{{ define "main" }}
  <h1 class="mb-3 text-4xl font-extrabold">{{ i18n "error.404_title" | emojify }}</h1>
  <p class="mt-8 mb-12 text-neutral-400 dark:text-neutral-500">
    {{ i18n "error.404_error" | emojify }}
  <div class="prose dark:prose-invert">
    <p>{{ i18n "error.404_description" | emojify }}</p>
  <div class="mt-8 prose dark:prose-invert">
    <strong>Please use the search on this website!</strong><br />
    You may find what you search. Click on the search icon (🔍 top right corner) or hit
    <kbd>/</kbd> on your keyboard to open the search.
  <div class="mt-8 prose dark:prose-invert">
    There are still a lot of URLs in search engines index that refer to old pages
    and I'm trying a new method to get them removed from search results. This means,
    that I do not redirect 404 errors as 301 errors to the new location as no search
    engine seems to update their indexes with the new URLs...<br />
    The negative effect is, that you have to search the updated URL by hand. What a
    cruel world that is 😢
{{ end }}