title = 'Icom ID-52'
summary = '''A really awesome handheld radio---and it does D-STAR as a bonus.
Check it out---it's cool!'''
date = '2021-12-10'
lastmod = '2023-10-22T10:44:55+0000'
#categories = [ 'amateur-radio' ]
showBreadcrumbs = true
showReadingTime = false
showWordCount = false

This is actually my number one handheld radio. I find it very intuitive to use
and also the audio is quite good and the speaker is also one of the louder ones.
I haven't much used this on digital yet but I heard people saying it to be ok
on digital mode (D-STAR).
## Easy to use T-CALL and SQL
### T-CALL
Right away: there are two ways to open a repeater with a 1750Hz tone.
1. Push _PTT_ like you would perform a double-click with your computer mouse
and hold _PTT_ on the second "click".
2. Open _MENU >> SET >> DTMF/T-CALL >> DTMF Memory_ and select _T-CALL_ with _OK_
key. Go back to standby screen and press _PTT_. Now additionally press the
_SQL_ button.
### SQL
In standby screen this button is momentary to open the squelch on the currently
used frequency (simplex). If an offset is set, it will open the squelch on the
transmitting frequency (so you might hear the other OM directly).
Press _SQL_ and move the main dial for one click, the actual squelch setting
appears on the bottom of the screen (default: AUTO).
- Turn the dial further left to open up the squelch permanently---you can
release the _SQL_ button in this case.
- Turn the dial further right and you can choose a squelch level (1 to 9)
## Repeater list
I really like the repeater list, although it is not very accurate when you first
download the list from the internet. But once you filled it with actual repeater
data (including location data) the scan function will definitely profit from
this---it should re-arrange the scan list for you while you're moving.
I'm still working on that one; this takes time (a lot of time) sitting on the
computer and updating a nearly never ending list of false information _HI_.
## Recordings
### Memo recorder
Goto _MENU >> RECORD >> Voice Recorder >> Record_ and hit _PTT_ to start the
recording. Press _PTT_ again to stop. You can fill this with memos or
conversations (just let people know when you record them!). Change the Mic Gain
with the _Quick button_. Find the recorded files on the SD-card in
_ID-52 >> VoiceRec_.
### QSO Recorder
This lets you automatically record QSOs as they come in. Per default settings
the record gets already started when you press _PTT_. In settings you choose to
split files on mic change or not. Splitting files will add metadata to the files
so you can re-view them (like GPS data, frequency, signal strength) on the radio.
You can also download those files to your computer, find them on the SD-card in
_ID-52 >> Voice_.
### QSO Logger
Similar to the one above, this records your QSO into a csv file. You find this
data on the SD-card. Specifically in _ID-52 >> QsoLog_. Open them with your
favourite text editor or any spreadsheet program. I got an example for this one
right here:

### Rx Logger
This is quite the same as the Qso Logger, but I think this only logs received
calls from D-STAR. You find those files on the SD-card within the folder
_ID-52 >> RxLog_.
### Voice Tx
Files for this will be in _ID-52 >> VoiceTx_ on the SD-card. Set this up in
_MENU >> VOICE_. That can be used for automated CQ-calls or similar. I haven't
used this yet.
### DV Auto Reply
This should send your recorded clip automatically on incoming calls. Also this
is something that I haven't used yet, but to make the list complete, you know.
I have no idea where this is going to be saved.
## Sending pictures
The Icom ID-52 lets you receive and transmit pictures either on direct frequencies
or on reflectors (both need to be digital, just to mention that). I also haven't
used this either for now.
## Measurements
### Output power on 2m (144 MHz)
Due to my new tinySA ultra I've measured the output power of the ID-52
around 145.550 MHz with the following outcome.
| higher output power settings | lower output power settings |
| :---: | :---: |
|  |  |
I can only measure 4 traces at once so I had to measure the firth power setting into a
separate picture (picture 1 trace 1 @ 5 W becomes picture 2 trace 1 @ 120 mW).
The measured output power around 144.550 MHz are:
| Power setting | Output power (measured) |
| :--- | :--- |
| S-Low | 120 mW |
| Low1 | 600 mW |
| Low2 | 1.33 W |
| Mid | 3.35 W |
| High | 5.96 W |
### Harmonics on 2m (144 MHz)

{{< alert >}}
Unfinished post
I'd like to add stuff, but time you know... I'd like to add some quotes from
the manual as well.
{{< /alert >}}