modules: added firefox-profile

This module maintains firefox home profile '~/.mozilla/firefox/abcd1234.default'
in a tmpfs or zram backed filesystem to get a very responsive browser,
with a tarball back up saved in '$HOME/.mozilla/firefox'.
This commit is contained in:
tokiclover 2014-09-25 20:50:09 +02:00
parent ffd4a3cf57
commit 70efd05778
4 changed files with 284 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
Firefox home profile (fhp)
Maintains firefox home profile '$HOME/.mozilla/firefox/abcd1234.default' on Unix
systems in a tmpfs or zram backed filesystem to get a very responsive browser,
with a tarball back up saved in '$HOME/.mozilla/firefox'.
Using a compressor like lz4 or lzo(p) make compression/decompression seamless,
so no need to remove the autoload of the function. Although, it can be commented
out to have a empty profile to start with, a 'fhp' command at the prompt will
decompress the tarball instantenously with lz4/lzo(p).
This module can guess a profile to maintain by looking at the previous directory,
by looking at the previous directory, however a user can set the following:
zstyle ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' profile 'abcd1234'
zstyle ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' compressor 'lzop -1'
zstyle ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' zsh-hook 'yes'
The second setting select a compressor to be used instead of default is 'lz4 -1'.
The last setting add fhp function to zsh-exit-hook, so the profile will be saved
or archived to be more precise before the shell exit.
Just make sure to have at least '/tmp' or your system TMPDIR in a tmpfs for the
least to get any benefice of this script with something like:
/etc/fstab: tmp /tmp tmpfs mode=1777,size=256M,noatime 0 0
This will ensure very low latency when browsing the intertubes and removing the
profile in the fly *really* remove any trace of your browsing history because
everything is memory because firing up a 'fhp' command.
### Zram baccked File System
Aleternatively, one can pass a root directory in zram backed filesystem:
zstyle ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' zramdir 'directory'
### Auto-saving/Auto-start profile
Of course, one can save a profile at regular time interval using a cron job or
something similar.
A profile can be auto-started by setting:
zstyle ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' start-profile 'yes'
- [tokiclover](

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# firefox home profile (fhp) module to maintain the profile
# in a tmpfs or zram backed filesystem
# $Header: firefox-profile/functions/fhp Exp $
# $Aythor: (c) 2011-2014 -tclover <> Exp $
# $License: MIT (or 2-clause/new/simplified BSD) Exp $
# $Version: 3.0 2014/09/25 21:09:26 Exp $
function die {
local ret=$?
print -P " %F{red}*%f ${(%):-%1x}: $@" >&2
return $ret
local compressor profile
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' profile 'profile'
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' compressor 'compressor'
local ext=.tar.$compressor[(w)1]
pushd -q "$HOME"/.mozilla/firefox || return
if [[ -f $profile/.unpacked ]] {
mv -f $profile{,.old}$ext
if (( $? )) {
die "failed to override the old tarball"
tar -X $profile/.unpacked -Ocp $profile | $=compressor $profile$ext
(( $? )) && die "failed to repack a new tarball"
popd -q
if [[ -f $profile$ext ]] {
$compressor -cd $profile$ext | tar -xp && touch $profile/.unpacked
(( $? )) && die "failed to unpack the profile"
} elif [[ -f $profile.old$ext ]] {
$compressor -cd $profile.old$ext | tar -xp && touch $profile/.unpacked
(( $? )) && die "failed to unpack the profile"
} else {
die "no tarball found"
popd -q
# vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=zsh:ci:pi:sts=2:sw=2:ts=2:

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
# Provide a cheap helper for temporary directory/file creation
# $Header: firefox-profile/functions/fhp Exp $
# $Aythor: (c) 2011-2014 -tclover <> Exp $
# $License: MIT (or 2-clause/new/simplified BSD) Exp $
# $Version: 0.2 2014/09/09 21:09:26 Exp $
function die {
local ret=$?
print -P " %F{red}*%f ${(%):-%1x}: $@" >&2
return $ret
function usage {
cat <<-EOH
usage: mktmp [-d|-f] [-m <mode>] [-o <owner[:group]>] [-g <group>] TEMPLATE
-d, --dir create a directory
-f, --file create a file
-o, --owner <name> owner naame
-g, --group <name> group name
-m, --mode <1700> octal mode
-h, --help help/exit
test $# -ge 1 -a -n "$1" || return
local type temp=-XXXXXX tmpdir=${TMPDIR:-/tmp}
for (( ; $# > 1; ))
case $1 {
local mode=$2
shift 2;;
local owner="$2"
shift 2;;
local group="$2"
shift 2;;
die "invalid argument $@"
test -n "$1" -a "${1%$temp}" != "$1"
if (( $? )) {
die "invalid/null TEMPLATE"
(( $+commands[uuidgen] )) && temp=$($commands[uuidgen] --random)
local tmp="$tmpdir/${1%$temp}-$temp[1,6]"
if [[ $type == "dir" ]] {
mkdir -p ${mode:+-m$mode} "$tmp"
if (( $? )) {
die "failed to make $tmp"
} else {
mkdir -p "$tmp:h" && touch "$tmp"
if (( $? )) {
die "failed to make $tmp"
(( $+mode )) && chmod $mode "$tmp"
(( $+owner )) && chown $owner "$tmp"
(( $+group )) && chgrp $group "$tmp"
print "$tmp"
# vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=zsh:ci:pi:sts=2:sw=2:ts=2:

View file

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
# firefox home profile (fhp) module to maintain the profile
# in a tmpfs or zram backed filesystem
# $Header: firefox-profile/init.zsh Exp $
# $Aythor: (c) 2011-2014 -tclover <> Exp $
# $License: MIT (or 2-clause/new/simplified BSD) Exp $
# $Version: 2.0 2014/09/25 21:09:26 Exp $
setopt NULL_GLOB
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' profile 'profile'
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' compressor 'compressor'
zstyle -b ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' zsh-hook 'zsh_hook'
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' zramdir 'zramdir'
if [[ -z "$compressor" ]] {
: ${compressor:=lz4 -1 -}
zstyle ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' compressor "$compressor"
: ${profile:=${$(print $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*.default(/)):t}}
if [[ -z $profile ]] {
unset compressor profile zramdir zsh_hook
die "null firefox home profile"
[[ ${profile%.default} == $profile ]] && profile+=.default
zstyle ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' profile "$profile"
if (( $zsh_hook )) {
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook zshexit fhp
# Initialize the temporary directory with an anonymous function
function {
local ext=.tar.$compressor[(w)1]
local fhpdir="$HOME"/.mozilla/firefox/$profile
: ${TMPDIR:=/tmp/$USER}
[[ -n $zramdir ]] || [[ -d "$TMPDIR" ]] || mkdir -p -m1700 "$TMPDIR"
if (( $? )) {
die "no suitable directory found"
mount | grep -q "$fhpdir" && return
if [[ ! -f "$fhpdir$ext" ]] || [[ ! -f "$fhpdir.old$ext" ]] {
pushd -q "$fhpdir:h" || return
tar -Ocp $profile | $=compressor $profile$ext
if (( $? )) {
die "failed to pack a new tarball"
popd -q
local mktmp=mktmp mntdir
(( $+commands[mktemp] )) && mktmp=$commands[mktemp]
[[ -n $zramdir ]] &&
mntdir=$($mktmp -d "$zramdir"/fhp-XXXXXX) ||
mntdir=$($mktmp -d "$TMPDIR"/fhp-XXXXXX)
sudo mount --bind "$mntdir" "$fhpdir"
if (( $? )) {
die "failed to mount $mntdir"
# Finaly, start the firefox home profile
#(( $+functions[fhp] )) || autoload -Uz fhp
if zstyle -t ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' start-profile; then
unset compressor profile zramdir zsh_hook
# vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=zsh:ci:pi:sts=2:sw=2:ts=2: