title: Homebrew dipole for 20m
summary: This is my non-plus-ultra antenna. Often used at home.
date: 2023-04-23T08:51:00+02:00
coverCaption: Homebrew dipole for the 20m band made from 1.5mm² speaker cable
lastmod: 2024-03-17T19:21:16+0000

showBreadcrumbs: true
showReadingTime: false
showWordCount: false


I am very happy with this antenna -- it is very compact when fold together
and also quite compact when hung from on a mast. It takes about 5 meters
into one direction and about 6 meters up on the mast.

There is one disadvantage of this antenna: it is only for one frequency, but
I usually achieve an SWR of about 1:1.3 instantly when I deploy this antenna
at home in my garden.

I made my fist QSO with this antenna into Israel (about 2600 km) with a
Yaesu FT-891.

Most of my Winlink sessions from home include this antenna as it takes minimal
space and I work a winlink gateway in France or the Netherlands quickly (they
respond often within the first three requests).

I also use [a choke]({{< ref "/equipment/accessories/homebrew-common-mode-choke/" >}})
with the antenna.