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2 years ago
# Fastfetch configuration
# Write every argument in different lines.
# Direct arguments will overwrite the corresponding ones in this file.
# Argument keys are not case sensitive.
# Whitespaces are trimmed at the beginning and the end.
# Empty lines or lines starting with # are ignored.
# This file was shipped with 1.9.1.
# Use fastfetch --gen-config-force to overwrite this file with the current defaults
# Below some often usefull options are listed. Uncomment and modify them so they take affect.
# Note that there are a lot more options than the ones listed here, take a look at "fastfetch --help".
# Of course all of them can be made persistent here too.
# Config option:
# Load additional config files.
# Some are shipped with fastfetch, list them with "fastfetch --list-presets".
# Must be a path to a config file or the name of a shipped preset.
# The config file is completely loaded before continuing in the current file, so the placement of this option matters, as later options overwrite already set ones.
# Can be used multiple times to load multiple config files / presets.
#--load-config /path/to/config.txt
# Structure option:
# Sets the modules to use and their order.
# Must be a list of module names, separated by colons.
# List available modules with "fastfetch --list-modules".
# Get the default structure with "fastfetch --print-structure".
#--structure Title:Separator:OS:Host:Kernel:Uptime:Packages:Shell:Display:DE:WM:WMTheme:Theme:Icons:Font:Cursor:Terminal:TerminalFont:CPU:GPU:Memory:Disk:Battery:PowerAdapter:Locale:Break:Colors
# Multithreading option:
# Sets if fastfetch should use multiple threads to detect the values.
# Must be true or false.
# Default is true.
#--multithreading true
# Print stat option:
# Sets if fastfetch should print time usage (in ms) for individual modules
# If true, it will also enable --show-errors
# Must be true or false.
# Default is false.
#--stat true
# Slow operations option:
# Sets if fastfetch is allowed to use known slow operations to detect more / better values.
# Must be true or false.
# Default is false.
#--allow-slow-operations false
# Linewrap option:
# Sets if fastfetch should disable linewrap during the run.
# Must be true or false.
# Default is true.
#--disable-linewrap true
# Cursor option:
# Sets if fastfetch should hide the console cursor during the run.
# Must be true or false.
# Default is true.
#--hide-cursor true
# Logo option:
# Sets the logo to use.
# List available logos with "fastfetch --list-logos".
# Print available logos with "fastfetch --print-logos".
# Must be the name of an available logo or a path to a text file containing a custom logo.
# Default is the current distribution.
#--logo arch
# Logo type option:
# Sets the logo type to use.
# Must be auto, builtin, file, file-raw, data, data-raw, sixel, kitty or chafa.
# Default is auto.
#--logo-type auto
# Logo width option:
# Sets the width of the logo (in characters) if the logo is an image.
# Must be a positive integer.
# Default is 65.
#--logo-width 65
# Logo height option:
# Sets the height of the logo (in characters) if the logo is an image.
# Must be a positive integer.
# Default is 0 (keeps aspect ration).
#--logo-height 0
# Logo color options:
# Overwrite a color in the logo. Also works for user provided logos.
# In the user logo, they replace $[1-9]. Use $$ to print a single $ sign.
# Must be linux console color codes or the name of a color.
# Default is the one specified by the logo.
# Use "fastfetch --help color" to learn more and see examples.
# Valid index range is [1-9].
#--logo-color-1 red
#--logo-color-2 32
# [...]
#--logo-color-9 yellow
# Logo padding option:
# Adds a padding to the left and the right side of the logo.
# Must be a positive integer.
# Default is 0.
#--logo-padding 0
# Logo padding left option:
# Adds a padding to the left side of the logo.
# Must be a positive integer.
# Default is 0.
#--logo-padding-left 0
# Logo padding right option:
# Adds a padding to the right side of the logo.
# Must be a positive integer.
# Default is 0.
#--logo-padding-right 0
# Logo padding top option:
# Adds a padding to the top side of the logo.
# Must be a positive integer.
# Default is 0.
#--logo-padding-top 0
# Logo print remaining option:
# Sets if the remaining logo should be printed, it is has more lines than modules to show.
# Must be true or false.
# Default is true.
#--logo-print-remaining true
# Color keys option:
# Sets the color of the keys.
# Must be linux console color codes or the name of a color.
# Default is the key color of the logo.
# Use "fastfetch --help color" to learn more and see examples.
--color-keys magenta
# Color title option:
# Sets the color of the title.
# Must be linux console color codes or the name of a color.
# Default is the title color of the logo.
# Use "fastfetch --help color" to learn more and see examples.
# --color-title magenta
# Binary prefix option:
# Sets the binary prefix to use.
# Must be a IEC, SI or JEDEC.
# Default is IEC.
#--binary-prefix IEC
# Title FQDN option:
# Sets if the title should use the fully qualified domain name.
# Must be true or false.
# Default is false.
#--title-fqdn false
# Separator option:
# Sets the string placed between a key and its value.
# Can be any string.
# Default is ": ".
#--separator ": "
# Separator string option:
# Sets the string printed by the "separator" module (usually between title and rest of output)
# Must be any string. It is repated / cut to fit perfectly.
# Default is "-"
#--separator-string -
# Public IP URL option:
# Sets the URL of public IP detection server to be used.
# Only HTTP protocol is supported, and the value should not contain "http://" prefix.
# Default is "ipinfo.io/ip".
#--public-ip-url "ipinfo.io/ip"
# Public IP timeout option:
# Sets the time to wait for the public ip server to respond.
# Must be a positive integer.
# Default is 0 (disabled).
#--public-ip-timeout 0
# Weather output format option:
# Sets the weather format to be used. It must be URI encoded.
# See: https://github.com/chubin/wttr.in#one-line-output
# Default is "%t+-+%C+(%l)".
#--weather-output-format "%t+-+%C+(%l)"
# Weather timeout option:
# Sets the time to wait for the weather server (wttr.in) to respond.
# Must be a positive integer.
# Default is 0 (disabled).
#--weather-timeout 0
# OS file option
# Sets the path to the file containing the operating system information.
# Should be a valid path to an existing file.
# Default is /etc/os-release.
#--os-file /etc/os-release
# Player name option
# Sets the name of the player. This is also used in song detection
# Must be the exact name of the player or a dbus address (e.g. org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify)
# Default is the first match starting with org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.
#--player-name spotify
# Escape bedrock option
# Sets if fastfetch should escape the bedrock jail, if it detectes that it is running in one
# Must be true or false.
# Default is true.
#--escape-bedrock true
# GL option
# Sets with opengl context creation library to use
# Must be either auto, egl, glx or osmesa
# Default is auto.
#--gl auto
# GPU hide options
# Sets weather to hide certain gpu types
# Must be either true or false
# Default is false.
# Shell option
# Sets if shell version should be detected and printed
# Must be either true or false
# Default is true.
#--shell-version true
# Terminal option
# Sets if terminal version should be detected and printed
# Must be either true or false
# Default is true.
#--terminal-version true
# Disk show options
# Sets if certain types of disk should be printed
# Must be either true or false
# Default is false except for --disk-show-removable.
#--disk-show-removable true
#--disk-show-hidden false
#--disk-show-subvolumes false
#--disk-show-unknown false
# Disk option
# A colon (semicolon on Windows) separated list of folder paths for the disk output
# This option override `--disk-show-*` options above
# Must be a string
# Default is "/:/home" ("C:\;D:\ ..." on Windows).
#--disk-folders /:/home
# Percentage output type option
# Applies to all modules that prints percentage values. Currently memory, swap, disk, battery and CPU usage are supported.
# Only works with default format ( without --module-format option ).
# 0: prints none; 1: prints percent number only; 2: prints bar only; 3: prints both percent number and bar; 6: prints bar and hide other texts
#--percent-type 1
# Key options:
# Sets the displayed key of a module
# Can be any string. Some of theme take an argument like a format string. See "fastfetch --help format" for help.
#--os-key OS
#--host-key Host
#--chassis-key Chassis
#--kernel-key Kernel
#--uptime-key Uptime
#--processes-key Processes
#--packages-key Packages
#--shell-key Shell
#--display-key Display {1}
#--brightness-key Brightness ({1})
#--de-key DE
#--wm-key WM
#--wm-theme-key WM Theme
#--theme-key Theme
#--icons-key Icons
#--font-key Font
#--cursor-key Cursor
#--terminal-key Terminal
#--terminal-font-key Terminal Font
#--cpu-key CPU
#--cpu-usage-key CPU Usage
#--gpu-key GPU {1}
#--memory-key Memory
#--swap-key Swap
#--disk-key Disk ({1})
#--battery-key Battery {1}
#--poweradapter-key Power Adapter {1}
#--locale-key Locale
#--local-ip-key Local IP ({1})
#--public-ip-key Public IP
#--wifi-key Wifi
#--weather-key Weather
#--player-key Media Player
#--media-key Media
#--datetime-key Date Time
#--vulkan-key Vulkan
#--opengl-key OpenGL
#--opencl-key OpenCL
#--users-key Users
# Format options:
# Sets the format string for module values.
# For information on format strings, see "fastfetch --help format".
# To see the parameter they take and their default value, see "fastfetch --help *-format", e.g. "fastfetch --help os-format".
# An empty format string (As they are currently below) will behave as if it was not set.
# Error options:
# Sets the format string to use if an error occured
# For information on format strings, see "fastfetch --help format".
# Each of them take the error as first and only argument.
# If one of them is set, the module will appear, even if --show-errors is not given.
# Library options:
# Sets an user specific path to a library to load.
# Must be a valid path to a library.
#--lib-PCI /usr/lib/libpci.so
#--lib-vulkan /usr/lib/libvulkan.so (libMoltenVK.dylib on macOS)
#--lib-wayland /usr/lib/libwayland-client.so
#--lib-xcb-randr /usr/lib/libxcb-randr.so
#--lib-xcb /usr/lib/libxcb.so
#--lib-Xrandr /usr/lib/libXrandr.so
#--lib-X11 /usr/lib/libX11.so
#--lib-gio /usr/lib/libgio-2.0.so
#--lib-DConf /usr/lib/libdconf.so
#--lib-DBus /usr/lib/libdbus-1.so
#--lib-XFConf /usr/lib/libxfconf-0.so
#--lib-sqlite3 /usr/lib/libsqlite3.so
#--lib-rpm /usr/lib/librpm.so
#--lib-imagemagick /usr/lib/libMagickCore-7.Q16HDRI.so
#--lib-z /usr/lib/libz.so
#--lib-chafa /usr/lib/libchafa.so
#--lib-egl /usr/lib/libEGL.so
#--lib-glx /usr/lib/libGLX.so
#--lib-osmesa /usr/lib/libOSMesa.so
#--lib-opencl /usr/lib/libOpenCL.so
#--lib-cjson /usr/lib/libcjson.so
#--lib-freetype /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib