@ -16,26 +16,19 @@ _ssh_dir="$HOME/.ssh"
# Set the path to the environment file if not set by another module.
_ssh_agent_env = " ${ _ssh_agent_env :- ${ TMPDIR :- /tmp } /ssh-agent.env. $UID } "
# Set the path to the persistent authentication socket.
_ssh_agent_sock = " ${ TMPDIR :- /tmp } /ssh-agent.sock. $UID "
# Start ssh-agent if not started.
# If a socket exists at SSH_AUTH_SOCK, assume ssh-agent is already running and
# skip starting it.
if [ [ ! -S " $SSH_AUTH_SOCK " ] ] ; then
# Export environment variables.
# Try to grab previously exported environment variables.
source " $_ssh_agent_env " 2> /dev/null
# Start ssh-agent if not started.
if ! ps -U " $LOGNAME " -o pid,ucomm | grep -q -- " ${ SSH_AGENT_PID :- -1 } ssh-agent " ; then
# Do not start ssh-agent if the PID from the last start of ssh-agent exists and
# corresponds to a running ssh-agent under the current user.
if ! ps -U " $LOGNAME " -o pid,comm | grep -E -q -e " ^[[:blank:]]* ${ SSH_AGENT_PID :- -1 } [[:blank:]].*ssh-agent $" ; then
eval " $( ssh-agent | sed '/^echo /d' | tee " $_ssh_agent_env " ) "
# Create a persistent SSH authentication socket.
if [ [ -S " $SSH_AUTH_SOCK " && " $SSH_AUTH_SOCK " != " $_ssh_agent_sock " ] ] ; then
ln -sf " $SSH_AUTH_SOCK " " $_ssh_agent_sock "
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK = " $_ssh_agent_sock "
# Load identities.
if ssh-add -l 2>& 1 | grep -q 'The agent has no identities' ; then
zstyle -a ':prezto:module:ssh:load' identities '_ssh_identities'
@ -50,11 +43,14 @@ if ssh-add -l 2>&1 | grep -q 'The agent has no identities'; then
# program specified by SSH_ASKPASS and open an X11 window to read the
# passphrase.
if [ [ -n " $DISPLAY " && -x " $SSH_ASKPASS " ] ] ; then
ssh-add ${ _ssh_identities : + $_ssh_dir / ${ ^_ssh_identities[@] } } < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
ssh-add " ${ _ssh_identities : + $_ssh_dir / ${ ^_ssh_identities[@] } } " < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
elif [ [ " $OSTYPE " = = darwin* ] ] ; then
# macOS: `ssh-add -A` will load all identities defined in Keychain
ssh-add -A 2> /dev/null
ssh-add ${ _ssh_identities : + $_ssh_dir / ${ ^_ssh_identities[@] } } 2> /dev/null
# Clean up.
unset _ssh_{ dir,identities} _ssh_agent_{ env,sock}
unset _ssh_{ dir,identities,agent_env }