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H-Lo 2024-06-20 02:10:30 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit 0935f1035b
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5 changed files with 323 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -2,3 +2,4 @@

Dockerfile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
FROM alpine as prezto-devel
LABEL maintainer="h@hlo.mx"
RUN apk --no-cache update && apk upgrade && \
apk add util-linux pciutils usbutils coreutils binutils\
findutils grep man man-pages mdocml-apropos less less-doc \
make grep zsh zsh-vcs zsh-zftp zsh-calendar zsh-doc git \
vim git-zsh-completion tmux tmux-zsh-completion tree \
RUN addgroup prezto && adduser -D prezto -G prezto -S /bin/zsh
WORKDIR /home/prezto
USER prezto
RUN cd /home/prezto && mkdir src
COPY . src
RUN cp src/Makefile .
RUN make .clone
RUN make src .homercs
RUN rm Makefile
# ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/zsh", "-"]
# CMD ["/bin/zsh","-l","-o","verbose","-o","xtrace","-o","sourcetrace"]
CMD ["/bin/zsh","-l"]

Makefile Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
#!/usr/bin/make shebang
# _ ____ _
# _ __ _ __ ___ ___| |_ ___ | _ \ ___ ___| | _____ _ __
# | '_ \| '__/ _ \_ / __/ _ \ _____| | | |/ _ \ / __| |/ / _ \ '__|
# | |_) | | | __// /| || (_) |_____| |_| | (_) | (__| < __/ |
# | .__/|_| \___/___|\__\___/ |____/ \___/ \___|_|\_\___|_|
# |_|
# h@h-lo.me 20191025 004745 -0700 PDT 1571989665 d(-_- )b...
# This makefile automates image building and container management
# for easy development of prezto and prezto-plugins without messing
# up your current configuration. Prezto is installed fresh on an
# alpine container, where you may add your edits
# REPO and IMG define the TAG for our image. this is how it gets named
# when pushed to dockerhum. REPO should be your dockerhub username
# IMG would be nice if its related to the project.
REPO = hlecuanda
IMG = prezto-dev
TAG = $(REPO)/$(IMG)
# ALLCODE recirds all code files so we can have the docker image
# depend on all of them. if any file changes, the image gets rebuilt
ALLCODE != find . -type f | grep -vEe '^\./\.+|*.md'
RUNCOMS != ls runcoms
# The context is the current directory. this is important if you have
# a buildserver, v.gr on gitlab or google cloud. its still needed for
# local builds. so don't touch this, unless you know what you're doing
# All reciipes on this makefile are zsh scripts, not bash or sh
# scripts, so we don't have to be context-switching
SHELL = zsh
# This removes the default build rules for gmake's built in suffixes
# when debugging the Makefile, output is a lot more readable, plus
# if you're not making C programs, it just makes sense to avoid
# mistery bugs
# We don't want to fail recipies on error for the targets if .IGNORE
.IGNORE: clean realclean ;
# These targets don't create files and are defined for convenience.
# note that other targets do create real files which are used to
# determine the state of the build
.PHONY: default run clean realclean ;
# an empty recipe, to avoid expensive operations if we "make" by
# mistake. it can be made to depend on another target and it will
# become the target of a "make" call with no arguments, vg.r:
# default: image; results in "make" and "make image" doing the same
default: ;
# a user callable target, depends on .container/image whiech records
# the timestamp of the last successfuly built image
image: .container/image ;
# we declare .container/image to depend on $(ALLCODE) which contains
# all files in the distribution. thus, if ANY file changes, it makes
# our image obsolete and will be re-made on next make command
.container/image: $(ALLCODE)
docker build -t $(TAG) $(CONTEXT)
[[ ! -d .container ]] && mkdir .container || :
touch $@
# NOTE: The following targets ( .homercs clone and .clone ) are
# run inside the container while building a container image. They are
# called from the Dockerfile when you "make image". .homercs creates
# the dotfiles on our home directory and depends on .clone, so .clone
# should be made before .homercs. We're spelling these out explicitly
# for clarity instead of using Makefile enchantments that would make
# this a 2 line recipe
.homercs: .clone
ln -s .zprezto/runcoms/zshenv /home/prezto/.zshenv
ln -s .zprezto/runcoms/zprofile /home/prezto/.zprofile
ln -s .zprezto/runcoms/zshrc /home/prezto/.zshrc
ln -s .zprezto/runcoms/zpreztorc /home/prezto/.zpreztorc
ln -s .zprezto/runcoms/zlogin /home/prezto/.zlogin
ln -s .zprezto/runcoms/zlogout /home/prezto/.zlogout
touch $@
# clones the prezto repository we have copied from the build context
# into the container, into a .zprezto directory, as the installation
# instructions recommend.
git clone --recursive src .zprezto
touch $@
# This runs an interactive (-it) ephemeral (--rm) container named
# $(IMG) created from the image stored at $(TAG) it is made to depend
# on container/image so that it checks whether image is up to # date.
# Given that image depends on $(ALLCODE), calling "make run" will use
# the latest image, unless any code file hasa changed in which case,
# the image is rebuilt and then run.
run: .container/image
docker run -it --rm -h $(IMG) --name $(IMG) $(TAG)
# Removes the current container and image, so we can build a new one
# from scratch. If you want a real clean slate, then "make realclean"
docker container rm $(TAG)
docker image rm $(TAG)
rm -fv .container/*
# Deep cleaning, will remove dangling (intermediate build) images
# and containers for which a final image or container cannot be found
# (i.e has been deleted by clean or removed after usage for ephemeral
# containers. Run every once in a while.
$(MAKE) clean
docker rmi $(TAG)
docker container prune
docker image prune
# vim: set ft=make sw=2 tw=7 fdm=manual noet :

container-README.md Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# Prezto Docker Container
This branch contains a Dockerfile and a Makefile that hopefully may
prove helpful for prezto development.
The idea is to have a totally independent and isolated environemnet
in which to test changes to either prezto-core or any plugin that you
may be working on, **without disrupting your environment**, thus enabling
automated testing and even continuous integration.
This is a proof of concept, it may not be even a good idea to have
this on the main prezto repository. on the other hand, the container
image should depend on the code, so if the team finds this to be a
useful tool, there are choices to be made in that respect. My
intention is to introduce this as a helpful tool for development and
for new users to try prezto easely
Here is a screencast showing what the container can do so far
The container is a basic install of [alpine linux](https://alpinelinux.org) so the download
is reasonably small at around 200M, since debian based images can
weigh in around 1.5G.
On the container we have a few utilities and additional software that
prezto has core support for, (tmux, make, etc) and you can try it i
easily by running:
docker pull hlecuanda/prezto-dev:latest
once you have the image, create a container from it:
docker run -it --rm -h prezto hlecuanda/prezto-dev:latest
That will create an interactive (`--it`) ephemeral container (`--rm`)
whose hostname is prezto (`-h prezto`) based on the aforementioned
imag. you should be sitting at the plain sorin prompt in a brand new
prezto instance.
A development and testing workflow can be achieved by mounting a
project's directory on to the image's filesystem:
cd /path/to/project/root
docker run -it --rm -h prezto \
-v $(pwd):/home/prezto/.zprezto/modules/${:-$(pwd):t} \
This will mount the current directory on the container's filesystem,
you can develop on your own machine and environnment, and test your
changes running on the container, your actual source will already be
in-place on prezto's directory hierarchy, as if it was just cloned
recursively (v.gr for modules with extenral dependencies)
Keep in mind that the containers created in this fashion are ephemeral,
so anything you write on the containers filesystem will be lost,
unless you remove the `--rm` option like so:
cd /path/to/project/root
docker run -it -h prezto --name prezto \
-v $(pwd):/home/prezto/.zprezto/modules/${:-$(pwd):t} \
This will create a container named prezto, (`--name prezto`) with it's
hostname set to prezto also (`-h prezto`) that will retain changes
made to it's filesystem. When you detach, the container willi stop and
you can spinit up again using:
docker start -ai prezto
Containers started this way will remember the volume mounts they were
created with, so the project directory we previously mounted with
`-v` on the `docker run` command, will be ready on the image.
I have found epehermeral containers to be most useful since you get an
untainted, pristine environment for testing every time you spin up the
Since the docker commands can be a bit verbose, the included Makefile
automates some of the frequent steps in the workflow, although it can
be replaced by [a shell function](https://gist.github.com/hlecuanda/78a6a39877c9753230a11c2d8832f4b6)
quite easily.
hope this turns out to be useful.

prezto-container.zsh Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
local opts withvals
zmodload zsh/zutil || { <<< 'Requires zparseopts'; false; return }
[ -z $commands[docker] ] && { <<< 'Requires Docker'; false; return }
zparseopts -D -E -M -a opts -A withvals - \
h=hlp -help=h \
i: -image=i \
N: -name=N \
n -dry-run=n \
p -persistant=p \
r -run=r \
-zdotdir: \
if (( $#hlp == 1 )) ; then
${0}: create an ephemeral prezto container using docker
${0} [options] -- [addtl-args]
-h, --help : print this message
-p, --persistant : make a persistant container
-N NAME, --name=NAME : set container name to NAME (default: prezto)
-n, --dry-run : see what command would be run without doing so
-r 'CMD' --run 'CMD' : run 'CMD' on the container (quote CMD)
-i IMG, --image=IMG : create container from image IMG (default hlecuanda/prezto-dev)
-zdotdir=PATH : use dotfiles from local PATH
-zpreztodir : override default prezto to local PATH
${0} -n myruncoms -zdotdir=$HOME
creates an ephemeral container named myruncoms using
dotfiles found in ${HOME}
${0} -n illbeback -p
creates a persistant container named illbeback if such
container exists, then startit and attach to it
${0} -n ivebeenback -r 'apk add python'
spins up the a container named ivebeenback, and runs
the comand 'apk add python'. the container stops when
local image="hlecuanda/prezto-dev"
local name="prezto"
local persistant="--rm"
local zdotdir=""
local zpreztodir=""
local dockercmd='docker run'
local dockerpull=""
for opt in ${(k)withvals}
case $opt in
image="$withvals[-i]" ;;
local dryrun="print --" ;;
name="$withvals[-n]" ;;
persistant="" ;;
zdotdir="-v ${(qq)withvals[-zdotdir]}:/home/prezto/zdotdir -e 'ZDOTDIR=/home/prezto/zdotdir " ;;
zpreztodir="-v ${(qq)withvals[-zpreztodir]}:/home/prezto/zpreztodir -e 'ZPREZTODIR=/home/prezto/zpreztodir " ;;
docker images \
| grep prezto-dev \
&>>! /dev/null || dockerpull="docker pull $image && "
dockercmd="$dryrun $dockerpull $dockercmd $persistant -h $name "
dockercmd="$dockercmd -name $name $zdotdir $zpreztodir $image"
cmd=$(echo $dockercmd | tr -s \ )
# vim: set ft=zsh sw=2 tw=0 fdm=manual et :