/* * This file is for the OpenMV project so the OV7670 can be used * author: Juan Schiavoni * * OV7670 register definitions. */ #ifndef __OV7670_REG_REGS_H__ #define __OV7670_REG_REGS_H__ #define GAIN 0x00 /* AGC – Gain control gain setting */ #define BLUE 0x01 /* AWB – Blue channel gain setting */ #define RED 0x02 /* AWB – Red channel gain setting */ #define VREF 0x03 /* AWB – Green channel gain setting */ #define COM1 0x04 /* Common Control 1 */ #define BAVG 0x05 /* U/B Average Level */ #define GAVG 0x06 /* Y/Gb Average Level */ #define AECH 0x07 /* Exposure VAlue - AEC MSB 5 bits */ #define RAVG 0x08 /* V/R Average Level */ #define COM2 0x09 /* Common Control 2 */ #define COM2_SOFT_SLEEP 0x10 /* Soft sleep mode */ #define COM2_OUT_DRIVE_1x 0x00 /* Output drive capability 1x */ #define COM2_OUT_DRIVE_2x 0x01 /* Output drive capability 2x */ #define COM2_OUT_DRIVE_3x 0x02 /* Output drive capability 3x */ #define COM2_OUT_DRIVE_4x 0x03 /* Output drive capability 4x */ #define REG_PID 0x0A /* Product ID Number MSB */ #define REG_VER 0x0B /* Product ID Number LSB */ #define COM3 0x0C /* Common Control 3 */ #define COM3_SWAP_OUT 0x40 /* Output data MSB/LSB swap */ #define COM3_TRI_CLK 0x20 /* Tri-state output clock */ #define COM3_TRI_DATA 0x10 /* Tri-state option output */ #define COM3_SCALE_EN 0x08 /* Scale enable */ #define COM3_DCW 0x04 /* DCW enable */ #define COM4 0x0D /* Common Control 4 */ #define COM4_PLL_BYPASS 0x00 /* Bypass PLL */ #define COM4_PLL_4x 0x40 /* PLL frequency 4x */ #define COM4_PLL_6x 0x80 /* PLL frequency 6x */ #define COM4_PLL_8x 0xc0 /* PLL frequency 8x */ #define COM4_AEC_FULL 0x00 /* AEC evaluate full window */ #define COM4_AEC_1_2 0x10 /* AEC evaluate 1/2 window */ #define COM4_AEC_1_4 0x20 /* AEC evaluate 1/4 window */ #define COM4_AEC_2_3 0x30 /* AEC evaluate 2/3 window */ #define COM5 0x0E /* Common Control 5 */ #define COM5_AFR 0x80 /* Auto frame rate control ON/OFF selection (night mode) */ #define COM5_AFR_SPEED 0x40 /* Auto frame rate control speed selection */ #define COM5_AFR_0 0x00 /* No reduction of frame rate */ #define COM5_AFR_1_2 0x10 /* Max reduction to 1/2 frame rate */ #define COM5_AFR_1_4 0x20 /* Max reduction to 1/4 frame rate */ #define COM5_AFR_1_8 0x30 /* Max reduction to 1/8 frame rate */ #define COM5_AFR_4x 0x04 /* Add frame when AGC reaches 4x gain */ #define COM5_AFR_8x 0x08 /* Add frame when AGC reaches 8x gain */ #define COM5_AFR_16x 0x0c /* Add frame when AGC reaches 16x gain */ #define COM5_AEC_NO_LIMIT 0x01 /* No limit to AEC increase step */ #define COM6 0x0F /* Common Control 6 */ #define COM6_AUTO_WINDOW 0x01 /* Auto window setting ON/OFF selection when format changes */ #define AEC 0x10 /* AEC[7:0] (see register AECH for AEC[15:8]) */ #define CLKRC 0x11 /* Internal Clock */ #define COM7 0x12 /* Common Control 7 */ #define COM7_RESET 0x80 /* SCCB Register Reset */ #define COM7_RES_VGA 0x00 /* Resolution VGA */ #define COM7_RES_QVGA 0x40 /* Resolution QVGA */ #define COM7_BT656 0x20 /* BT.656 protocol ON/OFF */ #define COM7_SENSOR_RAW 0x10 /* Sensor RAW */ #define COM7_FMT_GBR422 0x00 /* RGB output format GBR422 */ #define COM7_FMT_RGB565 0x04 /* RGB output format RGB565 */ #define COM7_FMT_RGB555 0x08 /* RGB output format RGB555 */ #define COM7_FMT_RGB444 0x0C /* RGB output format RGB444 */ #define COM7_FMT_YUV 0x00 /* Output format YUV */ #define COM7_FMT_P_BAYER 0x01 /* Output format Processed Bayer RAW */ #define COM7_FMT_RGB 0x04 /* Output format RGB */ #define COM7_FMT_R_BAYER 0x03 /* Output format Bayer RAW */ #define COM7_SET_FMT(r, x) ((r&0xFC)|((x&0x5)<<0)) #define COM8 0x13 /* Common Control 8 */ #define COM8_FAST_AUTO 0x80 /* Enable fast AGC/AEC algorithm */ #define COM8_STEP_VSYNC 0x00 /* AEC - Step size limited to vertical blank */ #define COM8_STEP_UNLIMIT 0x40 /* AEC - Step size unlimited step size */ #define COM8_BANDF_EN 0x20 /* Banding filter ON/OFF */ #define COM8_AEC_BANDF 0x10 /* Enable AEC below banding value */ #define COM8_AEC_FINE_EN 0x08 /* Fine AEC ON/OFF control */ #define COM8_AGC_EN 0x04 /* AGC Enable */ #define COM8_AWB_EN 0x02 /* AWB Enable */ #define COM8_AEC_EN 0x01 /* AEC Enable */ #define COM8_SET_AGC(r, x) ((r&0xFB)|((x&0x1)<<2)) #define COM8_SET_AWB(r, x) ((r&0xFD)|((x&0x1)<<1)) #define COM8_SET_AEC(r, x) ((r&0xFE)|((x&0x1)<<0)) #define COM9 0x14 /* Common Control 9 */ #define COM9_HISTO_AVG 0x80 /* Histogram or average based AEC/AGC selection */ #define COM9_AGC_GAIN_2x 0x00 /* Automatic Gain Ceiling 2x */ #define COM9_AGC_GAIN_4x 0x10 /* Automatic Gain Ceiling 4x */ #define COM9_AGC_GAIN_8x 0x20 /* Automatic Gain Ceiling 8x */ #define COM9_AGC_GAIN_16x 0x30 /* Automatic Gain Ceiling 16x */ #define COM9_AGC_GAIN_32x 0x40 /* Automatic Gain Ceiling 32x */ #define COM9_DROP_VSYNC 0x04 /* Drop VSYNC output of corrupt frame */ #define COM9_DROP_HREF 0x02 /* Drop HREF output of corrupt frame */ #define COM9_SET_AGC(r, x) ((r&0x8F)|((x&0x07)<<4)) #define COM10 0x15 /* Common Control 10 */ #define COM10_NEGATIVE 0x80 /* Output negative data */ #define COM10_HSYNC_EN 0x40 /* HREF changes to HSYNC */ #define COM10_PCLK_FREE 0x00 /* PCLK output option: free running PCLK */ #define COM10_PCLK_MASK 0x20 /* PCLK output option: masked during horizontal blank */ #define COM10_PCLK_REV 0x10 /* PCLK reverse */ #define COM10_HREF_REV 0x08 /* HREF reverse */ #define COM10_VSYNC_FALLING 0x00 /* VSYNC changes on falling edge of PCLK */ #define COM10_VSYNC_RISING 0x04 /* VSYNC changes on rising edge of PCLK */ #define COM10_VSYNC_NEG 0x02 /* VSYNC negative */ #define COM10_OUT_RANGE_8 0x01 /* Output data range: Full range */ #define COM10_OUT_RANGE_10 0x00 /* Output data range: Data from [10] to [F0] (8 MSBs) */ #define RSVD_16 0x16 /* Reserved register */ #define HSTART 0x17 /* Horizontal Frame (HREF column) Start high 8-bit(low 3 bits are at HREF[2:0]) */ #define HSTOP 0x18 /* Horizontal Frame (HREF column) end high 8-bit (low 3 bits are at HREF[5:3]) */ #define VSTART 0x19 /* Vertical Frame (row) Start high 8-bit (low 2 bits are at VREF[1:0]) */ #define VSTOP 0x1A /* Vertical Frame (row) End high 8-bit (low 2 bits are at VREF[3:2]) */ #define PSHFT 0x1B /* Data Format - Pixel Delay Select */ #define REG_MIDH 0x1C /* Manufacturer ID Byte – High */ #define REG_MIDL 0x1D /* Manufacturer ID Byte – Low */ #define MVFP 0x1E /* Mirror/Vflip Enable */ #define MVFP_MIRROR 0x20 /* Mirror image */ #define MVFP_FLIP 0x10 /* Vertical flip */ #define MVFP_SUN 0x02 /* Black sun enable */ #define MVFP_SET_MIRROR(r,x) ((r&0xDF)|((x&1)<<5)) /* change only bit5 according to x */ #define MVFP_SET_FLIP(r,x) ((r&0xEF)|((x&1)<<4)) /* change only bit4 according to x */ #define LAEC 0x1F /* Fine AEC Value - defines exposure value less than one row period (Reserved?) */ #define ADCCTR0 0x20 /* ADC control */ #define ADCCTR1 0x21 /* reserved */ #define ADCCTR2 0x22 /* reserved */ #define ADCCTR3 0x23 /* reserved */ #define AEW 0x24 /* AGC/AEC - Stable Operating Region (Upper Limit) */ #define AEB 0x25 /* AGC/AEC - Stable Operating Region (Lower Limit) */ #define VPT 0x26 /* AGC/AEC Fast Mode Operating Region */ #define BBIAS 0x27 /* B channel signal output bias (effective only when COM6[3]=1) */ #define GbBIAS 0x28 /* Gb channel signal output bias (effective only when COM6[3]=1) */ #define RSVD_29 0x29 /* reserved */ #define EXHCH 0x2A /* Dummy Pixel Insert MSB */ #define EXHCL 0x2B /* Dummy Pixel Insert LSB */ #define RBIAS 0x2C /* R channel signal output bias (effective only when COM6[3]=1) */ #define ADVFL 0x2D /* LSB of Insert Dummy Rows in Vertical Sync (1 bit equals 1 row) */ #define ADVFH 0x2E /* MSB of Insert Dummy Rows in Vertical Sync */ #define YAVE 0x2F /* Y/G Channel Average Value */ #define HSYST 0x30 /* HSync rising edge delay */ #define HSYEN 0x31 /* HSync falling edge delay */ #define HREF 0x32 /* Image Start and Size Control DIFFERENT CONTROL SEQUENCE */ #define CHLF 0x33 /* Array Current control */ #define ARBLM 0x34 /* Array reference control */ #define RSVD_35 0x35 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_36 0x36 /* Reserved */ #define ADC 0x37 /* ADC control */ #define ACOM 0x38 /* ADC and analog common mode control */ #define OFON 0x39 /* ADC offset control */ #define TSLB 0x3A /* Line buffer test option */ #define COM11 0x3B /* Common control 11 */ #define COM11_EXP 0x02 #define COM11_HZAUTO 0x10 /* Auto detect 50/60 Hz */ #define COM12 0x3C /* Common control 12 */ #define COM13 0x3D /* Common control 13 */ #define COM13_GAMMA 0x80 /* Gamma enable */ #define COM13_UVSAT 0x40 /* UV saturation auto adjustment */ #define COM14 0x3E /* Common Control 14 */ #define EDGE 0x3F /* edge enhancement adjustment */ #define COM15 0x40 /* Common Control 15 DIFFERENT CONTROLS */ #define COM15_SET_RGB565(r,x) ((r&0xEF)|((x&1)<<4)) /* set rgb565 mode */ #define COM15_RGB565 0x10 /* RGB565 output */ #define COM15_R00FF 0xC0 /* Output range: [00] to [FF] */ #define COM16 0x41 /* Common Control 16 DIFFERENT CONTROLS */ #define COM16_AWBGAIN 0x08 /* AWB gain enable */ #define COM17 0x42 /* Common Control 17 */ #define AWBC1 0x43 /* Reserved */ #define AWBC2 0x44 /* Reserved */ #define AWBC3 0x45 /* Reserved */ #define AWBC4 0x46 /* Reserved */ #define AWBC5 0x47 /* Reserved */ #define AWBC6 0x48 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_49 0x49 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_4A 0x4A /* Reserved */ #define REG4B 0x4B /* Register 4B */ #define DNSTH 0x4C /* Denoise strength */ #define RSVD_4D 0x4D /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_4E 0x4E /* Reserved */ #define MTX1 0x4F /* Matrix coefficient 1 */ #define MTX2 0x50 /* Matrix coefficient 2 */ #define MTX3 0x51 /* Matrix coefficient 3 */ #define MTX4 0x52 /* Matrix coefficient 4 */ #define MTX5 0x53 /* Matrix coefficient 5 */ #define MTX6 0x54 /* Matrix coefficient 6 */ #define BRIGHTNESS 0x55 /* Brightness control */ #define CONTRAST 0x56 /* Contrast control */ #define CONTRASCENTER 0x57 /* Contrast center */ #define MTXS 0x58 /* Matrix coefficient sign for coefficient 5 to 0*/ #define RSVD_59 0x59 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_5A 0x5A /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_5B 0x5B /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_5C 0x5C /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_5D 0x5D /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_5E 0x5E /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_5F 0x5F /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_60 0x60 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_61 0x61 /* Reserved */ #define LCC1 0x62 /* Lens correction option 1 */ #define LCC2 0x63 /* Lens correction option 2 */ #define LCC3 0x64 /* Lens correction option 3 */ #define LCC4 0x65 /* Lens correction option 4 */ #define LCC5 0x66 /* Lens correction option 5 */ #define MANU 0x67 /* Manual U Value */ #define MANV 0x68 /* Manual V Value */ #define GFIX 0x69 /* Fix gain control */ #define GGAIN 0x6A /* G channel AWB gain */ #define DBLV 0x6B /* PLL and clock ? */ #define AWBCTR3 0x6C /* AWB Control 3 */ #define AWBCTR2 0x6D /* AWB Control 2 */ #define AWBCTR1 0x6E /* AWB Control 1 */ #define AWBCTR0 0x6F /* AWB Control 0 */ #define SCALING_XSC 0x70 /* test pattern and horizontal scaling factor */ #define SCALING_XSC_CBAR(r) (r&0x7F) /* make sure bit7 is 0 for color bar */ #define SCALING_YSC 0x71 /* test pattern and vertical scaling factor */ #define SCALING_YSC_CBAR(r,x) ((r&0x7F)|((x&1)<<7)) /* change bit7 for color bar on/off */ #define SCALING_DCWCTR 0x72 /* DCW control */ #define SCALING_PCLK_DIV 0x73 /* */ #define REG74 0x74 /* */ #define REG75 0x75 /* */ #define REG76 0x76 /* */ #define REG77 0x77 /* */ #define RSVD_78 0x78 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_79 0x79 /* Reserved */ #define SLOP 0x7A /* Gamma curve highest segment slope */ #define GAM1 0x7B /* Gamma Curve 1st Segment Input End Point 0x04 Output Value */ #define GAM2 0x7C /* Gamma Curve 2nd Segment Input End Point 0x08 Output Value */ #define GAM3 0x7D /* Gamma Curve 3rd Segment Input End Point 0x10 Output Value */ #define GAM4 0x7E /* Gamma Curve 4th Segment Input End Point 0x20 Output Value */ #define GAM5 0x7F /* Gamma Curve 5th Segment Input End Point 0x28 Output Value */ #define GAM6 0x80 /* Gamma Curve 6rd Segment Input End Point 0x30 Output Value */ #define GAM7 0x81 /* Gamma Curve 7th Segment Input End Point 0x38 Output Value */ #define GAM8 0x82 /* Gamma Curve 8th Segment Input End Point 0x40 Output Value */ #define GAM9 0x83 /* Gamma Curve 9th Segment Input End Point 0x48 Output Value */ #define GAM10 0x84 /* Gamma Curve 10th Segment Input End Point 0x50 Output Value */ #define GAM11 0x85 /* Gamma Curve 11th Segment Input End Point 0x60 Output Value */ #define GAM12 0x86 /* Gamma Curve 12th Segment Input End Point 0x70 Output Value */ #define GAM13 0x87 /* Gamma Curve 13th Segment Input End Point 0x90 Output Value */ #define GAM14 0x88 /* Gamma Curve 14th Segment Input End Point 0xB0 Output Value */ #define GAM15 0x89 /* Gamma Curve 15th Segment Input End Point 0xD0 Output Value */ #define RSVD_8A 0x8A /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_8B 0x8B /* Reserved */ #define RGB444 0x8C /* */ #define RSVD_8D 0x8D /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_8E 0x8E /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_8F 0x8F /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_90 0x90 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_91 0x91 /* Reserved */ #define DM_LNL 0x92 /* Dummy line low 8 bit */ #define DM_LNH 0x93 /* Dummy line high 8 bit */ #define LCC6 0x94 /* Lens correction option 6 */ #define LCC7 0x95 /* Lens correction option 7 */ #define RSVD_96 0x96 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_97 0x97 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_98 0x98 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_99 0x99 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_9A 0x9A /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_9B 0x9B /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_9C 0x9C /* Reserved */ #define BD50ST 0x9D /* 50 Hz banding filter value */ #define BD60ST 0x9E /* 60 Hz banding filter value */ #define HAECC1 0x9F /* Histogram-based AEC/AGC control 1 */ #define HAECC2 0xA0 /* Histogram-based AEC/AGC control 2 */ #define RSVD_A1 0xA1 /* Reserved */ #define SCALING_PCLK_DELAY 0xA2 /* Pixel clock delay */ #define RSVD_A3 0xA3 /* Reserved */ #define NT_CNTRL 0xA4 /* */ #define BD50MAX 0xA5 /* 50 Hz banding step limit */ #define HAECC3 0xA6 /* Histogram-based AEC/AGC control 3 */ #define HAECC4 0xA7 /* Histogram-based AEC/AGC control 4 */ #define HAECC5 0xA8 /* Histogram-based AEC/AGC control 5 */ #define HAECC6 0xA9 /* Histogram-based AEC/AGC control 6 */ #define HAECC7 0xAA /* Histogram-based AEC/AGC control 7 */ #define HAECC_EN 0x80 /* Histogram-based AEC algorithm enable */ #define BD60MAX 0xAB /* 60 Hz banding step limit */ #define STR_OPT 0xAC /* Register AC */ #define STR_R 0xAD /* R gain for led output frame */ #define STR_G 0xAE /* G gain for led output frame */ #define STR_B 0xAF /* B gain for led output frame */ #define RSVD_B0 0xB0 /* Reserved */ #define ABLC1 0xB1 /* */ #define RSVD_B2 0xB2 /* Reserved */ #define THL_ST 0xB3 /* ABLC target */ #define THL_DLT 0xB5 /* ABLC stable range */ #define RSVD_B6 0xB6 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_B7 0xB7 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_B8 0xB8 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_B9 0xB9 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_BA 0xBA /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_BB 0xBB /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_BC 0xBC /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_BD 0xBD /* Reserved */ #define AD_CHB 0xBE /* blue channel black level compensation */ #define AD_CHR 0xBF /* Red channel black level compensation */ #define AD_CHGb 0xC0 /* Gb channel black level compensation */ #define AD_CHGr 0xC1 /* Gr channel black level compensation */ #define RSVD_C2 0xC2 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_C3 0xC3 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_C4 0xC4 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_C5 0xC5 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_C6 0xC6 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_C7 0xC7 /* Reserved */ #define RSVD_C8 0xC8 /* Reserved */ #define SATCTR 0xC9 /* Saturation control */ #define SET_REG(reg, x) (##reg_DEFAULT|x) #endif //__OV7670_REG_REGS_H__