2011-06-01 02:48:26 -04:00
# Path to oh-my-zsh.
export ZSH="$HOME/.oh-my-zsh"
2009-08-28 11:14:17 -07:00
2011-06-01 02:48:26 -04:00
# Set the name of the theme to load (see $ZSH/themes/).
# Setting it to 'random' loads a random theme.
2009-08-31 07:45:31 -07:00
export ZSH_THEME="robbyrussell"
2011-06-01 02:48:26 -04:00
# Set to 'true' to enable case-sensitivity.
export CASE_SENSITIVE='false'
2009-10-07 20:01:52 +00:00
2011-06-01 02:48:26 -04:00
# Set to 'true' to disable color (auto set on dumb terminals).
export DISABLE_COLOR='false'
2009-09-23 17:12:19 -07:00
2011-06-01 02:48:26 -04:00
# Set to 'true' to disable auto setting the tab and window titles.
export DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE='false'
2011-03-23 21:20:08 -07:00
2011-06-01 02:48:26 -04:00
# Set the plugins to load (see $ZSH/plugins/).
# Example: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse)
2010-06-03 12:05:12 -07:00
2011-07-13 13:13:35 -04:00
source "$ZSH/oh-my-zsh.zsh"
2009-09-07 09:11:34 -07:00
# Customize to your needs...
2011-06-01 02:48:26 -04:00