# MJPEG Multiclient Streaming Server ## With latest ESP-CAM drivers **Full story:** https://www.hackster.io/anatoli-arkhipenko/multi-client-mjpeg-streaming-from-esp32-47768f **Video:** https://youtu.be/bsAVJSZeSmc **Updated on 2021-07-01:** - OP updated to account for recent repo changes by Espressif - Recompiled with ESP32 Arduino Core 1.0.6 - Updated with latest ESP CAM drivers ### Contents: #### Arduino IDE folder: MJPEG Multiclient Streaming Server using RTOS - supports up to 10 clients. This folder is for sketches created in Arduino IDE #### Platform IO folder: MJPEG Multiclient Streaming Server using RTOS - supports up to 10 clients. This folder is for Platform IO package ### Enjoy! ------ ##### Other repositories that may be of interest ###### ESP32 MJPEG streaming server servicing a single client: https://github.com/arkhipenko/esp32-cam-mjpeg ###### ESP32 MJPEG streaming server servicing multiple clients (FreeRTOS based): https://github.com/arkhipenko/esp32-cam-mjpeg-multiclient ###### Cooperative multitasking library: https://github.com/arkhipenko/TaskScheduler