2025-02-09 17:41:27 +01:00

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Welcome to my personal gopher hole!
This is my personal space on the internet that I use mainly to keep track on
different topics mainly on tech stuff like amateur radio or general computer
related topics with some flavour of Linux and networking (and a bit of *BSD)
I will probably also publish more non-tech stuff within the Outdoor and DIY
categories on the equipment page.
The creation of the gopher pages is mostly automatic and is not monitored.
Some pages will not be complete, please keep that in mind when browsing the
hView via Gemini URL:gemini://oe7drt.com/
hView via HTTPS URL:https://oe7drt.com/
hView via Tor Hidden Service URL:http://5uxkejb6la7olhncaotybxrscmdlbxwy64ucuyrum4tsgfuoxbyav2qd.onion/
1About this Gopher hole about
Recent articles
{{ range (first 5 (where .Site.RegularPages.ByDate.Reverse "Section" "posts")) -}}
1{{ .Title }} {{ .RelPermalink }}
{{ end }}
1Links links
1Privacy privacy
1License license
1Notes notes
1Equipment equipment
{{ range (first 3 (where .Site.RegularPages.ByDate.Reverse "Section" "spam")) -}}
1{{ .Title }} {{ .RelPermalink }}
{{ end }}
Archives{{ range (where (where (where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "in" (slice "posts")) ".Params.gemini" "ne" "false") ".Params.concept" "ne" "true").GroupByDate "2006" "desc" }}{{ $year := .Key }}
{{ .Key -}}
{{ range .Pages.ByDate.Reverse }}
1{{ .Title }} {{ .RelPermalink }}
{{- end }}
{{ end }}