+++ title = 'Anytone D878UV+' date = '2019-12-08' lastmod = '2023-10-01T11:36:07+0000' #categories = [ 'amateur-radio' ] showBreadcrumbs = true # showDate = false showReadingTime = false showWordCount = false # showPagination: false +++ ![Anytone](d878uv.jpg) I bought this because of its ability to do APRS (TX only) and it was still affordable. It cost about 180 € back in 2019. Unfortunately this radio got bricked whilst I tried to upload my codeplug to it. While this radio was in repair, I ordered my second DMR radio, the [Hytera PD785-G][1]. [1]: {{< ref "hytera-pd785g" >}} I wasn't really satisfied with its receiving capabilities anyway.