28 lines
776 B
28 lines
776 B
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://oe7drt.com
Header set Vary: Origin
# Hotlink images prevention
# sends a 403 Forbidden
# SetEnvIf Referer "oe7drt\.com" localreferer
# SetEnvIf Referer ^$ localreferer
# <FilesMatch "\.(jpg|png|gif)$">
# Require env localreferer
# </FilesMatch>
# rewrite to the `hotlinked.png` image and show this to any
# hot-linking origin page
# https://techexpert.tips/apache/apache-prevent-image-hotlinking/
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !hotlinked\.png$
RewriteCond "%{HTTP_REFERER}" "!^$"
RewriteCond "%{HTTP_REFERER}" "!oe7drt.com" [NC]
RewriteRule "\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$" "https://oe7drt.com/hotlinked.png" [R,L]
# Other rewrites
RewriteRule "index\.json$" "feed\.json"
RewriteRule "index\.xml$" "feed\.xml"