title: APRS With The Hytera PD785G
  - /posts/2020-01-27-aprs-with-hytera-pd785g-v9
  - /posts/2020-01-27-aprs-with-the-hytera-pd785g
  - /blog/amateur-radio/2020-01-27-aprs-with-hytera-pd785g-v9
  - /blog/2020-01-27-aprs-with-hytera-pd785g-v9-firmware/
summary: >
  This article is based on the Firmware v9.
categories: [amateur-radio]
tags: [dmr, aprs, hytera]
date: 2020-01-27T17:34:01+01:00
lastmod: 2024-09-28T23:48:06+0000

I've read many articles about the Hytera PD785G, APRS, GPS, IPSC2, DMR+,
Brandmeister and what not...

These are the settings that I currently run with.

## GPS settings

These settings remain the same as on the v8 firmware.

{{< figure src="hyt_01_gps.png" alt="GPS settings" caption="" >}}

Also this remains the same -- make sure to disable _Quick GPS_ and enable
_RSSI Report_.

{{< figure src="hyt_02_gps.png" alt="GPS settings" caption="" >}}

You do not really need the other settings. On incoming calls _Call Location_
will show the location of other stations on the display. _Voice with Location_
sends your own location info out with your voice. This is needed for
_Call Location_.

## Network settings

Set the Control Center ID to `9057` if you want to appear as portable device.

{{< figure src="hyt_03_network.png" alt="network settings" caption="" >}}

You can also use any of those number-symbol combinations.

| RRS & Radio IDs | description          |
| :-------------- | :------------------- |
| 9050            | without SSID         |
| 9055            | house / QTH          |
| 9056            | camping / fieldday   |
| 9057            | handheld transceiver |
| 9058            | mobile / boat        |
| 9059            | mobile / car         |

## Channel settings

Setup the channel like this. Just make sure to set `Location Info
Revert Channel`. I did not select `IP Multi-site
Connect` and I also did not select an `RRS Revert
Channel`. I am not 100% sure, but I think the _RRS Revert Channel_
is what makes your HT send your position out when you change channels.

{{< figure src="hyt_04_channel.png" alt="channel settings" caption="" >}}

You can also set `Slot Operation` to `Pseudo
Trunk` -- that would let you hear statically linked talkgroups of
another timeslot too.

## Buttons

Did you set `Button` as a GPS Trigger? Then you want
to configure a button here.

{{< figure src="hyt_05_buttons.png" alt="buttons settings" caption="" >}}

## Basic settings

For what I have tested this works quite well. Although [Brandmeister
recommends][bm] to set the `Data Bearer Service` to
`Compressed IP` if you want to use text messaging.

[bm]: https://wiki.brandmeister.network/index.php/Hytera/Radios#Text_Messaging

{{< figure src="hyt_06_basic.png" alt="basic settings" caption="" >}}

## Examples

In-call location information does not contain an SSID. That means, that your
location is transferred as your plain CALLSIGN, without the `-7` for

{{< figure src="hyt_08_aprs_route_9057.png" alt="route with the ssid 7" caption="The route looks like this when transmitted as CALLSIGN-7." >}}

{{< figure src="hyt_07_aprs_route_9050.png" alt="route without ssid" caption="The route looks like that when no SSID is appended to the CALLSIGN." >}}

When transmitted with SSID a location point looks like this:

{{< figure src="hyt_09_aprs_ssid_working.png" alt="location with ssid" caption="" >}}

and without SSID:

{{< figure src="hyt_10_aprs_ssid_notworking.png" alt="location without ssid" caption="" >}}

There is usually only a red dot marker and not a house. The house replaced
the red dot when I tried new APRS settings with my Openspot2 -- which sended
out a beacon for my callsign only. This might not be compatible to each other --
time will tell...

{{< figure src="hyt_11_aprs_ssid_hotspot.png" alt="hotspot beacon" caption="" >}}

In case you don't know that site yet, there is also ~~<https://aprsdirect.com>~~ as
an alternative to <https://aprs.fi> -- I love the realtime raw package feed.
I use them both here and there.

{{< figure src="hyt_12_aprsdirect.png" alt="aprsdirect.com station info" caption="" >}}