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title = "My current website setup"
summary = """This is how I install hugo nowadays. Although that routine might
change anytime."""
date = "2022-12-10T22:56:16+01:00"
#lastmod = ""
categories = ["computerstuff"]
tags = ["linux", "gohugo", "reminders"]
draft = true
I'll do a quick go-through of my actual website's installation procedure. The
website itself is hosted without my personal server---I'm using Cloudflare for
this to work. The content is saved in a github repository which gets then
fetched from Cloudflare. After half a minute the website is published and the
website cache on Cloudflare gets cleared automatically when I push new changes
to the repository.
## Install hugo from source
### Requirements
- Install Git
Depending on your <abbr title="Operating System">OS</abbr>, this might look
like one of those:
$ sudo apt install git
$ sudo pacman -S git
- Install Go version 1.18 or later
See above for the syntax, this package may be called `golang` on some
distributions (I think Ubuntu/Debian for example).
- Update your PATH environment variable as described in the Go documentation
Now, that looks like this:
if [[ -d $HOME/go ]]; then
export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
_That is an example taken from my `.zprofile` file._
### Install hugo
$ go install -tags extended
That installs the latest version of hugo into `$HOME/go/bin`. If your terminal
does not recognize the new binaries: `hash -r` or `rehash` might help...
Source: <>
## Adding themes as hugo modules
Just to be more clear on this: I'm using the congo theme for hugo right here.
{{< alert >}}
Ensure you have Go and Hugo installed, and that you have created a new
hugo project before proceeding.
{{< /alert >}}
From your project directory, initialise hugo modules:
$ hugo mod init<username>/<repo-name>
Create `config/_default/module.toml` and add the following:
path = ""
Start your server using `hugo server` and the theme will be downloaded
Remove the file `config.toml` from your website root directory (generaded by
`hugo site new...`). Copy the config files from the theme into `config/_default/`.
{{< alert >}}
Note: Do not overwrite the module.toml file you created above!
{{< /alert >}}
You will find these theme config files in the Hhgo cache directory, or download
[a copy from GitHub](
Follow the [Getting Started instructions](
to configure your website.
## Using Atom for feeds (replacing RSS)
Define an appropriate media type and corresponding output format in `config.toml`:
suffixes = ["xml"]
mediaType = "application/atom"
baseName = "index"
isPlainText = false
Tell hugo to produce the home page in Atom and HTML (and JSON) formats,
also append this in `config.toml`:
home = [ "HTML", "Atom", "JSON" ]
Put an `index.atom.xml` template file in your layouts directory. You can use the
attached one as a starting point, don't forget to edit the author element
appropriately or make it use the values from your config.
<feed xmlns="">
<title>{{ with .Title }}{{.}} on {{ end }}{{ .Site.Title }}</title>
<link rel="self" href="{{ .Permalink }}"/>
<updated>{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700" | safeHTML }}</updated>
<name>YOUR NAME HERE</name>
<email>YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS</email>
<id>{{ .Permalink }}</id>
{{ range first 15 .Data.Pages }}
<title>{{ .Title }}</title>
<link rel="alternate" href="{{ .Permalink }}"/>
<id>{{ .Permalink }}</id>
<published>{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700" | safeHTML }}</published>
<updated>{{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700" | safeHTML }}</updated>
<summary>{{ .Summary | html }}</summary>
{{ end }}
Source: <>
## Auto-clear cache on git push
### Requirements
- A **Cloudflare website** (not pages, well---yes, but a website that uses one
of your pages)
- An API token on Cloudflare to let git clear your website's cache (see below)
### Cloudflare setup
Create a file `.cloudflarerc` in your `$HOME` directory that contains those two
You find them in your [Cloudflare dashboard](
Click on <kbd>Websites</kbd> and continue with clicking your domain name.
Scroll down a bit and find your `id` on the right sidebar. It is called
_Zonen-ID_ (within API). Below that is a link called _Ihr API-Token erhalten_.
Click it and create a user-defined API token. I'll show you a screenshot of
mine, edit yours to fit this example.
![Screenshot of my token settings and rights](01_api-token-settings.png)
Click <kbd>Create token</kbd> and copy the resulting token into your
`.cloudflarerc` file.
### git repository setup
Now we need one last file in our git repository. Create `.git/hooks/pre-push` and
fill it with this:
if ! [ -f ~/.cloudflarerc ] ; then
echo "No ~/.cloudflarerc file found. Cloudflare clear cache SKIPPED."
exit 0
. ~/.cloudflarerc
echo -n "Clearing cloudflare cache..."
ret="$(curl -s -X DELETE "$id/purge_cache" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $apikey" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"purge_everything":true}')"
if [ -n "$(echo $ret | grep success)" ] ; then
echo " Success!"
echo " *** FAILED ***"
echo "Could not clear cloudflare's cache. Update will not proceed."
# exit with 1, so the update does not proceed, so we will know
exit 1
I found the script on
---which is also a good read if my explanation won't work for you.
Don't forget to make this script executable:
$ chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-push