# A simple theme that displays relevant, contextual information.
# Authors:
# Alex Reece <awreece@gmail.com>
# Screenshots:
# http://codearcana.com/posts/2013/11/06/my-zsh-theme.html
# http://codearcana.com/images/zsh_theme.png
function prompt_awreece_help {
cat <<EOH
Prompt will look like:
+----------- Last part in path to current working directory.
| +-- A '#' if root shell, colored green if the last command was
| | successful and red otherwise.
| |
| | Duration of last command, colored green if last command --+
| | was successful and red otherwise. |
| | |
| | ssh user and hostname -------------------------+ |
| | (if connected via ssh). | |
| | | |
| | Full path to current working --+ | |
| | directory (if longer than | | |
| | than 1 segment). | | |
| | | | |
| | Number of background jobs --+ | | |
| | (if any). | | | |
v v v v v v
Developer% 1& ~/bin/Developer [alex@cmu] 2.001s
function prompt_awreece_setup {
prompt_opts=(cr percent subst)
# Load required functions.
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
zmodload zsh/datetime # For EPOCHREALTIME.
# Add hooks used for timing each command and displaying notifications.
add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_awreece_precmd
add-zsh-hook preexec prompt_awreece_preexec
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]]; then
terminal_window_id=$(osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to ¬' \
-e ' get id of front window')
# Variables used for prompts.
local background_job_status='%(1j.%F{yellow}%j&%f .)'
local full_directory='%(2~.%F{blue}%~%f .)'
local ssh_host=''
if prompt_awreece_is_ssh; then
ssh_host='%F{cyan}[%n@%m]%f '
local command_time='%(?.%F{green}.%F{red})$(prompt_awreece_command_time)%f'
# Define prompts.
PROMPT='%F{blue}%1~%f%F{magenta}%#%f '
# Converts a floating point time in seconds to a human readable string.
function prompt_awreece_time_to_human {
if (( seconds < 10 )); then
printf "%6.3fs" $seconds
elif (( seconds < 60 )); then
printf "%6.3fs" $seconds
elif (( seconds < (60*60) )); then
printf "%6.3fm" $(( seconds / 60 ))
elif (( seconds < (60*60*24) )); then
printf "%6.3fh" $(( seconds / (60*60) ))
printf "%6.3fd" $(( seconds / (60*60*24) ))
function prompt_awreece_command_time {
prompt_awreece_time_to_human $last_run_time
function prompt_awreece_preexec {
function prompt_awreece_precmd {
exit_status=$? # TODO(awreece) What happens if another precmd runs first?
# We do these 'invalid' shenanigans because zsh executes precmd but not
# preexec if an empty line is entered.
if [[ $last_start_time != 'invalid' ]]; then
last_run_time=$((EPOCHREALTIME - last_start_time))
if ! prompt_awreece_is_focused; then
# Returns true if the current window has focus.
# Warning: Currently only implementd on mac.
# Assume $terminal_window_id is the osascript id of the current window.
# TODO(awreece) Add support for tabs.
function prompt_awreece_is_focused {
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]]; then
focus_window_id=$(osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to ¬' \
-e ' set focus_app_name to ¬' \
-e ' name of first application process ¬' \
-e ' whose frontmost is true' \
-e 'tell application focus_app_name to ¬' \
-e ' get id of front window')
# On a not mac, this will always return true since focus_id and
# terminal_window_id are both undefined so empty strings.
[[ $focus_window_id == $terminal_window_id ]]
# Sends a notification that the last command terminated.
# Warning: currently only implemented for mac.
function prompt_awreece_notify {
message=$(printf "Command \"%s\" finished (%d) after %s." \
$last_command \
$last_status \
$(prompt_awreece_time_to_human $last_run_time))
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]]; then
callback="osascript -e 'tell application \"Terminal\"' \
-e 'activate' \
-e 'set index of window id $terminal_window_id to 1' \
-e 'end tell'"
terminal-notifier -message $message -execute $callback >/dev/null
# Return a zero exit status (true) iff the current shell is controlled via ssh.
function prompt_awreece_is_ssh {
# Actually, sudo etc clear a bunch of environment variables, including
# SSH_CONNECTION, so this doesn't always work. Unfortunately, I don't know
# the best way to make it work. For now, I'll hide it in a function and I can
# update it when I figure out a better way later.
function prompt_awreece_preview {
local +h PROMPT='%# '
local +h RPROMPT=''
# Set a last_run_time to make it interesting.
local +h last_run_time=3.14159
prompt_preview_theme 'awreece' "$@"
prompt_awreece_setup "$@"