title: Yaesu FT-4XE
date: 2019-11-23
coverCaption: My FT-4X with a Diamond SRJ77 antenna.
lastmod: 2024-09-28T23:48:06+0000

showBreadcrumbs: true
showReadingTime: false
showWordCount: false

This is the first handheld radio (and the first radio at all) that I got.

I bought this from the local club I was member at that time for 60 €. The
actual price of this radio at that time was about 70-80 €. As of today, the
radios price is at 79 € (WiMo.de).

This is a very basic radio, it is analog only. The speaker is loud enough to
let the integrated broadband receiver run on your favourite radio frequency
when working outside.

The radio is also small enough to just take it with you when you want to quickly
have a radio with you.

I'm not using it that much. Mostly when I want to listen to a FM radio station.