";
else if( $val > -83 ) $rssi = "S9+10dB";
else if( $val > -93 ) $rssi = "S9";
else if( $val > -99 ) $rssi = "S8";
else if( $val > -105 ) $rssi = "S7";
else if( $val > -111 ) $rssi = "S6";
else if( $val > -117 ) $rssi = "S5";
else if( $val > -123 ) $rssi = "S4";
else if( $val > -129 ) $rssi = "S3";
else if( $val > -135 ) $rssi = "S2";
else if( $val > -141 ) $rssi = "S1";
2020-10-26 14:40:03 +01:00
return "$rssi ($val dBm)";
function printTable( $time, $callsign, $slot, $tg, $duration, $loss = "---", $ber = "---" ) {
if( $duration >= 60 ) {
$min = str_pad( intval( $duration / 60 ), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT );
$sec = str_pad( $duration % 60, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT );
$duration = "$min:$sec";
} else {
$duration = "00:" . str_pad( $duration, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT );
echo " <tr>\n" .
"<td>$time</td>\n" .
"<td>" . linkCallsign( $callsign ) ."</td>\n" .
"<td>$slot</td>\n" .
"<td>$tg</td>\n" .
"<td>$duration</td>\n" .
"<td>$loss</td>\n" .
"<td>$ber</td>\n" .
function getLastHeard($limit = MAXENTRIES) {
$logPath = LOGPATH."/".MMDVM_PREFIX."-*.log";
$logLines = explode( "\n", `egrep -h "DMR Slot" $logPath` );
$oldline = "";
$time = "";
$loss = "";
$ber = "";
$rssi = "";
$call = "";
$duration = "";
$repeater = "";
$printLines = [];
foreach( $logLines as $line ) {
if( empty( $oldline ) && strpos( $line, "network watchdog has expired" )) {
// $oldine=$line;
if( strpos( $line, "RF end of transmission" )) {
$time = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( substr( $line, 3, 23 )." UTC" ));
$callsign = substr( $line, 69, strpos( $line, "to" ) - 69 );
$tg = substr( $line, 89, strpos( $line, ",", 89 ) - 89 );
$duration = round( trim( substr( $line, 92, strpos( $line, "seconds,", 92 ) - 92 ), " ," ));
$rssi_values = explode( "/", substr( $line, 113, strpos( $line, "dBm", 113 ) - 113 ));
$rssi = rssiCalc( round( array_sum( $rssi_values ) / count( $rssi_values )));
$loss = "---";
$ber = substr( $line, 111, strpos( $line, ",", 111 ) - 111 );
if( empty( $ber )) $ber = "---";
$repeater = $rssi; // use this testwise, debug
} elseif( strpos( $line, "received network voice header" )) {
if( strpos( $oldline, "received network voice header" )) {
$oldline = $line;
} else {
$time = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( substr( $line, 3, 23 )." UTC" ));
$old_time = strtotime( $time );
if( strpos( $line, "received network end of voice" )) {
$time = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( substr( $line, 3, 23 )." UTC" ));
$callsign = substr( $line, 87, strpos( $line, "to ") - 87 );
$slot = substr( $line, 36, strpos( $line, ",") - 36);
$tg = substr(
strpos( $line, "to " ) + 3,
2020-10-26 14:40:03 +01:00
strpos( $line, ",", strpos( $line, "to " ) + 3 ) - strpos( $line, "to " ) - 3
$duration = substr(
strpos( $line, "to " ) + strlen( $tg ) + 5,
strpos( $line, " seconds," ) - strpos( $line, "to " ) - strlen( $tg ) - 5
$loss = substr(
strpos( $line, "seconds, " ) + 9,
strpos( $line, " packet loss" ) - strpos( $line, "seconds, " ) - 9
/*if( $loss == "0%" ) {
$loss = "-x-";
2020-10-26 14:40:03 +01:00
$ber = substr(
strpos( $line, "BER: " ) + 5,
strpos( $line, "%", strpos( $line, "BER: ")) - strpos( $line, "BER: " )
//if( $ber == "0.0%" ) $ber = "-x-";
} else {
// echo "<pre><code>\$callsign: $callsign at \$dgid: $dgid\n\$old_time: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $old_time ).
// "\n\$new_time: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $new_time )."</code></pre>\n";
// echo "<pre><code>OLD LINE: $oldline\nLINE: $line\n</code></pre>\n";
$tmp = [];
$tmp['time'] = $time;
$tmp['callsign'] = $callsign;
$tmp['slot'] = $slot;
$tmp['tg'] = $tg;
$tmp['duration'] = round( $duration, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP );
$tmp['loss'] = $loss;
$tmp['ber'] = $ber;
array_unshift( $printLines, $tmp );
unset( $tmp );
// Lastly we set $oldline as the actual line
$oldline = $line;
$c = 0;
foreach( $printLines as $key=>$line ) {
if( ++$c >= MAXENTRIES ) break;
} // end foreach $printLines
} // end function
function printLogs($limit = MAXLOGENTRIES) {
$logPath = LOGPATH."/*-".gmdate("Y-m-d").".log";
$logLines = explode("\n", `tail -n $limit $logPath`);
echo "\n<!-- start logfile output -->\n<h2>DEBUG LOGFILES OUTPUT</h2>\n";
echo "<div style=\"text-align:left;font-size:0.8em;\"><code><pre>\n";
foreach( $logLines as $line ) {
if ( substr( $line, 0, 4) == "==> " ) {
echo "<strong style=\"font-size:1.3em;\">$line</strong>\n";
} else {
echo "$line\n";
echo "\n</pre></code></div>\n<!-- end logfile output -->\n\n";
return 0;