title = 'Winlink on my iPhone with RadioMail'
summary = '''Finally there is an absolutely portable way
to operate Winlink.'''
date = '2023-10-08T21:08:38+02:00'
#lastmod = ''
categories = [ 'amateur-radio' ]
tags = [ 'winlink', 'radiomail', 'iOS' ]
# showBreadcrumbs = true
# showDate = false
# showReadingTime = false
# showWordCount = false
# showPagination = false
# feed_exclude = true
# site_exclude = true
draft = true
Have a look at the recent (as of today) announcement which already explains
all the new features: :link:
## Get the app and: Pricing :money_bag:
Find the [application in Apples AppStore](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/radiomail/id1613839993):
be aware that it might cost something. I paid 17.99€ in October 2023.
If you want to use Winlink Forms you have to subscribe to a yearly (9.99€)
or monthly (1.99€) plan to support the developer.
## Winlink Forms :memo:
Winlink forms work very well. There is also a way to import your self-made
forms -- which also works very well on most forms. I got one form that I was
unable to import, but I haven't found the reason yet (it gets imported into
Winlink Express without problems though).
## Setup the application
Using your Winlink username (callsign) and your Winlink password (the same
that you would use for Winlink Express on a Windows Computer).
## A quick walkthrough via TELNET
Tap Stations in the top right corner and add the WL2K
station to your favorites (if it's not in there already).
Tap the envelope :envelope: in the bottom left corner and choose the
WL2K station from your favorites. Choose Send & Receive
and hit Connect.
That's it basically.
## Using the Mobilinkd TNC4 with the Icom ID-52
### Basic configuration of the TNC with Mobilinkd Config App
As with most equipment, you need to set the audio levels on the Mobilinkd TNC.
There is a [configuration app at the AppStore](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mobilinkd-config-app/id1449681533).
| TNC input settings| TNC output settings |
| :---------------: | :---------------: |
|  |  |
The actual battery state can be viewed in Power Settings....
After you finished the confgiguration, disconnect the Config App from your TNC.
### The actual use of the TNC with RadioMail
Connect the Mobilinkd TNC with an appropriate cable to your transceiver. I'm using
my [Icom ID-52]({{< ref "/equipment/handhelds/icom-id52" >}}) for this because this is the radio if have usually with me -- if any.
{{< alert "circle-info" >}}
Read through the [:open_book: User Manual](http://www.mobilinkd.com/downloads/) as it is
really helpful (yes I know, real men and specially tech geeks don't need
manuals -- they just post stupid questions on mailing lists later...)
{{< /alert >}}
Once you are in the app, select your favorites from the full stations view by
tapping the top right button called Stations.

Select the station and tap Add to Favorites.

Now, when you want to connect to a gateway, you can choose from your favorites
from within the Connect screen by hitting Favorites.

Then select the mode and your favorits get listed.

### Compose a message using forms
Compose a message while using forms by **tapping and holding** the
{{< icon "edit" >}} button on the bottom right corner.

{{< alert "circle-info" >}}
Don't forget: you need a subscription to use forms, as they require
more maintainance to keep always updated with the regular [Winlink Forms][1].
[1]: https://www.winlink.org/WinlinkExpressForms
{{< /alert >}}
## Using RadioMail with VARA-HF
This is also valid for VARA-FM (but I won't cover that, because I use the built-in packet
option from RadioMail).
You need another device (usually a Windows Laptop or Tablet) that can run VARA-HF.
Put your iPhone and the device that runs VARA-HF into the same network so they can talk
to each other.
Go to Settings, VARA HF Modem (in DEVICES) and enter
the IP Address of the host running VARA-HF. Example below:

RadioMail on your iPhone can now talk to the VARA HF Modem on your Surface tablet (for example).
## Would I recommend using RadioMail instead of Winlink Express?
No. The app is nice and it is really fun to use, it feels well-built but I do get
strange behaviour sometimes which prevents me from sending or receiving mails at all.
I haven't found a solution for this yet nor do I really know what is causing this
behaviour but I will rather use the "real" Winlink Express on a tablet rather to
investigate into random errors of a paid app. I wouldn't buy it again to be fair.