// Copyright 2010-2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include "soc/i2s_struct.h" #include "esp_idf_version.h" #if ESP_IDF_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 #include "hal/gpio_ll.h" #else #include "rom/ets_sys.h" #include "soc/gpio_periph.h" #define esp_rom_delay_us ets_delay_us static inline int gpio_ll_get_level(gpio_dev_t *hw, int gpio_num) { if (gpio_num < 32) { return (hw->in >> gpio_num) & 0x1; } else { return (hw->in1.data >> (gpio_num - 32)) & 0x1; } } #endif #include "ll_cam.h" #include "xclk.h" #include "cam_hal.h" static const char *TAG = "esp32 ll_cam"; #define I2S_ISR_ENABLE(i) {I2S0.int_clr.i = 1;I2S0.int_ena.i = 1;} #define I2S_ISR_DISABLE(i) {I2S0.int_ena.i = 0;I2S0.int_clr.i = 1;} typedef union { struct { uint32_t sample2:8; uint32_t unused2:8; uint32_t sample1:8; uint32_t unused1:8; }; uint32_t val; } dma_elem_t; typedef enum { /* camera sends byte sequence: s1, s2, s3, s4, ... * fifo receives: 00 s1 00 s2, 00 s2 00 s3, 00 s3 00 s4, ... */ SM_0A0B_0B0C = 0, /* camera sends byte sequence: s1, s2, s3, s4, ... * fifo receives: 00 s1 00 s2, 00 s3 00 s4, ... */ SM_0A0B_0C0D = 1, /* camera sends byte sequence: s1, s2, s3, s4, ... * fifo receives: 00 s1 00 00, 00 s2 00 00, 00 s3 00 00, ... */ SM_0A00_0B00 = 3, } i2s_sampling_mode_t; typedef size_t (*dma_filter_t)(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src, size_t len); static i2s_sampling_mode_t sampling_mode = SM_0A00_0B00; static size_t ll_cam_bytes_per_sample(i2s_sampling_mode_t mode) { switch(mode) { case SM_0A00_0B00: return 4; case SM_0A0B_0B0C: return 4; case SM_0A0B_0C0D: return 2; default: assert(0 && "invalid sampling mode"); return 0; } } static size_t IRAM_ATTR ll_cam_dma_filter_jpeg(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src, size_t len) { const dma_elem_t* dma_el = (const dma_elem_t*)src; size_t elements = len / sizeof(dma_elem_t); size_t end = elements / 4; // manually unrolling 4 iterations of the loop here for (size_t i = 0; i < end; ++i) { dst[0] = dma_el[0].sample1; dst[1] = dma_el[1].sample1; dst[2] = dma_el[2].sample1; dst[3] = dma_el[3].sample1; dma_el += 4; dst += 4; } return elements; } static size_t IRAM_ATTR ll_cam_dma_filter_grayscale(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src, size_t len) { const dma_elem_t* dma_el = (const dma_elem_t*)src; size_t elements = len / sizeof(dma_elem_t); size_t end = elements / 4; for (size_t i = 0; i < end; ++i) { // manually unrolling 4 iterations of the loop here dst[0] = dma_el[0].sample1; dst[1] = dma_el[1].sample1; dst[2] = dma_el[2].sample1; dst[3] = dma_el[3].sample1; dma_el += 4; dst += 4; } return elements; } static size_t IRAM_ATTR ll_cam_dma_filter_grayscale_highspeed(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src, size_t len) { const dma_elem_t* dma_el = (const dma_elem_t*)src; size_t elements = len / sizeof(dma_elem_t); size_t end = elements / 8; for (size_t i = 0; i < end; ++i) { // manually unrolling 4 iterations of the loop here dst[0] = dma_el[0].sample1; dst[1] = dma_el[2].sample1; dst[2] = dma_el[4].sample1; dst[3] = dma_el[6].sample1; dma_el += 8; dst += 4; } // the final sample of a line in SM_0A0B_0B0C sampling mode needs special handling if ((elements & 0x7) != 0) { dst[0] = dma_el[0].sample1; dst[1] = dma_el[2].sample1; elements += 1; } return elements / 2; } static size_t IRAM_ATTR ll_cam_dma_filter_yuyv(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src, size_t len) { const dma_elem_t* dma_el = (const dma_elem_t*)src; size_t elements = len / sizeof(dma_elem_t); size_t end = elements / 4; for (size_t i = 0; i < end; ++i) { dst[0] = dma_el[0].sample1;//y0 dst[1] = dma_el[0].sample2;//u dst[2] = dma_el[1].sample1;//y1 dst[3] = dma_el[1].sample2;//v dst[4] = dma_el[2].sample1;//y0 dst[5] = dma_el[2].sample2;//u dst[6] = dma_el[3].sample1;//y1 dst[7] = dma_el[3].sample2;//v dma_el += 4; dst += 8; } return elements * 2; } static size_t IRAM_ATTR ll_cam_dma_filter_yuyv_highspeed(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src, size_t len) { const dma_elem_t* dma_el = (const dma_elem_t*)src; size_t elements = len / sizeof(dma_elem_t); size_t end = elements / 8; for (size_t i = 0; i < end; ++i) { dst[0] = dma_el[0].sample1;//y0 dst[1] = dma_el[1].sample1;//u dst[2] = dma_el[2].sample1;//y1 dst[3] = dma_el[3].sample1;//v dst[4] = dma_el[4].sample1;//y0 dst[5] = dma_el[5].sample1;//u dst[6] = dma_el[6].sample1;//y1 dst[7] = dma_el[7].sample1;//v dma_el += 8; dst += 8; } if ((elements & 0x7) != 0) { dst[0] = dma_el[0].sample1;//y0 dst[1] = dma_el[1].sample1;//u dst[2] = dma_el[2].sample1;//y1 dst[3] = dma_el[2].sample2;//v elements += 4; } return elements; } static void IRAM_ATTR ll_cam_vsync_isr(void *arg) { //DBG_PIN_SET(1); cam_obj_t *cam = (cam_obj_t *)arg; BaseType_t HPTaskAwoken = pdFALSE; // filter esp_rom_delay_us(1); if (gpio_ll_get_level(&GPIO, cam->vsync_pin) == !cam->vsync_invert) { ll_cam_send_event(cam, CAM_VSYNC_EVENT, &HPTaskAwoken); if (HPTaskAwoken == pdTRUE) { portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); } } //DBG_PIN_SET(0); } static void IRAM_ATTR ll_cam_dma_isr(void *arg) { //DBG_PIN_SET(1); cam_obj_t *cam = (cam_obj_t *)arg; BaseType_t HPTaskAwoken = pdFALSE; typeof(I2S0.int_st) status = I2S0.int_st; if (status.val == 0) { return; } I2S0.int_clr.val = status.val; if (status.in_suc_eof) { ll_cam_send_event(cam, CAM_IN_SUC_EOF_EVENT, &HPTaskAwoken); } if (HPTaskAwoken == pdTRUE) { portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); } //DBG_PIN_SET(0); } bool ll_cam_stop(cam_obj_t *cam) { I2S0.conf.rx_start = 0; I2S_ISR_DISABLE(in_suc_eof); I2S0.in_link.stop = 1; return true; } bool ll_cam_start(cam_obj_t *cam, int frame_pos) { I2S0.conf.rx_start = 0; I2S_ISR_ENABLE(in_suc_eof); I2S0.conf.rx_reset = 1; I2S0.conf.rx_reset = 0; I2S0.conf.rx_fifo_reset = 1; I2S0.conf.rx_fifo_reset = 0; I2S0.lc_conf.in_rst = 1; I2S0.lc_conf.in_rst = 0; I2S0.lc_conf.ahbm_fifo_rst = 1; I2S0.lc_conf.ahbm_fifo_rst = 0; I2S0.lc_conf.ahbm_rst = 1; I2S0.lc_conf.ahbm_rst = 0; I2S0.rx_eof_num = cam->dma_half_buffer_size / sizeof(dma_elem_t); I2S0.in_link.addr = ((uint32_t)&cam->dma[0]) & 0xfffff; I2S0.in_link.start = 1; I2S0.conf.rx_start = 1; return true; } esp_err_t ll_cam_config(cam_obj_t *cam, const camera_config_t *config) { // Enable and configure I2S peripheral periph_module_enable(PERIPH_I2S0_MODULE); I2S0.conf.rx_reset = 1; I2S0.conf.rx_reset = 0; I2S0.conf.rx_fifo_reset = 1; I2S0.conf.rx_fifo_reset = 0; I2S0.lc_conf.in_rst = 1; I2S0.lc_conf.in_rst = 0; I2S0.lc_conf.ahbm_fifo_rst = 1; I2S0.lc_conf.ahbm_fifo_rst = 0; I2S0.lc_conf.ahbm_rst = 1; I2S0.lc_conf.ahbm_rst = 0; I2S0.conf.rx_slave_mod = 1; I2S0.conf.rx_right_first = 0; I2S0.conf.rx_msb_right = 0; I2S0.conf.rx_msb_shift = 0; I2S0.conf.rx_mono = 0; I2S0.conf.rx_short_sync = 0; I2S0.conf2.lcd_en = 1; I2S0.conf2.camera_en = 1; // Configure clock divider I2S0.clkm_conf.clkm_div_a = 0; I2S0.clkm_conf.clkm_div_b = 0; I2S0.clkm_conf.clkm_div_num = 2; I2S0.fifo_conf.dscr_en = 1; I2S0.fifo_conf.rx_fifo_mod = sampling_mode; I2S0.fifo_conf.rx_fifo_mod_force_en = 1; I2S0.conf_chan.rx_chan_mod = 1; I2S0.sample_rate_conf.rx_bits_mod = 0; I2S0.timing.val = 0; I2S0.timing.rx_dsync_sw = 1; return ESP_OK; } void ll_cam_vsync_intr_enable(cam_obj_t *cam, bool en) { if (en) { gpio_intr_enable(cam->vsync_pin); } else { gpio_intr_disable(cam->vsync_pin); } } esp_err_t ll_cam_set_pin(cam_obj_t *cam, const camera_config_t *config) { gpio_config_t io_conf = {0}; io_conf.intr_type = cam->vsync_invert ? GPIO_PIN_INTR_NEGEDGE : GPIO_PIN_INTR_POSEDGE; io_conf.pin_bit_mask = 1ULL << config->pin_vsync; io_conf.mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT; io_conf.pull_up_en = 1; io_conf.pull_down_en = 0; gpio_config(&io_conf); gpio_install_isr_service(ESP_INTR_FLAG_LOWMED | ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM); gpio_isr_handler_add(config->pin_vsync, ll_cam_vsync_isr, cam); gpio_intr_disable(config->pin_vsync); PIN_FUNC_SELECT(GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG[config->pin_pclk], PIN_FUNC_GPIO); gpio_set_direction(config->pin_pclk, GPIO_MODE_INPUT); gpio_set_pull_mode(config->pin_pclk, GPIO_FLOATING); gpio_matrix_in(config->pin_pclk, I2S0I_WS_IN_IDX, false); PIN_FUNC_SELECT(GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG[config->pin_vsync], PIN_FUNC_GPIO); gpio_set_direction(config->pin_vsync, GPIO_MODE_INPUT); gpio_set_pull_mode(config->pin_vsync, GPIO_FLOATING); gpio_matrix_in(config->pin_vsync, I2S0I_V_SYNC_IDX, false); PIN_FUNC_SELECT(GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG[config->pin_href], PIN_FUNC_GPIO); gpio_set_direction(config->pin_href, GPIO_MODE_INPUT); gpio_set_pull_mode(config->pin_href, GPIO_FLOATING); gpio_matrix_in(config->pin_href, I2S0I_H_SYNC_IDX, false); int data_pins[8] = { config->pin_d0, config->pin_d1, config->pin_d2, config->pin_d3, config->pin_d4, config->pin_d5, config->pin_d6, config->pin_d7, }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { PIN_FUNC_SELECT(GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG[data_pins[i]], PIN_FUNC_GPIO); gpio_set_direction(data_pins[i], GPIO_MODE_INPUT); gpio_set_pull_mode(data_pins[i], GPIO_FLOATING); gpio_matrix_in(data_pins[i], I2S0I_DATA_IN0_IDX + i, false); } gpio_matrix_in(0x38, I2S0I_H_ENABLE_IDX, false); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t ll_cam_init_isr(cam_obj_t *cam) { return esp_intr_alloc(ETS_I2S0_INTR_SOURCE, ESP_INTR_FLAG_LOWMED | ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM, ll_cam_dma_isr, cam, &cam->cam_intr_handle); } void ll_cam_do_vsync(cam_obj_t *cam) { } uint8_t ll_cam_get_dma_align(cam_obj_t *cam) { return 0; } static bool ll_cam_calc_rgb_dma(cam_obj_t *cam){ size_t dma_half_buffer_max = 16 * 1024 / cam->dma_bytes_per_item; size_t dma_buffer_max = 2 * dma_half_buffer_max; size_t node_max = LCD_CAM_DMA_NODE_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE / cam->dma_bytes_per_item; size_t line_width = cam->width * cam->in_bytes_per_pixel; size_t image_size = cam->height * line_width; if (image_size > (2 * 1024 * 1024) || (line_width > dma_half_buffer_max)) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Resolution too high"); return 0; } size_t node_size = node_max; size_t nodes_per_line = 1; size_t lines_per_node = 1; size_t lines_per_half_buffer = 1; size_t dma_half_buffer_min = node_max; size_t dma_half_buffer = dma_half_buffer_max; size_t dma_buffer_size = dma_buffer_max; // Calculate DMA Node Size so that it's divisable by or divisor of the line width if(line_width >= node_max){ // One or more nodes will be requied for one line for(size_t i = node_max; i > 0; i=i-1){ if ((line_width % i) == 0) { node_size = i; nodes_per_line = line_width / node_size; break; } } } else { // One or more lines can fit into one node for(size_t i = node_max; i > 0; i=i-1){ if ((i % line_width) == 0) { node_size = i; lines_per_node = node_size / line_width; while((cam->height % lines_per_node) != 0){ lines_per_node = lines_per_node - 1; node_size = lines_per_node * line_width; } break; } } } // Calculate minimum EOF size = max(mode_size, line_size) dma_half_buffer_min = node_size * nodes_per_line; // Calculate max EOF size divisable by node size dma_half_buffer = (dma_half_buffer_max / dma_half_buffer_min) * dma_half_buffer_min; // Adjust EOF size so that height will be divisable by the number of lines in each EOF lines_per_half_buffer = dma_half_buffer / line_width; while((cam->height % lines_per_half_buffer) != 0){ dma_half_buffer = dma_half_buffer - dma_half_buffer_min; lines_per_half_buffer = dma_half_buffer / line_width; } // Calculate DMA size dma_buffer_size =(dma_buffer_max / dma_half_buffer) * dma_half_buffer; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "node_size: %4u, nodes_per_line: %u, lines_per_node: %u, dma_half_buffer_min: %5u, dma_half_buffer: %5u, lines_per_half_buffer: %2u, dma_buffer_size: %5u, image_size: %u", node_size * cam->dma_bytes_per_item, nodes_per_line, lines_per_node, dma_half_buffer_min * cam->dma_bytes_per_item, dma_half_buffer * cam->dma_bytes_per_item, lines_per_half_buffer, dma_buffer_size * cam->dma_bytes_per_item, image_size); cam->dma_buffer_size = dma_buffer_size * cam->dma_bytes_per_item; cam->dma_half_buffer_size = dma_half_buffer * cam->dma_bytes_per_item; cam->dma_node_buffer_size = node_size * cam->dma_bytes_per_item; cam->dma_half_buffer_cnt = cam->dma_buffer_size / cam->dma_half_buffer_size; return 1; } bool ll_cam_dma_sizes(cam_obj_t *cam) { cam->dma_bytes_per_item = ll_cam_bytes_per_sample(sampling_mode); if (cam->jpeg_mode) { cam->dma_half_buffer_cnt = 8; cam->dma_node_buffer_size = 2048; cam->dma_half_buffer_size = cam->dma_node_buffer_size * 2; cam->dma_buffer_size = cam->dma_half_buffer_cnt * cam->dma_half_buffer_size; } else { return ll_cam_calc_rgb_dma(cam); } return 1; } static dma_filter_t dma_filter = ll_cam_dma_filter_jpeg; size_t IRAM_ATTR ll_cam_memcpy(cam_obj_t *cam, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, size_t len) { //DBG_PIN_SET(1); size_t r = dma_filter(out, in, len); //DBG_PIN_SET(0); return r; } esp_err_t ll_cam_set_sample_mode(cam_obj_t *cam, pixformat_t pix_format, uint32_t xclk_freq_hz, uint8_t sensor_pid) { if (pix_format == PIXFORMAT_GRAYSCALE) { if (sensor_pid == OV3660_PID || sensor_pid == OV5640_PID || sensor_pid == NT99141_PID) { if (xclk_freq_hz > 10000000) { sampling_mode = SM_0A00_0B00; dma_filter = ll_cam_dma_filter_yuyv_highspeed; } else { sampling_mode = SM_0A0B_0C0D; dma_filter = ll_cam_dma_filter_yuyv; } cam->in_bytes_per_pixel = 1; // camera sends Y8 } else { if (xclk_freq_hz > 10000000 && sensor_pid != OV7725_PID) { sampling_mode = SM_0A00_0B00; dma_filter = ll_cam_dma_filter_grayscale_highspeed; } else { sampling_mode = SM_0A0B_0C0D; dma_filter = ll_cam_dma_filter_grayscale; } cam->in_bytes_per_pixel = 2; // camera sends YU/YV } cam->fb_bytes_per_pixel = 1; // frame buffer stores Y8 } else if (pix_format == PIXFORMAT_YUV422 || pix_format == PIXFORMAT_RGB565) { if (xclk_freq_hz > 10000000 && sensor_pid != OV7725_PID) { if (sensor_pid == OV7670_PID) { sampling_mode = SM_0A0B_0B0C; } else { sampling_mode = SM_0A00_0B00; } dma_filter = ll_cam_dma_filter_yuyv_highspeed; } else { sampling_mode = SM_0A0B_0C0D; dma_filter = ll_cam_dma_filter_yuyv; } cam->in_bytes_per_pixel = 2; // camera sends YU/YV cam->fb_bytes_per_pixel = 2; // frame buffer stores YU/YV/RGB565 } else if (pix_format == PIXFORMAT_JPEG) { if (sensor_pid != OV2640_PID && sensor_pid != OV3660_PID && sensor_pid != OV5640_PID && sensor_pid != NT99141_PID) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "JPEG format is not supported on this sensor"); return ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } cam->in_bytes_per_pixel = 1; cam->fb_bytes_per_pixel = 1; dma_filter = ll_cam_dma_filter_jpeg; sampling_mode = SM_0A00_0B00; } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Requested format is not supported"); return ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } I2S0.fifo_conf.rx_fifo_mod = sampling_mode; return ESP_OK; }