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51 lines
901 B

alwaysshowpkgorigin = no
develpkgsexpiration = -1
upgradesorting = versiondiff
showdownloadsize = no
ignoreoutofdateaurupgrades = no
keepbuilddir = no
keepdevbuilddir = yes
keepbuilddeps = no
gpgdir =
skipfailedbuild = no
alwaysusedynamicusers = no
ignorearch = no
noedit = no
donteditbydefault = no
nodiff = no
gitdiffargs = --ignore-space-change,--ignore-all-space
diffpager = auto
hidedifffiles = .SRCINFO
version = 10
versiondiffold = 11
versiondiffnew = 9
requireenterconfirm = yes
printcommands = no
aursearchsorting = hottest
displaylastupdated = no
groupbyrepository = yes
reversesearchsorting = no
warnaboutpackageupdates =
sudoloopinterval = 59
pacmanpath = pacman
privilegeescalationtool = sudo
aururl = https://aur.archlinux.org
newsurl = https://www.archlinux.org/feeds/news/
socks5proxy =
aurhttpproxy =
aurhttpsproxy =