75 lines
2.6 KiB
75 lines
2.6 KiB
# The 'ls' family
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[[ "$DISABLE_COLOR" != 'true' ]] && {
[[ -x "${commands[gdircolors]}" ]] && use_color_gnu='true' || use_color_bsd='true'
[[ "$use_color_gnu" == 'true' ]] && eval $(gdircolors $HOME/.dir_colors)
[[ "$use_color_bsd" == 'true' ]] && export CLICOLOR=1
[[ "$use_color_bsd" == 'true' ]] && export LSCOLORS="exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad"
# add colors for filetype recognition
[[ "$use_color_gnu" == 'true' ]] && alias ls='ls -hF --group-directories-first --color=auto'
[[ "$use_color_bsd" == 'true' ]] && alias ls='ls -G -F'
alias la='ls -Ahl' # show hidden files
alias lx='ls -lhXB' # sort by extension
alias lk='ls -lhSr' # sort by size, biggest last
alias lc='ls -lhtcr' # sort by and show change time, most recent last
alias lu='ls -lhtur' # sort by and show access time, most recent last
alias lt='ls -lhtr' # sort by date, most recent last
alias lm='ls -ahl | more' # pipe through 'more'
alias lr='ls -lhR' # recursive ls
alias l='ls -lha'
alias ll='ls -lh'
# General
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
alias rm='nocorrect rm -i'
alias cp='nocorrect cp -i'
alias mv='nocorrect mv -i'
alias ln='nocorrect ln -i'
alias du='du -kh'
alias df='df -kh'
alias e="$EDITOR"
alias get='curl -C - -O'
alias mkdir='nocorrect mkdir -p'
alias q='exit'
alias ssh='ssh -X'
alias h='history'
alias j='jobs -l'
alias type='type -a'
alias print-path='echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}'
alias print-libpath='echo -e ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH//:/\\n}'
alias lsbom='lsbom -f -l -s -pf'
alias t="$HOME/.local/bin/t --task-dir ~/.tasks --list todo.txt --delete-if-empty"
if [[ -x "${commands[htop]}" ]]; then
alias top=htop
alias topm='top -o vsize'
alias topc='top -o cpu'
[[ "$DISABLE_COLOR" != 'true' ]] && {
[[ -x "${commands[colordiff]}" ]] && alias diff='colordiff'
[[ -x "${commands[colormake]}" ]] && alias make='colormake'
# Screen
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[[ "$TERM" == 'xterm-color' ]] && screenrc="$HOME/.screenrc"
[[ "$TERM" == 'xterm-256color' ]] && screenrc="$HOME/.screenrc256"
alias screen="screen -c '$screenrc'"
alias sls="screen -c '$screenrc' -list"
alias surd="screen -c '$screenrc' -aAURD"
alias sus="screen -c '$screenrc' -US"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[[ "$TERM" == 'xterm-color' ]] && tmuxconf="$HOME/.tmux.conf"
[[ "$TERM" == 'xterm-256color' ]] && tmuxconf="$HOME/.tmux256.conf"
alias tmux="tmux -f '$tmuxconf'"
alias tls="tmux list-sessions"