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482 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# FILE: dmarc-report-display.pl
# USAGE: ./dmarc-report-display.pl REPORT
# DESCRIPTION: Parse and display a DMARC report
# REQUIREMENTS: Perl 5.10; File::LibMagic, Term::ANSIColor; XML::LibXML
# OPTIONAL: Archive::Zip, Email::MIME,
# BUGS: none known
# AUTHOR: nemunaire <nemunaire@nemunai.re>
# CREATED: 05/24/2014 12:23:00 PM
use v5.10;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Socket;
use XML::LibXML;
use File::LibMagic;
### GLOBALS #############################################################
our $VERSION = 1.5;
### COMMAND-LINE #############################################################
my $HELP = 0;
my $NUMERIC = 0;
my $LIBMAGIC = File::LibMagic->new;
'help|?' => \$HELP,
'numeric' => \$NUMERIC,
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage( -exitval => 0, -verbose => 2 ) if $HELP;
### FUNCTIONS ################################################################
sub format_alignment($) {
my $at = shift;
return colored("strict", "bold", "green") if ($at eq "s");
colored("relaxed", "bold", "magenta")
sub format_auth_result($) {
my $ar = shift;
"=> " . colored("DKIM: ", "yellow") .
format_dkim_auth_result( $ar->findnodes("dkim") ) . "\n" .
"=> " . colored("SPF: ", "yellow") .
format_spf_auth_result( $ar->findnodes("spf") );
sub format_dkim_auth_result($) {
my @res;
while (my $ar = shift) {
my $domain = @{ $ar->find("domain") }[0]->textContent;
my $result = @{ $ar->find("result") }[0]->textContent;
my $human = "";
$human = " (" . @{ $ar->find("human_result") }[0]->textContent . ")"
if @{ $ar->find("human_result") };
push @res, colored($domain, "magenta") . $human if $result eq "none";
push @res, colored("✓ " . $domain, "green") . $human if $result eq "pass";
push @res, colored("✘ " . $domain, "red") . $human if $result eq "fail";
push @res, $domain . $human if $result eq "policy";
push @res, colored("? " . $domain, "blue") . $human if $result eq "neutral";
push @res, colored("! " . $domain, "yellow") . $human if $result eq "temperror";
push @res, colored("@ " . $domain, "yellow") . $human if $result eq "permerror";
join ", ", @res;
sub format_spf_auth_result($) {
my @res;
while (my $ar = shift) {
my $domain = @{ $ar->find("domain") }[0]->textContent;
my $result = @{ $ar->find("result") }[0]->textContent;
push @res, colored($domain, "magenta") if $result eq "none";
push @res, colored("? " . $domain, "blue") if $result eq "neutral";
push @res, colored("+ " . $domain, "green") if $result eq "pass";
push @res, colored("- " . $domain, "red") if $result eq "fail";
push @res, colored("~ " . $domain, "red") if $result eq "softfail";
push @res, colored("! " . $domain, "yellow") if $result eq "temperror";
push @res, colored("@ " . $domain, "yellow") if $result eq "permerror";
join ", ", @res;
sub format_daterange($) {
my $dr = shift;
my $begin = localtime(@{ $dr->find("begin") }[0]->textContent);
my $end = localtime(@{ $dr->find("end") }[0]->textContent);
"from $begin to $end"
sub format_disposition($) {
my $dt = shift;
return colored("reject", "red") if ($dt eq "reject");
return colored("quarantine", "bold", "magenta") if ($dt eq "quarantine");
colored("none", "bold", "cyan")
sub format_identifier($) {
my $i = shift;
my $env = "";
$env = colored("To: ", "yellow") . colored(@{ $i->find("envelope_to") }[0]->textContent, "bold") . "\n"
if @{ $i->find("envelope_to") };
$env . colored("From: ", "yellow") . colored(@{ $i->find("header_from") }[0]->textContent, "bold")
sub format_ipaddress($) {
my $ip = shift;
return $ip if $NUMERIC;
my $pip = inet_aton($ip);
# IPv6
return gethostbyaddr(Socket::inet_pton(AF_INET6, $ip), AF_INET6) // $ip if not $pip;
# IPv4
gethostbyaddr($pip, AF_INET) // $ip;
sub format_metadata($) {
my $rp = shift;
colored("Report ID: ", "yellow") .
@{ $rp->find("report_id") }[0]->textContent . "\n" .
colored("Organization: ", "yellow") .
colored(@{ $rp->find("org_name") }[0]->textContent, "bold") .
" (" . @{ $rp->find("email") }[0]->textContent . ")\n" .
colored("Period: ", "yellow") .
format_daterange( @{ $rp->find("date_range") }[0] ) . "\n";
sub format_policy($) {
my $pp = shift;
my $sp = "";
$sp = colored("Subdomains policy: ", "yellow") .
format_disposition( @{ $pp->find("sp") }[0]->textContent ) . "\n"
if $pp->find("sp");
colored("Domain: ", "yellow") .
colored(@{ $pp->find("domain") }[0]->textContent, "bold") . "\n" .
colored("DKIM checks: ", "yellow") .
format_alignment( @{ $pp->find("adkim") }[0]->textContent ) . "\n" .
colored("SPF checks: ", "yellow") .
format_alignment( @{ $pp->find("aspf") }[0]->textContent ) . "\n" .
"\n" .
colored("Domain policy: ", "yellow") .
format_disposition( @{ $pp->find("p") }[0]->textContent ) . "\n" .
$sp .
colored("Policy applies on: ", "yellow") .
@{ $pp->find("pct") }[0]->textContent . "%\n" ;
sub format_policy_evaluated($) {
my $pe = shift;
my @reasons;
for my $r ($pe->findnodes("reason")) {
push @reasons, format_policy_override_reason($r)
my $reason = "";
$reason = "; " . join ", ", @reasons if @reasons;
format_disposition( @{ $pe->find("disposition") }[0]->textContent ) .
" (DKIM: " . format_result_type( @{ $pe->find("dkim") }[0]->textContent ) .
"; SPF: " . format_result_type( @{ $pe->find("spf") }[0]->textContent ) .
$reason . ")"
sub format_policy_override($) {
my $po = shift;
return colored("forwarded", "blue", "bold") if ($po eq "forwarded");
return colored("sampled_out", "cyan", "bold") if ($po eq "sampled_out");
return colored("trusted_forwarder", "green", "bold") if ($po eq "trusted_forwarder");
colored($po, "bold")
sub format_policy_override_reason($) {
my $por = shift;
my $comment = "";
$comment = ": " .@{ $por->find("comment") }[0]->textContent
if @{ $por->find("comment") } && @{ $por->find("comment") }[0]->textContent;
format_policy_override( @{ $por->find("type") }[0]->textContent ) .
sub format_record($) {
my $r = shift;
format_row( @{ $r->find("row") }[0] ) . "\n" .
format_identifier( @{ $r->find("identifiers") }[0] ) . "\n" .
format_auth_result( @{ $r->find("auth_results") }[0] );
sub format_result_type($) {
my $rt = shift;
return colored("✓ pass", "green") if ($rt eq "pass");
colored("✘ fail", "red", "bold")
sub format_row($) {
my $r = shift;
@{ $r->find("count") }[0]->textContent . " messages matching from " .
format_ipaddress( @{ $r->find("source_ip") }[0]->textContent ) . ": " .
format_policy_evaluated( @{ $r->find("policy_evaluated") }[0] );
sub treat_report($) {
my $dom = shift;
say format_metadata @{ $dom->find("/feedback/report_metadata") }[0];
say format_policy @{ $dom->find("/feedback/policy_published") }[0];
for my $record (@{ $dom->find("/feedback/record") }) {
say format_record $record;
} continue { print "\n" }
sub treat_data($);
sub treat_data($) {
my $data = shift;
my $mimetype = $LIBMAGIC->checktype_contents($data);
for ($mimetype) {
if (/gzip/) {
use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError);
open my $dh, '<', \$data;
my $buffer;
gunzip $dh => \$buffer or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";
treat_data( $buffer );
} elsif (/zip/) {
require Archive::Zip;
open my $dh, '<', \$data;
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
my $errno = $zip->readFromFileHandle($dh);
die "Can't open zip archive (error code $errno)\n" if $errno != 0;
for my $zipped ( $zip->memberNames ) {
treat_data( $zip->contents($zipped) );
} elsif (/rfc822/) {
require Email::MIME;
my $email = Email::MIME->new($data);
for my $part ( $email->parts ) {
my $ct = $part->header('Content-Type');
next if $ct =~ m{^text/plain};
treat_data( $part->body );
} elsif (/\b xml \b/x || /\b text \b/x) {
treat_report( XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $data ) );
} else {
warn "Sorry! $mimetype not yet supported!\n";
### MAIN ################################################################
my @reports = map { open my $fh, '<', $_; local $/; <$fh> } @ARGV;
push @reports, do { local $/; <STDIN> } if !@reports;
for my $report (@reports) {
} continue { print "#" x 79 . "\n" }
=head1 NAME
DMARC report display - Parse and display a DMARC report
./dmarc-report-display.pl [OPTIONS] [REPORT [REPORT ...]]
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<-help>
Displays the help.
=item B<-numeric>
IP addresses will be printed in numeric format. By default, the program will try
to display them as host names, network names, or services (whenever applicable).
This script should always return 0.
perl >= 5.10
Email::MIME v1.910+ (only required for opening mailed reports)
Archive::Zip (only required for opening zipped reports)
Term::ANSIColor v5.001+
XML::LibXML v2.1.400+
=head1 AUTHOR
nemunaire <nemunaire@nemunai.re>
=item v0.2
By default, display reverse DNS instead of raw IP. New option -numeric restore
the original behaviour.
Can treat zipped (-zip option) and emailed (-mail) reports.
=item v0.3
Author: thilp <thilp@thilp.net>
Replaced command-line switches --zip and --mail with mime-type autodetection
(thanks to L<File::LibMagic>).
Can now process arbitrarily nested xml/zip/email formats. Also, it will be
much easier to support other formats.
Replaced L<IO::Uncompress::Unzip> with L<Archive::Zip>.
=item v1.0
Improve report readability.
=item v1.1
Display numeric IP when no reverse exists (bug reported by thilp).
=item v1.2
Optional information about subdomain policy in policy_published (after receiving a report from Yahoo).
=item v1.3
Add GZip reports support (after receiving a report from fastmail.com).
=item v1.4
Consider any text file as report, not only XML ones (after receiving a report from tagmail.eu).
=item v1.5
Revert partially the previous commit to keep allowing application/xml MIME type, that doesn't match 'text'.
=head1 VERSION
This is B<dmarc-report-display.pl> version 1.5.
B<The GNU GPLv3 License>
Copyright (C) 2014-2019 nemunaire
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.