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Phoenix Framework
Defines [Elixir Phoenix][1] aliases.
- `mpn`='mix phoenix.new'
- `mpr`='mix phoenix.routes'
- `mps`='mix phoenix.server'
- `mpgc`='mix phoenix.gen.channel' generates a Phoenix channel
- `mpgh`='mix phoenix.gen.html' generates controller, views, and context for an HTML resource
- `mpgj`='mix phoenix.gen.json' generates controller, views, and context for a JSON resource
- `mpgm`='mix phoenix.gen.model' generates an Ecto model in your Phoenix application
- `mpgs`='mix phoenix.gen.secret' generates a secret
- `mec`='mix ecto.create' creates the repository storage
- `med`='mix ecto.drop' drops the repository storage
- `mem`='mix ecto.migrate' runs the repository migrations
- `megm`='mix ecto.gen.migration' generates a new migration for the repo
- `merb`='mix ecto.rollback' rolls back the repository migrations
- `mecm`='mix do ecto.create, ecto.migrate' creates the repository storage then start migration
- `kd`='kiex default' sets default elixir version with specific version
- `ki`='kiex install' installs a known release or branch
- `kl`='kiex list' lists installed versions
- `klb`='kiex list branches' lists current branches
- `klk`='kiex list known' lists known releases
- `klr`='kiex list releases' lists known releases
- `ks`='kiex shell' uses sub-shell with specific elixir version
- `ksu`='kiex selfupdate' upgrades kiex
- `ku`='kiex use' use specific elixir version
*The authors of this module should be contacted via the [issue tracker][2].*
- [Han Ngo](https://github.com/tieubao)
[1]: http://www.phoenixframework.org
[2]: https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto/issues