--- title: 73 install libretranslate summary: date: 2024-12-07T07:22:28+01:00 lastmod: 2024-12-07T09:52:28+0000 categories: - amateur-radio - computerstuff tags: - draft_post # showBreadcrumbs: true # showDate: false # showReadingTime: false # showWordCount: false # showPagination: false # feed_exclude: true # site_exclude: true # some help # # highlighting with highlights # # use table, as inline creates a padding around # and it pushes the text more to the right side (end of screen) # # ~~~html {linenos=table,hl_lines="3-6"} # ~~~html {linenos=inline,hl_lines="1,3-6"} draft: true --- upgraded VM to 4 cores and 8GB RAM (also had to increase /tmp folder for pip installation of libretranslate: tmpfs /tmp tmpfs size=6G,nr_inodes=10k 0 0) sudo useradd --create-home --home-dir /var/lib/libretranslate libretranslate paru -S python-libretranslate-git cmake sudo su - libretranslate python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip3 install --prefer-binary libretranslate argospm update for lang in $(argospm search | grep -E "^translate-.._en.*"| awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs); do echo argospm install translate-${lang}\_en; done (remove echo from command to finally execute; the command shows a list of install commands) now edit mastodon conf to use libretranslate cd /var/lib/mastodon add to .env.production ALLOWED_PRIVATE_ADDRESSES= LIBRE_TRANSLATE_ENDPOINT=