{{ define "main" }}

{{ i18n "error.404_title" | emojify }}

{{ i18n "error.404_error" | emojify }}

{{ i18n "error.404_description" | emojify }}

Please use the search on this website!
You may find what you search. Click on the magifying glass 🔍 in the top right corner or hit / (that is usually Shift + 7 on a german layout) on your keyboard to open the search.
There are still a lot of URLs in search engines that refer to old pages and I'm trying a new method to get them removed from search results. This means, that I do not redirect 404 errors as 301 errors to the new location as no search engine seems to update their indexes with the new URLs. The negative effect is, that you have to search the updated URL by hand.
{{ end }}