58 lines
2.1 KiB
58 lines
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Defines [Elixir][1] aliases.
- `i`='iex' runs interactive elixir
- `ips`='iex -S mix phoenix.server' runs iex in phoenix app
- `ism`='iex -S mix' runs iex in current elixir package
- `m`='mix' runs the default task
- `mr`='mix run' runs the given file or expression
- `mrnh`='mix run --no-halt' does not halt the system after running the command
- `mrl`='mix release' build an executable release (require [distillery](https://github.com/bitwalker/distillery))
- `mt`='mix test' runs a project's tests
- `mts`='mix test --stale' runs only tests which reference modules that changed since the last `test --stale`
- `mx`='mix xref' performs cross reference checks
- `mn`='mix new' creates a new Elixir project
- `mns`='mix new --sup' creates a new Elixir project with a supervision tree
- `mat`='mix app.tree' prints the application tree
- `mab`='mix archive.build' archives this project into a .ez file
- `mai`='mix archive.install' installs an archive locally
- `mc`='mix compile' compiles source files
- `mcv`='mix compile --verbose' compiles source files with verbose mode
- `mcx`='mix compile.xref' performs remote dispatch checking
- `mcr`='mix credo' analyze static code
- `mcrs`='mix credo --strict'
- `mdc`='mix deps.compile' compiles dependencies
- `mdg`='mix deps.get' gets all out of date dependencies
- `mdt`='mix deps.tree' prints the dependency tree
- `mdu`='mix deps.update' updates the given dependencies
- `mdua`='mix deps.update --all' updates all dependencies
- `mdun`='mix deps.unlock' unlocks the given dependencies
- `mduu`='mix deps.unlock --unused' unlocks unused dependencies
- `mdgc`='mix do deps.get, deps.compile' get all dependencies then compiles them
- `meb`='mix escript.build' builds an escript for the project
- `mho`='mix hex.outdated' shows outdated Hex deps for the current projects
- `mlh`='mix local.hex' installs Hex locally
*The authors of this module should be contacted via the [issue tracker][2].*
- [Han Ngo](https://github.com/tieubao)
[1]: https://elixir-lang.org
[2]: https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto/issues